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    ChipDip reacted to BingBongBingBong in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Me, waitlisted at U of T, waiting for WLU to send out the news.
  2. Upvote
    ChipDip reacted to Wandering-Nomad in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Question: Is it a possiblity that Laurie has paused sending out acceptances and rejections? It doesn't seem like anyone has heard anything today and I am going crazy refreshing my email every 5 minutes lol I just want to know at this point so I can move on. I am trying so hard to be patient, but I can't help how I am feeling  
  3. Like
    ChipDip reacted to olivolia in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I will be sticking to attending Western, so this should open up a spot at Laurier  
    Good luck everyone!
  4. Like
    ChipDip reacted to ashleyym in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Thank you everyone for replying!! I am just so anxious waiting for decisions ?
    This forum is honestly an amazing support group !
  5. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from lgoose in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    No I couple C’s and B’s also heard but many people are saying they don’t think it’s alphabetical, so who knows!
  6. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from AlexaS in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Fingers crossed that’s the case! I did see that this process is probably dragged out for about a week (according to previous years) so I feel if that’s the case then it might be random
  7. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from ashleyym in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Fingers crossed that’s the case! I did see that this process is probably dragged out for about a week (according to previous years) so I feel if that’s the case then it might be random
  8. Like
    ChipDip reacted to AlexaS in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I don't know if they're doing it alphabetically, it could be completely random, or the order in which they went through the applications.
  9. Upvote
    ChipDip reacted to MSWJJ in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Is it fair to assume Laurier is done for the evening? And does anyone know how long this process usually drags out for? 
  10. Like
    ChipDip reacted to icedmatchalatte in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I haven't, I'm initial K
  11. Like
    ChipDip reacted to MSWstress2021 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    No they do not. They just tell you how many people there are.
  12. Like
    ChipDip reacted to KnitFlamingo in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Laurier 2 year program acceptance email received 10:41am!!!!!!!!
  13. Like
    ChipDip reacted to lgoose in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Off to furiously refresh emails all day. Can you share your last initial, in case they are sending anything alphabetically as some other schools have? 
  14. Like
    ChipDip reacted to Jasmin03 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Not sure.. I am hoping this/next week!
    I read somewhere that by May they get final answers out?
  15. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from kouklah in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I hope so!!! Fingers are crossed 
  16. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from olivolia in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I hope so!!! Fingers are crossed 
  17. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from MSWJJ in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I hope so!!! Fingers are crossed 
  18. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from lgoose in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I hope so!!! Fingers are crossed 
  19. Like
    ChipDip reacted to lgoose in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Here's hoping this is the week!!! (if not, the DAY)
  20. Like
    ChipDip reacted to MSWstress2021 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    For all those waiting on Laurier, let's hope this is our week!
    Can people like this if Laurier is your top choice!? 
  21. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from JouneyofLife in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I am also on the wait list for uoft!
  22. Like
    ChipDip reacted to MacaroniGirl in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    Just to paint a picture of what’s happening (also to feel less alone haha) could everyone who hasn’t heard from U of T yet like this post? 
  23. Like
    ChipDip got a reaction from teaandSW21 in University of Toronto Applicants MSW 2021   
    I totally understand how you feel, I feel the same way. It’s super discouraging and I’m hoping that good news is still coming our way 
  24. Like
    ChipDip reacted to sammyk in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I did this to improve my overall GPA. I did my undergraduate degree at Western and the only way I was able to take courses and for it to count towards the GPA of my undergrad degree was to do it at Western (I tried to transfer to U of T since I live in Toronto and they said you can't do that). I was able to register as a "Special Student" and take courses. I took three half-year courses and although I got very high marks, it only slightly improved my GPA. I don't mean to sound discouraging if you are looking to improve your overall GPA, rather than just in specific courses - this is just my experience. The universities that I was applying to at the time recommended that I do another degree if I wanted to significantly improve my GPA, which I did not end up doing. 
  25. Like
    ChipDip reacted to Empathymatters in Canadian MSW Applicants 2021   
    I feel that too @matty16  I thought that I would hear back by now since my last name starts with a C. I hope this doesn't mean that I am rejected or waitlisted.?
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