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Everything posted by doctormelody

  1. Yep. I just wish we knew if it wouldn’t be for another couple weeks - as annoying as that would be, at least I wouldn’t have that absurd feeling of hope every night at 5 pm that then promptly gets quashed, lol.
  2. Just curious, are you considering Columbia again? I thought you had already committed to UChicago.
  3. Yeah, I think I get it now! Are you saying that you wouldn’t be able to work with the potential supervisor at Ottawa if you don’t apply to their PhD program in social work? I think you should stick with SW unless you think there will be better job opportunities in another field - as you said, it’s an interdisciplinary subject by nature, and you already have such a strong background in the area. I don’t think you should worry too much about what your friend said. There’s room for innovation everywhere in the humanities and I think it’s okay to sometimes push the boundaries of what a particular subject can be.
  4. I’m confused by your initial question. I’m assuming your advisor is at your current university, but you mention picking a different university for your PhD? But you also say that you don’t want to go elsewhere to an advisor you won’t be able to work with. Can you clarify?
  5. Good luck to you as well! What school did you end up choosing?
  6. Gotcha! Well, that’s awesome! Was it your top choice?
  7. Lol, I am almost at that point myself. But at least we know decisions are still coming out!
  8. Congratulations!!! Would you mind sharing when you applied and for what program?
  9. They don’t normally send decisions out on Fridays, do they? Ugh. Really wish they would just cut me loose so I can move tf on with my life, haha. If they’re holding onto rejections for some reason I am gonna be SO annoyed. I know that some advanced standing applicants have already been denied, but no one has been rejected for the two year program that we know of, right?
  10. Like, should we just assume it’s a rejection at this point? When is the last time anyone was even accepted??
  11. Well, it looks like my Thursday theory is bust... I got nothing again. Ugh.
  12. It’s not indicative of a decision coming soon. I got it a week after I submitted, so, 6 weeks ago? ?
  13. Yeah, that's pretty crazy... I've heard they usually give out decent scholarships, though. Did you get your aid offer yet, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. I wonder if anyone here will get their decision tomorrow... I feel like a lot of them have been released on Thursdays before, as @Chebrutta noted. Ugh, I hope so...
  15. Ugh, that sucks, I’m sorry. I’ve found that to be a trend with a lot of admissions offices and it seems counterproductive to me. Yeah, that aspect of an online program makes me nervous as well. It might end up being what makes the most sense for me, though. I’ll just have to weigh all the options and see what makes sense once I get my decision from Columbia. I think they don’t take kindly to being given a deadline. But when four months go by and deadlines for other schools are coming up, I don’t know what they expect people to do.
  16. Ah, that sucks. It seems like Hunter is picky about a lot of things, probably because they're the cheapest option in the area... Honestly, I don't think I could convince him, and that's fine. I don't really want to move back to NYC either so on the off-chance I get in I would probably just see about switching to the online program. The website makes that sound pretty easy as long as it's before the academic year has begun. But I'm not really thinking about it with any degree of seriousness because I still think the best I can hope for is that I'll get wait listed.
  17. I mean, I would tell you it can't hurt, but it seems the jury's out on that. Plus, I'm 99% sure they'd just tell you the same thing they've been telling everyone - namely, that decisions will be released in mid- to late April. What is an academic eval? As for the teacher's college thing, I'm not too concerned about it. As you said, it had nothing to do with the administration or faculty at the SSW.
  18. So no one heard anything today? ? I’m starting to lose my mind for real.
  19. Ohh for some reason I thought you were taking about the number of people in the program! ???? That makes perfect sense, I’m sorry.
  20. Just Columbia and BU (BU rejected me in early March). I would have applied to more schools in New York but my partner is dead-set against living there. I don’t even know why I applied to Columbia really, other than that it was my dream school when I was like 16. I guess on the off-chance I get in I might try to switch to the online program. I kind of doubt that will happen, though. I completed the apps for Columbia and BU the day after my grandpa’s memorial service so I didn’t really put my best foot forward because I was pretty distracted and upset.
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