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Everything posted by SarahTonin

  1. I know my POI said they were still in the process of making decisions this week, so I'm guessing that holds for most of the faculty. Looking at previous years, acceptances seemed to go out either this week or next week, so I'd say we will likely hear by the end of next week.
  2. So, I got involved in research (unpaid) as an undergraduate through my institution. I stayed there for 2-3 years until I graduated. I opted not to complete any kind of honors thesis because I got publications from my experience. Referencing the post above mine, I have definitely not been at a disadvantage compared to applicants who did a thesis. No one has even brought it up. In terms of publishing, my mentor (postdoc in the lab I worked in) helped me submit and publish, so maybe ask your professor for help since you've never published anything before. But anyway, RA volunteering positions is where most people start gaining experience. Basically just email PIs you want to work for. After graduating, I started working at the NIH as a Postbac IRTA (paid RA position) for 2 years which is great research experience. It's relatively competitive to get so having prior experience definitely helps, but if you're interested in that, you can PM me and I can answer any questions you might have. I do know some people who got in without any prior experience. All of this being said, after going to some interviews at top research-oriented programs, it seems that most competitive applicants have at least 1-2 years of experience. Your stats are competitive, but depending on the type of program you're applying to, stats alone might not get you in. If you want to do research as a career and want to apply to research-oriented programs, a couple months of experience won't get you very far, but for more clinical programs, it might be enough (not sure because I didn't apply to those). Again, PM me if you have any other questions and I'm happy to help. I know this is a confusing process.
  3. Same, I’d say Pitt is done. See you there!
  4. I inquired about Northwestern Weinberg, and they told me that all interviews have been sent out.
  5. Yeah, this is my first cycle so I don't know but I get the impression that unless something crazy out of the ordinary happens, they won't reach out to more people after they've extended interview invites. I have been rejected only from programs that I have had phone/Skype interviews with at this point, so it's possible that what you have seen are people that were rejected post-preliminary interview or even just screened out based on low GRE/GPA, although I have no idea how this process works. I assume the schools that I have not yet heard from are going to reject me after they send out acceptances in like March.
  6. I just spoke to the graduate coordinator and asked about the status of my application, and he informed that most interview invitations were already sent out.
  7. Soooo has anyone heard anything from Harvard, Wisconsin-Madison, or Northwestern Weinberg between now and then last time I asked this question or are we all in limbo for now? They usually got back to applicants by now, so I guess assume rejection if I hear nothing by the end of this week?
  8. Does anyone have any info about UW-Madison, Northwestern (Weinberg) or Harvard's clinical programs? Has anyone even been contacted for phone interviews yet?
  9. I got an invite to their welcome weekend about two weeks ago. I had a phone interview before that.
  10. I applied and haven’t heard anything either so I’d also appreciate this information!
  11. School Name: University of PittsburghDate Interview Invite Received: 01/17Degree: PhDType: ClinicalNotified via: phone From: POIInterview Date: 2/16-2/17
  12. I heard it from a friend but I have a feeling she might have gotten her Michigans mixed up because I haven't seen anyone post about it on the results page, so take this with a large grain of salt. Edit: I'm really really not sure about the on-campus interview so I'm striking that out. Didn't want to freak anyone out!
  13. I had a skype interview for UIUC earlier this month. As far as Michigan (Ann-Arbor), I applied there but haven't heard anything although earlier in December, people were getting Skype interviews and I think some people have gotten on-campus interviews so I assumed rejection for myself. Edit: I'm really really not sure about the on-campus interview so I'm striking that out. Don't want to freak anyone out!
  14. The same thing happened to me. I decided to assume rejection since I saw others get interview invites for that school. Unless you really feel like you need the closure, I'd say let it be.
  15. WOuld the person who got an interview for Pittsburgh please DM their POI? Thanks and congratulations!!
  16. Yeah, same boat as you. Definitely not fun. Sending out commiseration vibes.
  17. No, it wasn’t. I’m sorry you didn’t hear back though! Good luck with your other schools!
  18. I've had two unsuccessful Skype interviews/phone calls. One person got back to me around the time they said they would and let me know which I really appreciated, and the other never did but I figured out that I was out of the running thanks to this lovely website. Hope your luck is better than mine!
  19. Can the person who got an interview for Pitt’s Clinical program PM their POI?
  20. Do you know if this is the same for Feinberg and Evanston clinical programs?
  21. Honestly, you should try to get some research experience. You will be competing against people who have years of experience in the specific fields they want to go in. Do you have to stay near your home? The NIH has a really exceptional postbac research program that is paid for 1-2 years where you could get research experience while paying off loans. As far as GRE goes, Magoosh is a great and relatively inexpensive resource that helped me reach my GRE score goals, but really getting research experience needs to be your #1 priority if you want to get into a Ph.D. program. It may be somewhat less important for a more clinically-oriented program or a PsyD, but I'm not sure since I'm only applying to research-oriented programs. Either way, good scores are not really going to make up for a lack of experience because everyone applying to Clinical Psych programs has good GREs and GPAs. If anything, good experience will sooner make up for slightly weaker numbers. I hope that helps. PM me if you have any more questions.
  22. Does anyone know if Stony Brook and Temple are completely done sending out interview invites? I assume they are but just wanted to be sure.
  23. Yeah, new Temple person who posted today, please let me know as well if you can!
  24. Can the people who heard from Temple message me their POI's initials? Thanks!
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