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Everything posted by doctormelody

  1. Ah, that makes sense. I forgot about the whole Jesuit thing for a sec. And thank you. It’s driving me crazy but unless the letter’s been lost in the mail it’ll arrive eventually.
  2. I mean, that sounds fine to me. Can you figure out how much total debt you would end up with?
  3. I feel like I already know the answer to this, but did anyone hear anything today? I did not. I also feel like they don't typically send out decisions on Fridays, at least from what I've seen on here, but I could be wrong.
  4. Yeah, no problem! I tried to ask for an extension from Tulane but they have yet to get back to me. Ah, well. Probably wasn't gonna go there anyway. ^^ This makes sense to me. What was the date they gave you to reply by, just curious?
  5. Finally worked up the nerve to call. The girl in the office said everyone will hear back by mid- to late April. I asked her if she could give me any updates about the status of my individual application and she said no. Blah.
  6. No letter today... @Patriotsfan17 did you ever get your email?
  7. Yeah, it was a couple weeks ago. I know because my friend goes there and she came home to visit. Thank you, I will!
  8. Columbia's spring break was earlier this month though? Thank you. Haha, I was legit trying to meditate earlier in order to try and take my mind off this. Unfortunately, I was not very successful.
  9. Ah, it's the worst. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
  10. Thank you. I know it's just my brain playing tricks on me, but it still sucks. I really hope they send out a big batch of decisions tomorrow!
  11. Does anyone else feel like you are somehow missing something on the portal? Lol, I know I'm not because another one of my schools uses the same system and I found the status update there easily enough, but I still keep thinking it's just not showing up on my computer or my phone for some reason. It's like my brain refuses to comprehend that it's STILL not there. Lmao.
  12. Same, like, I can handle the rejection if that’s what it is. I just want to be able to move on with my life.
  13. Same! But I know someone else was told mid-April on here and she got her decision like the next day, so. Here's hoping!
  14. Actually, I submitted on 2/15! I've just been very vocal on this thread so people assume that I applied ages ago, lol. I feel like it might be Monday too - or even later, since they told me "the beginning of April." I hope to be proven wrong though!
  15. Gotcha! That’s awesome! And yeah, I know what you mean. I hope everyone that’s still waiting gets their decisions the same day and that no one is left out! Also, remind me when you applied again? If it was earlier than me then I feel bad and you should get your decision first, lol.
  16. Oh man yeah that sounds so incredibly stressful, I’m sorry. ? Did you apply to any other places, or just Columbia?
  17. If I don't hear by tomorrow I'm gonna call on Monday. This is getting a bit ridiculous.
  18. Still no letter today. Seriously on the verge of a breakdown.
  19. Thank you! Will you update us when you get the email confirmation?
  20. Thank you! I hope today is the day, but I say that every day, haha.
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