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  1. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to shakyboots in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I don't think you realize your writing is bad and your soul is ugly. If you ever trick a program into accepting you, you'll be found out. No one will like you. Nobody wants to read someone who thinks like you do. What a worthless, hateful little bore.
  2. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to teasel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Waitlisted for poetry at UW Seattle!!!  They cut their incoming class by two thirds this year it seems... Anyway, hoping I get accepted from at least one of these waitlists. 
    Condolences to those who've received rejections this week. I also received my Brown rejection, which was not surprising but still not a great way to start the day. I'm essentially just waiting on UVA (and Iowa snail mail) so I'm coasting until April at this point. In the meantime, I'm finally writing new material and sending things out to pubs again. Just trying to adapt as best I can!! Hope everyone is doing well--haven't been on here as much, but I'm wishing y'all the best. 
  3. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to corgeel14 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Schools who haven't sent out responses by know should all be indicted for slow torture. This is HORRIBLE. 
  4. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to koechophe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My Chromebook changed its major and decided it wanted to be a Linux major instead. We were a little disappointed with its life decisions, but it really seems to be blossoming on Arch now. 
  5. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to panglosian in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    (Cross-posted to Draft)
    Might be jinxing it, because both of the other times I posted about an email from a department about notification timelines it always ended up being wrong (looking at you, Cornell and UMD!) but I just emailed Brown about fiction and this is what they said:
    “Many thanks for your message. We hope to share admission information by the middle of March. The exact date will be determined by the Graduate School, where a review of department recommendations is underway.”
    So, take this how you will!
    Additionally: another person on Draft heard that notifications may be finished by the end of this week for fiction, so it would make sense given what they just told me. 
  6. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to babypoet2k in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    anyone have any update on UVA? assuming that iowa and brown are rejections, i'm about damn ready to end this app season one way or another and this would be my last school. 
    big sad about iowa, also since i'm a part of one of their other writing programs and have interacted with IWW students and lowkey love the vibes of iowa as well as the people. but we are moving on. just emailed deb west to email me a copy of my decision whenever available because i'm an intl student and simply do not have the patience to wait months. unless UVA comes through, i will be ending this season on the waitlist. now that i think about it, how i was hoping to get into iww at 20 is beyond me. or, as my co-star says for March, "there's a difference between aspirational and impossible" and that this is the month i must learn that.
    but it's all good. i'm gonna teach for a couple years, meet some people, write more, get my shit together and do some growing up. this was only my first time applying, and i will not be giving up. going to get into one of these programs if that's the last thing i do. ❤️ 
    ALSO! massive congratulations to accepted folks on here, all the best of luck to those waitlisted, and my heart is with all those who were rejected. love to everyone on here. could not have done it without this forum. 
  7. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to feralgrad in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    1) Keep in mind that even if you don't reach your goal, you still had some sucess; Temple is a very well-respected program! You should feel proud of that acceptance, whether you get funding or not. I know that it's not the ideal result, but it's encouraging if you choose to apply again.
    2) Keep in mind that this was a way harder year than average, and MFA acceptance rates were cutthroat before that.
    3) In the year between my first and second app cycles, I worked an admin assistant job. Boring and not glamorous, but it gave me a lot of time to work on writing. It was a challenging year, but not a bad one overall.
  8. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to M-Lin in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    In at The New School for fiction! Same as above, email to check an “update”. 
  9. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to largeheartedboy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Accepted at the New School for CNF! Via e-mail to check my portal.
  10. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to elemves in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    A professor of mine once gave all of us students as sophomores in college the job of editing a poem “submitted to the school lit magazine.” It was a little known Yeats poem, and we eviscerated it. The week prior we had just voted Yeats as eminently worthwhile. 
    That is to say, sometimes writing hits different depending on its context, and I agree: keep writing!!! 
  11. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to FairleyAlfy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Don’t give up just yet. I know people who have gotten rejected from everywhere, and then got a single acceptance to Iowa or Michener. It’s not over until you get the official rejection from all places. 
    Someone could read your work at BU or UVA (etc.), and your writing could be exactly what they are looking for, something that really floors them. 

    I think about how I read work, and it’s a hit or miss whether something just strikes a chord within me, or I don’t care for it. It could depend on mood, place in life, or whatever. All I’m saying is to not give up yet. You just never know. I wish you all the luck in the world! The important thing to remember is to keep writing. 
  12. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to fireflystasis in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Well, sent an email asking about decisions to U-Wash (Seattle) earlier and just got this reply.

    "The initial offers have gone out from both the poetry and prose committees. Because our offers involve funding, accepted applicants have until April 15th to let us know their decision although we hope they will tell us sooner. Given our funding, we cannot make new offers until we've heard the decisions of these initial applicants.
    Waitlisted applicants will be notified by email from the Director of Creative Writing. These have not gone out yet. But if you do not receive a waitlist email you will probably not receive an offer this year although we will not deny anyone until we are close to getting our class.  
    Thank you for your patience during this process."

    Guess that's a nope.
  13. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to panglosian in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Thank you to anyone who offered to check up on VCU for me! Unfortunately I did email them today about their notification timeline and they sent me a very polite email back letting me know that notifications were finished and that I was not chosen. He also said that he specifically wanted to let me know now in case I needed to make decisions accordingly, since they reject by mail. Honestly, the best rejection I've gotten so far!
    PS: if you have not gotten a notification from them for acceptance or waitlist, you can come chill in the Commiseration Corner with me ❤️  
  14. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Boomer not Ok in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Late last night a lit mag emailed me that one of my flash stories they had nominated was accepted into “Best Small Fictions” for 2021. Now I’m wondering whether I should let programs I haven’t heard back from know. Is this bad etiquette? 
  15. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to panglosian in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Heads up from Draft, someone was notified of a "mystery waitlist" earlier by email for fiction, said they were asked to keep it under wraps because it was a personal email and not official but they were given their answer. They said this specific school would be notifying in a few days, and that they only had 2-3 funded spots this year.
    My money's on Brown, Place your bets!
  16. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    AWP was this past week though, and I'm sure most programs/faculty were involved in some way, as presenters, panelists, or attendees (or some combination of the above). They may have taken the week off from notifying so they could focus on AWP. 
  17. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to M-Lin in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Also. This is cute. 
  18. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Guys, what the flying fuck is going on with the rest of the colleges? I haven’t heard from six of them still, how???
  19. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    People -
    1. don’t feed the troll. 
    2. Where ? is ? IOWA.
  20. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Roasted? Not sorry ?, you told us you were leaving hon ??
  21. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to eternalwhitenights in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hi, Marshall/Gustav/Gertrude, can you please f*ck off and leave mrvisser alone? He's (and all who've been rejected) had a rough week, and doesn't need your shitty attitude to stir the pot. Just leave him the fuck alone.
    Understood? Yeah? Great. Thanks.
  22. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to panglosian in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Brown fiction acceptance yesterday. I repeat: Brown fiction acceptance yesterday. 
  23. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Officially got my Notre Dame rejection finally. I think it's a fair assumption that Iowa and Michener are rejections, so that just leaves UW as a question. Of course it comes down to my beloved Seattle campus in the end.
  24. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to CrankyGinger in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Thank you! 
  25. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
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