Today one of my POIs emailed and said they're reviewing my app, but don't have my transcripts. They were requesting unofficials, and I had them sent last month. It makes me wonder if they haven't got any of them yet, or if maybe the grad college is just holding them. Meh... details.
None of my apps asked that. I don't know if it would have impacted my decision to apply or not. I can't really see how it would be good unless you did something interesting between app seasons.
Good luck to you too. I probably sounded a little flippant in that last post, but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a certain amount of exhaustion related to all things academic.
I got an email from one professor informing me that I had applied to the wrong department and therefore they wouldn't be taking me. Looking at the app, I was able to confirm that I had applied to the right department... turns out there was a departmental error, and my app is going back to committee... talk about a whirlwind of emotions. But I'm sure glad they're working with me.
Neat, only one of my applications was free, and that caught me off guard. I did talk to each POI, though. I didn't apply to schools if I didn't have correspondence.
I love it when people who have never attended college tell me what my motivations are for applying to a specific program. Yes you're right, it's clearly for the weather, certainly not the near perfect research fit or genuine academic interest. I'm sure you applied for your position based on the landscaping outside your office? Ugh.
Probably jump back into accounting, and try to pick up a middle management position along the way. Not the best ending to the story, but I could focus on music and friends again. After paying down my school loans for a few years, I could have a decently comfortable life with my partner.