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Everything posted by hopefulfuturespeechie

  1. I ended up retaking precalculus because I got a C- the first time (OUCH) and when CSDCAS calculated my GPA they calculated it with the C- and the new grade in it.
  2. If anyone was accepted at URI and would like to decline their offer please decline ASAP its my top school ?
  3. I have a 3.4 GPA and a 3.5 CMD GPA. I looked for newer schools and also applied all over the country. I felt my interview with Rocky Mountain went really well. I also had lots of volunteer experience and a well written personal statement. Lastly, I had three recommendation letters from professors and a SLP that knew me well. Dont lose hope! I also had below average GRE scores and i've been waitlisted at 2 and accepted at 1 school!
  4. Has anyone had luck finding scholarships outside of their school? Trying to lessen the amount of debt ill be in forever as much as possible
  5. Any updates on when URI will send out acceptances and rejections?
  6. I had to take out a private loan and I would not do it again. The interest on it is honestly awful. My 14K loan is going to end up being a 30K loan. Totally sucks how expensive grad school is.
  7. I feel the same way i've been rejected for 2, but still have 5 more to go. it makes me so anxious because i want to know already if i need to find plan b!!
  8. I have been rejected from two schools now and I'm getting nervous about not getting in. What is your plan B if you don't get in this cycle? Its so frustrating to not have an acceptance already and feel like I have no idea what is going on next year and not sure when to start looking for jobs.
  9. I did an online interview to a school. The only drawback I found was they had tech issues and I don't think having to work through those helped my nerves.
  10. I would email them! They have been super nice the whole process!
  11. Is MGH only accepting people by phone and is it only today? thank you!
  12. Does anyone have any tips for the Sacred Heart interview? Thank you! ?
  13. I hate thinking about the million loans that come with this degree!
  14. A little concerned about paying for graduate school with the high price tag of many programs I have found. I'm not expecting to get into my state school so I dont think ill benefit from in state tuition. What are your plans for paying for graduate school.
  15. What did you give for follow up information? I am completing a prerequisite that I previously did not meet the requirement and I wanted to email them to let them know that after completing the first half of the semester I confident I will meet their requirements but I wasn't sure if that was okay.
  16. Thank you both! I have reached out to the school i'm hopeful the director can give me more insight about what happened.
  17. Has anyone reached out to a school to see why you were not accepted in order to make your app better next time?
  18. more of a vent but I interviewed for a school yesterday and I feel like my nerves really got to me ?
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