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  1. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to panglosian in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Tbh I'm in the boat of "I'm going to pretend I still have a chance at Syracuse and Cornell until literally told otherwise"....... like a hopeful child.....
  2. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Jjayy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Iowa takes in like 50 students each year. That's a lot of notifications to send out, a lot of calls to make, and, so far, there is one post indicating acceptance on GradCafe and two posts in Drafts. I know the chances are slim, but here's to hoping that not all of those IWW calls went out today, and some more are due to go out tomorrow.
  3. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Oof. There goes the atom bomb.
  4. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
  5. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to M-Lin in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Same here. Waiting on both Sarah Lawrence and NYU. I applied to 7 schools and have heard from zero! ?
    Just checked results - seems like there's a reported acceptance yesterday with full fellowship, not sure if was a late report or a new one, and it didn't specify genre. I've set a notification reminder on the result page for every school I applied to (only if people bothered to click the exact major - creative writing, fiction), so I'll know as soon as there's an update. 
    This waiting game does feel like never-ending, doesn't it. 
  6. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to eternalwhitenights in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  7. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to pulley in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Longtime lurker first time poster...
    Oodles of gratitude to this crew for the awesome guidance & community y'all have built through this process!
    Wanted to share a waitlist notification for Florida Atlantic U (poetry), received earlier today via email. Short but nice note, mentioned they should be following up "within the month" which seemed like oddly specific guidance... should I temper expectations or is that a strong "likely" signal!?
    So far this cycle have been admitted to Nevada - Reno and Northern Arizona (both for poetry); funding still tbd for both.
    Would be truly thrilled with any above programs, funding permitting.
    Other schools this cycle: rejected from OSU, UMass Amherst, Vandy, UWisconsin so far.
    A few more in the pipeline (UNLV, JHU, Eastern Washington, Cleveland State/NEOMFA...)
    Hoping it's good news all 'round on this thread as we continue through the gauntlet!
  8. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I've been WLed by Oregon State for poetry, and I know of at least one CNF WL as well. I think first rounds of acceptances have gone out to at least poetry and cnf, though I can't speak to fiction. 
  9. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to dumblond in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I actually heard from them last night that I'm on the CNF waitlist! Fingers crossed for both of us : ) 
  10. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hell yeah, here's to hoping I see you in Corvallis in the fall!!!
  11. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Last week I got three rejections and all the emotional stimulation made it easier to read and write again, and now I've hit writer's block again in what has been an uneventful couple of days. My body craves more admissions results.
  12. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just received a notification from UNM that they've received my FAFSA but can't do anything with it "until the admission process is complete." I'm like, yeah, well, WHOSE FAULT IS THAT!?!?!?!? Accept me or don't already! 
  13. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Jjayy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I cried today when the Michigan rejections came rolling in.
    Then I ate a whole bag of M&Ms.
    And then I cried some more. 
  14. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Oh dear. Cornell is kind of infamous for delivering upsetting / heart attacks at inconvenient times. *cough* 2/14/20 *cough*
  15. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to kikis_delivery in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    sending love to everyone who got rejected from michigan today!!! it was my first rejection and it definitely stung but glad to know at least. on a separate note, has anyone heard any news about nyu today? any more calls being made?
  16. Like
    CayceCamus got a reaction from JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Same! Rejection email, woo. Finally feel like I can join the club in having answers now, haha ?. My backup plan is to teach English abroad, shooting for Japan, South Korea, or Hong Kong.
  17. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to spacedumpster in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    You guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I had a story accepted to a magazine and they're going to pay me for it!
    I get to work with an editor on revisions! It's a real thing! Someone values my work! ?
    This was a much needed boost to my self-esteem with all the uncertainty surrounding MFA apps. 
    Anyway, I just want to let you all know that YOU. CAN. DO. THIS. 
    No matter what happens this MFA cycle, please keep writing, and please keep submitting. Your work matters to someone.
  18. Like
    CayceCamus got a reaction from Phoebe R in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Same! Rejection email, woo. Finally feel like I can join the club in having answers now, haha ?. My backup plan is to teach English abroad, shooting for Japan, South Korea, or Hong Kong.
  19. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to dogeared in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Sending you all some positive energy this Monday. You are talented regardless of rejections/acceptances. And you are pretty amazing for working so hard for something you care about. I am hoping for the best for you all!
    I haven't posted in this thread yet, as I applied to both Creative Writing PhDs and Literature PhDs this round.. I've mostly been in the other thread. But I am currently in the final semester of my fiction MFA program. This year my MFA program decided to pick one student from each genre who is in their final year and add them to a sort of admissions review committee. Since I was chosen as the fiction representative, I get to look at incoming fiction applications and give my feedback to the department. I won't say which program I'm in (confidentiality and all that), and I wanted to stay away from this thread because I didn't want to accidentally stumble upon someone applying to my program. But I wanted to say that there are so many talented people applying. Rejection doesn't mean you aren't talented...from what I've seen it just means that the people in the department at the time just aren't a good fit for your that year. And of course...funding is limited. I've worked with literary journals and have similar things to say with that...there are amazing stories that we reject because they just aren't a fit for the journal, or because the Editor just isn't feeling it (it sucks lol). 
    Saying all this doesn't change the fact that rejection doesn't feel good. I got rejected from every MFA program I applied to except the one I'm in now (and even then I barely made it off the waitlist). I have no publications in any literary journals. Rejection doesn't feel good at all and it is okay to feel disappointed. You're allowed to have feelings. You aren't wrong for your feelings. I just wanted to send you some encouragement from someone on the other side who is very familiar with rejection. 
    I am sincerely hoping for the best for everyone. And I hope you get into the programs that would nurture your talents the best. ❤️ 
    If anyone has questions about MFA programs, feel free to message me. I won't talk about my current experience with admissions review because it is confidential and I would never talk about someone else's submissions, but I'm happy to talk about anything else!
  20. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Greel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Iowa CNF rejection today! VERY SAD!!! Woof! But also was a nice email letting me know I didn't make it.....almost too nice. "I wish we were able to offer you a place in our program in the fall, but I do hope you will take this less as a reflection on your work than on the very tough competition that existed this year, which forced us to have to make some heartbreaking choices." Almost hurts more that they were so nice about it. 
    But onwards and upwards! I'm choosing to feel good energy about the rest of my application season! Bring it on!!
    Best wishes to everyone hearing tough news this week. ❤️ Big hugs
  21. Like
    CayceCamus got a reaction from M-Lin in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Same! Rejection email, woo. Finally feel like I can join the club in having answers now, haha ?. My backup plan is to teach English abroad, shooting for Japan, South Korea, or Hong Kong.
  22. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Backup plan is to work, save up money, write, and go through all this madness again.
  23. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Phoebe R in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Just got my rejection from Michigan! Definitely feeling a bit bummed but I'm hoping it means Brown will be getting back to us soon too. Who knows! Maybe the universe doesn't want me getting my MFA in a colder climate. Keep pushing forward, y'all! If you're feeling anything similar to the levels of anxiety I've been feeling these days, I hear you and see you. We've got this! 
  24. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to yahearditherefirst in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Michigan rejection just now...
    What's everyone's backup plan? Starting to gather together money for my law school deposit...
  25. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to bettedavisthighs in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    no one.....except those of us applying to the nonfiction writing program lol 
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