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Everything posted by doctormelody

  1. HELP! I feel like the honest answer is "never" because it will probably annoy her but also I'm not completely sure she ever received the link because when I sent it out the application said it was possible it could be sent to a spam folder. The application deadline isn't until December 31st so I know that I should chill, but also, I don't want to wait until the last minute and have her think I never sent it! I asked her if she would mind writing me another recommendation in June (this is my second cycle applying) and I submitted the form with her email on September 25th. I know she's probably just busy but I am starting to get worried... when do you guys think it would be okay to contact her? (Super apologetically, of course, and mentioning the spam folder thing!)
  2. Is this a serious question? I’ll assume that it is and answer in good faith... if you made it through law school, you should be absolutely fine with the level of study required in an MSW program. That’s not to say that there won’t be challenges, but I don’t think the course load will be one of them.
  3. Just sent my recommendation requests and I feel a bit nauseous. I don't know why, since I already asked them and they were all happy to write me another letter. Ugh. I just hate asking people for things. Is anyone out there? Or have I just started this too early?
  4. So, bear in mind that this is utter conjecture, but I think your chances are pretty good, especially for NYU, Temple, and Fordham. Your GPA could be higher and I witnessed some people with amazing stats get rejected from Columbia's Advanced Standing program last year, so Idk about that one. I would try to apply as soon as you can. Hopefully they'll be better able to handle the volume of applications this year, because last year was an absolute disaster (some people who applied in November didn't hear until April, for example). However, you have some good experience and I think as long as you write decent essays, you stand a good chance at all of the schools you listed.
  5. Hi all! I know it's early but I just thought I would start this thread for those planning to apply to the University of Pittsburgh's MSW program this year. This can be a space to share our hopes, fears, stats, scholarship info, and any technical issues that we may be having with the process. As for me, I'm planning to apply by the December 31st deadline so that I can get that sweet sweet combination of guaranteed admission and scholarship assistance. This is my second cycle applying and I'm eager to get the process over and done with! Does anyone know if they have opened the application yet? I already asked my references from last year if they would mind writing me one more letter of recommendation and they all said yes, thank God. I'm having a little trouble with the ApplyYourself portal, though - when I log in and click on "Edit Application" nothing happens. I did create my profile last spring though so maybe that's part of the problem? Thoughts?
  6. I mean, I got into Columbia with absolutely zero experience last year and your GPA is also better than mine, so I think you'll be fine as long as you write a compelling essay, etc. No idea about the other schools. Did you mean to say NYU?
  7. For future applicants: I was admitted off the wait list yesterday, but when I called them today they said they had no scholarship money left to award. Unless you're independently wealthy or cool with taking out a ton of loans, I wouldn't waste your time with the active wait list, unfortunately.
  8. AHHH, CONGRATS!!! ??? And it’s their loss for taking so long to get back to you, honestly... if NYU is a better financial option, I’d 100% go for it since you’ll have basically the same opportunities as far as networking/field placements, etc. I forget, are you policy or clinical?
  9. 9,000 per semester (18k per year) is the highest amount that I’ve seen anyone be offered this year. I’d say it’s a very good offer for them but obviously it’s not even half of tuition so you have to decide if Columbia is worth it to you.
  10. Yeah, that makes perfect sense! Columbia’s program seems super intense. I hope you get the financial aid you are hoping for; if not, SUNY Buffalo seems like an excellent option!
  11. Well, I just officially turned down Columbia's offer. It was an incredibly difficult decision but I know from the relief I feel now that it was the right choice for me. Truly sorry to anyone on the waitlist that I might have kept waiting with my indecision, but I had to do some real soul-searching and talk to everyone important to me before making my decision.
  12. Quick question for those who have committed to Pitt - when did you have to register for classes? I’m looking at the requirements to qualify for in-state tuition (I’m thinking of applying for Fall of 2019) and it says that you have to have lived in Pennsylvania for at least a year by the time you register for classes. Just wondering because my partner and I are trying to move to Pittsburgh by August, but if you have to register for classes in May, for example, then there would be no point in rushing.
  13. Hey, have you heard back about financial aid yet? Not trying to pry, just curious - if you don't feel comfortable sharing, I totally understand!
  14. Sorry to be so needy, but does anyone have any tips on how to write this email to appeal for more financial aid? I'm kind of a loss...
  15. Thank you so much for this advice, it was super helpful! I’m leaning towards not going for sure but it’s just hard to officially give it up, especially since if I don’t go there I won’t be going to school this year. ?
  16. This is really good advice, thank you. My stepmom said something similar about networking. It’s definitely a lot to consider.
  17. Ahh, you guys, I really need help. I just talked to my dad and he was convinced that a degree from Columbia will cancel out the debt in the long run - meaning, he thinks I’ll make more money over the course of my life if I go there just by virtue of name recognition, the Ivy League factor, etc. He thinks it will open doors other schools won’t. I have no idea whether this is true in the social work field since I’m judging from my own limited anecdotal experience of being an elitist snob who in the past has chosen a therapist based on what school they went to. ? I need to look more into PSLF and outside scholarships before I decide anything, but I remember people saying on here that they had talked to alumni who said the debt was not worth it. Does anyone know how I might get in contact with alumni myself? I have a friend in the program but ideally it would be someone who has graduated and spent at least a couple years in the field. I’m beginning to hate myself both for applying and for considering it. I feel like such a hypocrite given how many times I have given people the advice that I should probably give myself now: that the debt is not worth it, that I can’t reasonably expect to repay that on a social worker’s salary. Idk. I’m just so sad.
  18. On that note, does anyone know the process by which you submit an appeal? Do you just send them an email, or is there some kind of form you can fill out? I’m so lost, sorry.
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