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havemybloodchild last won the day on July 17 2019

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Fat/queer/disabled bodies, consent, & citizenship in post 1970s lit
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    English Lit PhD

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Latte Macchiato (9/10)



  1. I think it depends on the program. If your GPA doesn't meet their GPA requirement for application, yes, explain your grades. If it does, I wouldn't bother mentioning grades. They really aren't all that important, imo.
  2. Personally I don't think it'll matter too much. I have a feeling grades for this past year will be viewed with a little more grace than those of previous years, considering the state of the world. Especially if you get some good recs from faculty in the program for your PhD apps. Good job getting through everything! The first year is always rough but this year has been an entirely different beast.
  3. My program seems to be shifting quite a bit to meet hiring trends. I think they are going to be looking much more at what applicants are interested in doing and how that corresponds to the market. We're a young and very well-funded program though, we're actually making more offers now than in past years, so no idea how this might work elsewhere.
  4. Personally, the grad student union and opportunity to design and teach your own syllabi would win me over. Franky, 17ish k is not enough to live period. You'll make it work but it's ridiculous and having the summer job guaranteed at UF is a big deal. As for the union, I mean, hell yes. Just look at Loyola Chicago- their union put enough pressure on the dept to get stipends raised from 18k to 28k. If you're concerned about four years (that is brief- my program does a five year option for incoming students with MAs, but most of us opt for the 6 year route), look to see if existing grad students and publishing and presenting and ask them how they are able to get it done in the time. The faculty friendliness is also a big deal, imo. Dealing with faculty who didn't like me or what I do made my first year miserable. CONGRATS, btw
  5. One thing I'll share is that some programs really do not want to hear about your passion for teaching, and some really do, so definitely consider that when tweaking SoPs for specific programs.
  6. Hey all, I'm a second year PhD student teaching first year undergraduate writing courses (just one per term, 15 students max). As a brand new instructor, I've had to teach an established syllabus this year, but next year I will have a lot more freedom. I'm wanting to get a feel for how other schools and instructors approach into writing and reasoning classes. We currently use They Say/I Say, Style, and The Little Seagull Handbook. The other departments like us to teach essays rather than fiction, but I don't have to do that next year if I don't want to. The class is structured as a workshop, with three or four fairly short writing assignments (focusing on summary, rhetorical analysis, and synthesis) that are drafted and revised in class over course of the term. Here's the thing: I would like to tie the class to my own interests, so I can practice teaching the kinds of material I plan to teach in the future. I'm into fatness and disability in African American and Chicanx texts, and there's plenty of interesting material out there to get freshman thinking and writing. But my only teaching experience has been the past year, so I am hoping to get some intel on how others approach these classes to help me think outside my current institution's box. If you have any advice or experience to share, it would be appreciated!
  7. In my cohort (there are six of us), I think only one person has any teaching experience of any kind. I don’t think it matters at all.
  8. I suggest looking at current scholarship you like and seeing where the authors graduated (if they did so somewhat recently). If they’re producing scholars who you’d like to emulate, you know they likely have the resources to support you. Good luck!
  9. I had one letter writer who didn’t submit letters until nearly a week after several deadlines and it didn’t end up making a difference. I contacted the schools and they explained that professors being a bit late is not unusual and they don’t hold it against the applicant (within reason). Try not to stress about it too much!
  10. Hey! I’m a current first year PhD student, feel free to DM me your sample for feedback.
  11. I didn’t contact any POI before applying, but if I had I would have sent an email very briefly introducing myself and then drawing some parallels between their work and my own/my interest is pursuing graduate school at their institution. If you get encouraging or interested replies, I’d send a couple questions there, specifically if they are going to have interest/room to mentor a student in the upcoming year.
  12. My understanding is that humanities PhD programs are very difficult to get into versus other types of programs. I think it has a ton to do with the job market- a program is as good as it’s reputation for graduating people who get jobs. Like Cryss mentioned above the job market is particularly difficult for English PhDs and therefore a lot of programs have reduced their cohort size. I also think funding expectations are at work here. It’s not expected that law students will receive stipends/tuition remission/health insurance, etc., but unfunded English PhD programs...well they’re definitely more rare and (imo) not worth going to. So it costs schools a lot more money per student admitted into a cohort in English than into a lot of other programs. It is a complex question, this is just my basic two cents on it.
  13. Do you sign up for classes at orientation?
  14. I’ve been in Dallas a little over a month now (Lowest Greenville) if anyone has any questions! The city is awesome, dating here is actually fun, the art museum is mostly free...and the roaches are HUGE. ? Hit me up if you have queries!
  15. I’m super excited too! But scared also. It’s strange for me to be scared in an academic setting and yet there it is. I’m sure after my first week I’ll feel better. It’s hard not know exactly what I’m in for. Congrats on your house! Please post or reach out after your first day! I’m excited to see how us 2018 applicants get along.
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