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Everything posted by PhDreams

  1. I did NYU too. It was really hard. Unfortuneately, now I have the opposite problem- NO max. Am I dreaming?! Now what do I do? 1500 words, 1750, 2000????????
  2. Congrats! That's wonderful. What school?
  3. I've had overwhelmingly positive interactions with every single graduate student that I've reached out to. They've helped me identify POIs. They've given me info like, "this person is really busy. hard to get to," "this person is retiring," "consider this person or this person has a TON of advisees." We've discussed my projects and they've given me opportunities to look into. One grad student that I contacted over the summer ended up being really fantastic and we ended up submitting on a panel together and it was just approved! I have to believe that most people want to see others succeed and are willing to share resources and information.
  4. Results Search... oh, and I'm sorry. I basically just ruined the next few HOURS for you.... lol
  5. Just to clarify. I'm not crazy! lol I just ended up applying to the wrong program and only realized that I had mixed up two similar programs after I had been accepted into the wrong one.
  6. This issue is prob one of the most common issues people have. It's part of academic life. You have to figure out how to navigate this system and get the outcome you want. This might mean coming up with serveral alternative strategies- popping in to see your professor, giving them a call, or finding a last minute rec entirely...but don't give up!!! I did various variations on all of these. Ultimately, I secured a fourth recommender and then my third came through... a MONTH after deadlines. So....... you just never know. Best of luck to you!!
  7. Me too! Good luck!
  8. Thank you!! <3 Everyone here has been absolutely wonderful. I know we'll all be celebrating pretty soon.
  9. This. is. so. true. Last year I got into a program where I clearly articulated in my SOP that I only wanted to do X and my only interests were in X. However, on the webpage it clearly stated, "Don't apply to this program if you want to do X. We don't do that here." ....and I got in anyway. So.... who knows?!?!?
  10. Yay! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who benefitted. Thanks for the advice! I'll mail the hard copy today. For the people who have mailed their CV, are you using "resume" paper?
  11. Thank you! I'll double check!
  12. Good luck! I love your focus and excitement! That's how it should be. I really hope they see your passion.
  13. I'm working on my final app to UCI and I can't find a place to upload any supplemental materials- CV, writing sample. etc. Anyone know where you can do this? I didn't want to call the dept and look dumb if it's something obvious that I'm missing. Help please.
  14. I just spent the last half hour staring at my CV. So far I've found an extra space, a missing comma, and a better way to phrase something. This. must. stop.
  15. I can't figure out if schools that use applyyourself show status updates such as "under review" etc. I can't remember anymore...
  16. I guess the one thing I would be concerned about would be what fuzzylogician mentioned - the inexperience. What newness in a department might also mean is that your professor might not have that extra pull that a more veteran professor might have. Seeing as that PhD cohorts are very small, my fear would be that a junior faculty member would get edged out over a senior faculty member if they both wanted to take a student. I erred on the side of caution and asked to work with tenured profs (that also aren't heavily identified in SOPs) but I'm not sure if my strategy will work.
  18. Congratssssssss!!!!!!!!!! This is excellent news!!!!! WOW!!!! You're going to be great! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  19. I was just about to start a thread on it finally being January!!!!!!! I'm also applying to a Crim program too! Having your app referred is good. That means that your app has been put together. Pretty soon it such say something like "Under Review." Eeeek! That's when they're looking at it. Unless your program uses "referred" to mean "under review." Then they're looking at it now!!!!!!! I know that PhD programs usually notify before MA programs, but the fact that your app is put together might mean that it's soon! Suerte to you too!! Have you checked the Results Search to see when your school notifies? That will give you a good indication of when you should expect to hear something back. Schools usually keep the same time table.
  20. Keep your head up. Like I said, my last writer sent in their letters an entire MONTH late. As long as those letters come in before they meet, it's pretty muck "ok." Also, I've heard of cases of schools calling letter writers to ask for their recs over the phone and then asking them to submit them (for the formality of having a complete app) so that they can accept you. While I've also heard of places outright rejecting someone on an incomplete app, let's hope that the professors come through at the last minute so you don't even have to worry about this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I know that this is not fun.
  21. Awww... thanks! I'm starting to get nervous. I think all my schools announce before Valentine's Day. If it doesn't pan out, I plan to drown my sorrows in heart shaped chocolates.
  22. Way to go! Yay CONGRATS!!!!!!
  23. Hmmmm.... my Academia profile doesn't come up when I google myself. However, my Twitter does. LOL I wonder if professors will begin to follow me. hahahaha
  24. Ok. I just did. (hangs head in shame...)
  25. That's right. I have yet to do that. Although, I probably should.
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