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Everything posted by nęm0

  1. Sit down, Write out pros and cons for each choice, then talk it over with loved ones/family/mentors, then decide what YOU want to do. Nobody knows what to do because this is the first time any of us has been put in this situation. At the end, just be confortable with the choice you end up making. Good luck!
  2. Application submited, I wish yall nothing but the best! Celebrate tonight! Now we wait until February.
  3. Yea, some of their bios are out of this world. But I think they really care about your potential. It may show up as your accomplishments, but it may show up in other ways. Those people who accomplished alot (created school/orgnization), probably had ressources you didnt have. But the question is what were you able to do with the ressources you had. I think thats what the essay is trying to get at, but this is my opinion feel free to chime in, this is why I started this topic.
  4. Give yourself 100% chance of getting in. Thats what I am doing, at least until they tell me otherwise lol
  5. My recs are in, all I have to do is fisnish writting certain parts. What chances are you giving yourself?
  6. Hi, Where are my Knight-Hennessy peeps, applications are due in 4 days. Who is done? Anxious/happy?
  7. Doing Both at the same time is going to be a no, but you can do a JD/PHD. Depending on your choice, you can either start with the JD courses or the PHD courses.
  8. You miss 100% of the shots you dont take. On that same note, you have nothing to loose, your advisor may choose not to write you a letter of recc but I bet you can find other people who will, maybe include some of the school she think would be a good match for you, so that is a win-win. Good luck, the application cycle for this year is going to be fucked.
  9. I know but it could be less fucked HAHAH
  10. Getting into more debt is not worth it. Wait a year and reapply. Try to get a new job but it will be hard due to current economy. TBH your situation is messed up but perseverance is key. Be well!
  11. Def listen to the guy who only made an account to give you a terrible advice
  12. Hi, Some of yall/most of yall are going to choose to defer to Fall 2021. It seems like good choice due to the current US situation. But here is a small problem. You are going to mess up this upcoming application cycle. So please take one for the team? Start your classes online?This year's applicant will be eternally greatfull to you. We promised to hold a party for you when we see each other on campus in the fall. Sincerely, A 2020 applicant #fuckCOVID
  13. Just apply, reaching to people is not as important depending on how competitive the program is, the professor might say they will take you then they won't because someone better applied. There are plenty of stories like this. You usally do not need to have a project before you start but that might depend on the program. Anyhow, talk/email the admission admins for questions on the application process, make sure you read their website as most of the question you have, have been answered already and they will just refer you to the website. If you make the initial cut you are usually interviewed (skype or in person), interview in person are paid for. This application cycle I think all inteviews will be online due to COVID, but I hope in the spring they hold events for the people admitted to come to campus and check it out. Good luck
  14. It would depend on how you stucture your essays! if they can dectect that you are flexible to working with other people on other topics. It will not affect you negatively, but if they decide that you probably dont want to work with other people and the people you want to work with are on leave, then it would make sense, not to admit you since you would not be a good match for the school. Thats at least how I understand it. Even if they return after fall 2021, it might take some time before they are ready to take someone. But keep in contact with them. If you can, ask them the same question, they will give you a better answer than I can since this is all speculation really.
  15. If they are on leave its for a reason, looking through PhD application is probably not what they are going to spend their free time on. Plus they most likely would not be able to supervise your training since they are on leave. So unless you are flexible with your research topics, I would look at other schools.
  16. If you are going to do it, beside turning it into a positive, you have to simplify the situation. Dont be like " this happened, then this, which caused this, and all of that lead to mental breakdown". Take one event that you feel lead to the mental problem and talk about it, what you learned from it, how it guided you to the school/the program. But dont spend too much time on this either. I would only do this for "common" mental health problems, since they might be familiar with it, anything not common is not worth mentioning since, you would have to spend too much words describing the condition.
  17. Focus more on exploring what your really want out of life! It doesnt really matter what you do in High school as long as it gets you into the school you want to go to. You and your aspirations will most likekly change as you get older. So just focus on exploring, if you really like speech pathology you will inevitably come back to it.
  18. Tell your refferences how many school you plan to apply. If they dont want to submit that many, find yourself other refferences.
  19. Nothing good comes easily, haha, I hope not. Just try to stay positive thats all you can do
  20. Stay strong, There a light at the end of the tunnel
  21. Pick Fall 2021- Gives you time to apply to other schools to get better opportunities
  22. This is above my paygrade haha. But yes, figuring out how to test hypothesis is the point of grad school. You are not alone, talk to your peers,PI about it, start with what you already know how to do and build from there. If you have this question, someone else probably has it too, you might be the first one to crack it. ** you also need to becareful with overloading the brain. Look into something called chunking, this overestimation might be due to the chunks' already created by that person. So similar objects are chunked together, but this chucking is different from person to person.
  23. To put it simply: The US government fucked up his COVID-19 response. And other countries are starting to ban US citizen from coming in. This makes perfectly sense and they have every right to do so. The US being The US is like "OH so thats how it gonna be". And here are the results. I know a lot of schools like Harvard and MIT are fighting it but ask yourself why are these schools in particular and not the others (there is a lot of shady stuff happening at these School). I am afraid that even if they were to lift the ban. The current administation will find a way to make your life in the US a living hell. I just read a book and I hope this quote resonates with you too. " All of human wisdom can be summarized into 2 words: hope and wait ". So please dont rush and land in a bad situation, many international students are mistreated because their job is linked to their ability to stay in the US and some advisors abuse that knowledge. We are in deperate times. So my Dear Friends-Wait and Hope Yours trully, **If you enjoyed reading this please like the post and subscribe to my Youtube channel **PS i dont have Youtube channel, just trying to make you laugh
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