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Everything posted by doctormelody

  1. Aw, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out! I was just wondering if they were saving the rejections to send out en masse at the end, or if they are still just getting back to a few people at the time. But if there are still people waiting to hear back, then it must be the latter. Does that make sense? A more plausible theory is that the advanced standing people that heard back today just applied earlier than you did. Or were you saying that you were just intimidated by their stats? I would be as well but they’re a different track than me so my brain has just refused to process it. Haha.
  2. I’m sorry to hear this as well. As @Chebrutta said, I’m sure you’re going to go on to do amazing things! I wonder... is there anyone here for Advanced Standing that has yet to hear back? Is it possible that they’ve gotten to everyone from that track?
  3. Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. Kinda speechless that you got flat-out rejected with such amazing stats... why are you relieved, if you don't mind me asking? (If you just want to be done with this forum and this whole experience, I respect that completely.)
  4. Thank you so much!! I really hope you get off the waitlist. Is it your top choice?
  5. Also, did anyone else receive any news today? Any priority applicants here still waiting?
  6. It does, thank you! Apparently sometimes people don't receive the email until a while after their status updates. Do you mind sharing when you got the email? Sorry to be so annoying!
  7. Hey @KS100 was it an email? Or did you just check the portal? I'm sorry I don't have any info about how their waitlist works, I wish I did because it's probably the best I can hope for, lol.
  8. I'm really sorry to hear that, but thanks for letting us know. Also sorry that they kept you waiting so long.
  9. Still waiting. (Who is surprised? Not me.) Applied 2/15. I feel like people have gotten decisions not on a Thursday before? Now I need to go back and check, lol...
  10. Oh okay that’s good to know, thank you! I hope you hear good news soon!
  11. Lol I know. So many unfortunately applicable gifs... ?
  12. Same! I keep checking the portal obsessively for that status update, like...
  13. Well, I just emailed them, against my better judgment... will let you all know what they say. Is anyone else still waiting for a decision besides me and @Patriotsfan17? Also, @ngoc9, did they send you scholarship info yet? Edit: Nvm, just saw that you said they added a Financial Aid section on Agora. Would you mind sharing what they gave you, if you're comfortable? If not, I completely understand.
  14. Congrats again! It must feel really good to finally have it!
  15. Yeah. Maybe I will try tomorrow if I haven’t heard anything by noon. I’m just afraid of annoying them.
  16. Yeah, if they don’t let me know by Thursday I’m gonna call because they told me within two weeks on the 15th. Gahhhh. I just want to know!!!
  17. A question for those that have been admitted or waitlisted: when a decison has been made, does it still say "Submitted" on the portal? I just want to know so I can stop psyching myself up to receive a decision when I check...
  18. Same. If 11:00 comes and goes with no news I’m gonna be so sad, lol.
  19. Hey, I didn’t want to say it on this thread because it’s a very small program and I don’t want to give out too much personally identifiable info on here, but I PM’d you in case you were curious!
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