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Everything posted by PhDreams

  1. CONGRATTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSS! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
  2. It looks like last year they admitted someone without an interview. I'm still crossing my fingers although I'm preparing myself for a rejection.
  3. CAn you keep us posted?? Did you have the interview yet? Did you get any info about decisions?
  4. Phone call from graduate dept... Not am studies though. criminology
  5. UCLA where I have really positive interactions with TWO faculty members flat out rejected me - not even a waitlist. UC, Irvine accepted me and I had about a two line response to my email from a faculty member. Positive but very short and that POI did not respond to my second email. So I was I didn't reach out to anyone else at the other 6 schools. Time escaped me..finals, work, holidays... It's funny because a friend of mine who used to sit on admissions committee strongly advised me NOT to reach out to faculty members. LOL So don't feel bad AT ALL!!!!! I'm sure you're amazing and I'm sure that things will all fall into place.
  6. Was it Harvard? Theyve been asking about minority status lately and I cant figure out why...lol
  7. Thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! Thanks! So happpyyy Thank you thank you thank you YAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Way to go! Awesome!!!!!! Stanford is incredible!!!! Thank you <3!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Awwww! I had my first interview (Anthro) on Sat and it was amazing! Thanks! I just know everyone is going to find an academic home at the end of this. I just know it... I also did not contact POIs at every school, but I did identify POIs for every school. I don't know what people think about the contact/no contact thing. UCLA, where I did have contact (one of the only schools I reached out to) rejected me!!!!! And UPenn where I didnt reach out to anyone gave me a wonderful interview. Its a crapshoot. Im convinced. lol
  9. Stanford? Where are you???
  10. I did the same thing but I went through Anthro and Am Studies. lol
  11. Congrats on your acceptance!!!!!!!
  12. CONGRATS!!!
  13. I just received an email from the graduate coordinator at UCI for a school visit in March. We were informed to confirm by this Monday. It seems like that might mean that all invites were sent out.
  14. Phone call (voice mail) from the Department Chair congratulating me on my acceptance. Followed by email reiterating facts from the vm and asking to schedule a time to speak. Still walking on clouds!
  15. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They met yesterday?? Yep, that doesn't bode well for me
  16. Aww thanks. I've had different experiences. I already was rejected from UCLA and I thought that it was really early to receive something from them. However, I didn't get an interview from NYU yesterday so I basically decided I didn't get in. Some programs are pretty uniform in the way they inform- acceptances first and then rejections. Sometimes waitlists are left in limbo. Some programs dont have waitlists. In short, I think it's hard to say unless you look at the results page to make an educated guess about the patterns you see.
  17. Thank you!!! I'm sure you will have your pick from many great programs next year when you apply!!!!
  18. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Thank you! I'm rooting for you too!! <3 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!! Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley!!!!!!!! As an aside, I've noticed that schools are notifying earlier across the board. Good news sooner than expected...maybe????
  19. Yep, from everything that I've seen in the past, it is definitely a formality. The Admissions dept usually just verifies that your file is in order, all your transcripts are in, etc. Soooo.... CONGRATS!!!!
  20. Awwwww.... everyone here has been so wonderful and supportive! I'm so happy! Looking forward to hearing everyones good news so we can all celebrate together! <3
  21. Yayyyyy!!!!!!! Thank you so much! I apparently didn't get an interview from NYU today but I did get into Irvine! So happppyyyyyyy! I love love love the program.
  22. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Best of luck with this interview.
  23. Finally an acceptance!!!!!! Gahhhhhhhh! thank you thank you thank you <3
  24. Lol .. I don't know either. But I guess I was right about hearing something! I got in today!!! YAY! Hope everyone starts getting their good news soon!
  25. Thanks for all the info! I really expected UCI to come in last week since most schools have been really early this cycle. Hopefully they dont drag this out too much longer! Today???????
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