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Everything posted by doctormelody

  1. 1) Virginia 2) I don't remember the last song I heard but I've had Coffee by Sylvan Esso stuck in my head for like half an hour, lol 3) Taurus This thread was a good idea... I haven't even been waiting that long and I already feel like I'm going crazy.
  2. Hey, just curious, when did you apply to BU? I applied on the deadline (2/15) and I'm scared I'm not gonna hear back until like April now because I have no idea of how long they usually take to get back to people, lol. Did anyone else here also apply to BU?
  3. Oh yeah, that could be why I received mine so early - I called them on the 19th, I think, to make sure they had everything.
  4. Yeah, I hear you. It sucks that they've kept you waiting this long.
  5. Man, I feel bad for you guys. I got it on February 22nd... exactly a week after I completed my application. If there's any justice in the world, you'll hear back first!
  6. I feel you, I already have debt from undergrad so I can't go to grad school unless I get decent financial aid. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  7. Yep, same - although I don't really expect to get into BC, I also applied to BU and it would be nice to have options.
  8. When did you apply, just curious? I hope you get the financial aid you're hoping for!
  9. I also got into Simmons and am waiting on my financial aid package... the waiting is driving me a little bit crazy, haha.
  10. I know, it was so frustrating! I wish they hadn't even told me when they mailed the decision - it would have been better not to know. Huh, that's funny... I filled out that form before I was accepted, and when I called two days ago they said that they would send me my financial aid info in the mail. But they also said that I had JUST been accepted, which is incorrect - I got the email saying the decision had been mailed on February 17th. I'm just gonna have to call them again I think, but thanks for taking the time to respond! Maybe I'll see you next year!
  11. Makes sense, thanks for responding! And congrats on your acceptances!
  12. BU didn't have a priority deadline though, did they? Or are you talking about for Advanced Standing? I applied to the regular full-time program. Thanks for the reassurance! I didn't expect to hear anything so soon but I just got nervous since it seems like everyone applied months and months before I did.
  13. I just applied on Saturday (2/24)! I am super intimidated by how many people seem to have applied early, lol.
  14. Hey, I'm curious, did anyone here apply to their schools closer to the actual deadlines? No disrespect intended, good on you guys for being ahead of the game, but I applied to BU on the 2/15 deadline and just finished with my BC app on Saturday... their deadline isn't until March 1st but it still makes me kinda nervous to see that so many people applied early and have already received acceptances.
  15. Hi FreckledFawn - I don't think it's a silly question, but I'm not sure it's one that anyone but you can answer, unfortunately. I would take some time to think about what kind of social work you want to do - could you see yourself as a therapist/in a hospital/some other kind of clinical setting? Would you rather work with communities or individuals? If you see yourself doing more big-picture stuff, Simmons might not be for you, but if you think you'd be happy working with individuals or families, I would definitely go with Simmons since they offered you more financial aid. Just wondering, would you mind telling me when you received your acceptance to Simmons and when you received your financial aid package? I applied on the priority deadline of 1/20 and found out that I got in last week through an email inviting me to an accepted student reception (lol) but didn't get my official acceptance letter until Friday. They're asking me to commit in a month but I can't even begin to think about it until I know what kind of financial aid I received. I'm really frustrated since they said they needed me to submit a financial aid form (separate from the FAFSA) before they mailed my decision, but then the packet they sent me had no info about my financial aid, so what was the point of waiting?! Gah. I'm grateful to be accepted, don't get me wrong, but I wish it was all online like other schools. This waiting for snail mail thing has my nerves all frayed.
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