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K31D1Psych last won the day on January 19 2021

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    2021 Fall
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    Clinical Psychology, PhD/MA

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  1. Didn’t hear back from any of my schools, but I did just get an email from a school I didn’t even apply to inviting me to open house. :’) At least there’s that. At least I got a new email to wake up to.
  2. PM has not been specified on the results when you search "Clinical Psychology Toledo" and look at what has been posted so far.
  3. Some people have posted acceptances and rejections on the results. Search the clinical psychology but add toledo at the end of it.
  4. I totally get what you're saying about how the only good news will come from the program. It's definitely true. On the bright side at least for me, I guess this site can help with planning? At least for me, I have found out about missing offers longggg before I am notified, which allows me to divert my attention to a different school, or plan for something like MA programs or post-bac positions. Then if I go to one of my partially funded MA programs, I need to know to fill out fafsa, and apply to scholarships by deadlines, etc. It has helped me I guess determine my next course of action when some programs can take so long to tell you that they already sent invites/acceptances. That is why I am here anyway. Also the occasional vent or question. Oh yes I am losing my mind on the clinical side. 4.0 overall GPA, 3+ years as a researcher and project manager, 3 years as a college level teaching assistant, 9 posters, invited talks/panel discussions, a university grant, publication, and way more, and ...... zero offers. lol. I had one interview to a PhD program with a very small chance (they are only admitting 3 students this year, and my advisor may not even get to admit one because 7 faculty were interviewing), but the offers only just went out. And as you mentioned, it can take until April 15th if people didn't accept it yet, or if we are waitlisted, etc. So yeah. Not a good cycle for me. Feels like I tried so hard, and now I am here and can't even get in. I guess I just want answers to figure out my next course of action, but there's all this uncertainty and wait until then.
  5. They didn't say it was a "full" offer per se (full meaning full tuition plus stipend). I also thought, although unlikely, they could have also been the same person on the results. When you look at previous years for Wake Forest specifically, acceptances are way staggered from days apart, to a week apart, to even a month. Some had an email and phone call, others had only an email, and so on. It just seemed to really vary. So maybe after another week or so it'll be more clear. But most of my programs did not send them out all in one day. I'll be doubtful after another week or so! For now I am just going to wait and see. But I mean don't get me wrong I am indeed a masochist too.
  6. Invites for many schools do not necessarily go out all at once on the same day, especially per PI. I'm not sure if this helps. ? It would also be great if we could know whether or not it appeared as a mass email?
  7. I submitted my application to wake Forest about one week before the deadline. The deadline was Jan 15. The website specifically says they don’t begin reviewing applications until around Feb 1.
  8. It's back to psychology forum!!!
  9. On the results, I saw someone got accepted to American University. If anyone who is seeing this received an acceptance, I would really appreciate if they could message me their PI and if it was a mass email and if they plan to accept. I only want to know because all of this waiting after the interview is making it hard to pre-plan for other schools (e.g., application deadlines, post-bac research job deadlines, etc) keep flying by each day I don't have an answer. Thank you ❤️
  10. I haven't either and applied to Wake Forest. You're not alone there. It might just be taking longer because of more applicants this year.
  11. THIS is a perfect way of explaining it. lol
  12. The problem is the GRE does not just stop people from getting an interview. Requiring it stops many qualified people from even applying because of everything I described here, and there are biases "for" it. Certain "Diversity" initiatives seem very performative and do not necessarily offset the barriers created to weed out certain people. It also won't give me my 1k back that I hardly even had and that many people don't have. And quite frankly, it is a privledge to be on the listening end (well, hopefully they're listening) instead of on the experiencing end like disabled and BIPOC, which is another reason I find some people may have a hard time admitting they need to do something about it. It just didn't impact them this way, and they think there is always a simple solution around it, that it is based off of individualistic hard work, etc. And then these are sometimes the same people making the decisions about the GRE or "chiming in" on oppressed people's experiences. It is great to see programs use this as a trial year for eliminating the GRE or making it optional. Some programs already committed to this, and I anticipate it increasing as people hopefully listen to us. Regarding application fee waivers, I am under the impression some schools actually limit the number of fee waivers they provide too-- or so they say. Two of the 8 schools I applied to actually did not even have it as an option. It helps, but it won't always cut it, and there are loopholes. Also, if it helps anyone, most people in my circle emphasized GPA for grad school in a more realistic way. It's not "all that" but there are often program cut offs, it's certainly a compliment, and a low one will not do anyone any favors either. If it appears someone does not understand their psych coursework or does not care, it will not look good. Research experience and fit of course is key and can be used to show strengths and understanding. I do also want to add that I know some people who have spoken up to say that the GRE actually helped remove a barrier they dealt with, such as a GPA that was pulled a little lower than they wanted because of an off semester or two, or coming from a smaller area (e.g., Caribbean) with less research areas. They said the GRE provided them an opportunity to try to make up for some things. I hear and recognize these people too. The only solution I can think of right now to include all of these scenarios would be to make it optional for some folks for which it is a barrier, as well as to stop maintaining a bias strictly in favor for it, but to rather use it to allow some people to have a more holistic application to "make up" for some things, as some programs are committing to.
  13. I don't think you sound rude at all. I was going to write a bit of a similar post but didn't want to come off as rude either haha and don't have the bandwidth or need to spend too much time on this forum. I agree for people who want to be a clinician that there are tons of options (albeit they are often unfunded options, which is for another discussion). I find that PhD typically pursue research, professorship and admin positions. I was going to say this too. Also agree with a previous post of yours where you described common problems. I have had similar thoughts. Not that you are saying our problem with the process is that it is "too hard," and I did not take it as you saying that at all, but my problem with the admission process is that things like the GRE tend to weed out specific groups (e.g., disabled, BIPOC) and could have weeded me out entirely despite my 4.0 GPA, publication, research grant, great fit etc. I posted about that a few weeks ago and described my story with that. Some programs indeed do go by a specific cut off for the GRE. I know of many. I don't want it to be easier as much as things like the GRE are uneeded and based on privledge yet there is a bias in favor of it. (I do agree that many people may not understand PhD vs PsyD vs LMSW, etc... and the intricacies that really go into being in a PhD program, and that there is a hype about PhD when someone could reach their goals with another degree, etc). I find this is the case with many peers I talk to. I find some people feel a PhD is the option to reach their goals but then can't really clearly describe their research interests to me, or they hint that they are more interested in practice. Other degrees are just as great. They're just different and depends on what someone wants for their career. Thanks for posting!
  14. There are many possible scenarios. Honestly I was more concerned about my PI being okay than anything. I've been severely sick before and the last thing I could spend my limited energy on was a letter. My last min letter writer ended up working out and can say lots of things and say it well, given my research and clinical experience with them. Of course there is always that uncertainty we can't help but feel when it is a nonacademic writer. Wishing you the best of luck. I am sorry you're dealing with a similar circumstance.
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