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Everything posted by sansao

  1. Lol. "Here, let me share my suffering, because I care."
  2. I wonder if it's easier to walk away when you're younger or older? I'm in the "push towards 40." I feel like I've invested my future in this, but on the same token it's pretty nervewracking to be looking at 5 more years, knowing that I could just work, and have stability (albeit at a much less fulfilling career with significantly lower income) within a couple months. One of my friends asked if I felt like I was putting off life, and that's a good question.
  3. I'll give them a call, I can use every penny right now.
  4. Safety Dance
  5. I cut three schools from my list at the beginning of December. I didn't have much luck corresponding with faculty, and thus figured that they weren't that interested. Aside from that, I've had second thoughts about one program to which I applied. But that's prolly more an ego thing on my part. I'll see where the money lands before I dwell on it.
  6. As you should. Congratulations, that's fantastic!
  7. Well, they certainly charged my credit card twice. Maybe there's a section to resend scores, I'll have to look.
  8. I got confirmation that one school still wants me to visit. I also got a "we need your GREs" from one school, and a "your application is complete" email from another. I hate ETS even more now that I have to spend another $25 to send my scores again. I've given them about $400 this year. Beyond that, just waiting.
  9. Vincenzo - yes, Garbage, and that song. :-) ASenseOfSnow - are you excited about the new Bowie album? I've pretty much had Prince and the Stones on constantly. That they both have new stuff out is making my life.
  10. To be fair, a lot of people don't even get a bachelor's degree, which is a prerequisite to applying, let alone have a good gpa. Most people I know outside of school aren't eligible to apply. So in one sense, she's kinda right (and we should all be proud, while feeling very, very fortunate) . On the other hand, I feel your frustration, because it's not that impressive from this vantage point.
  11. Hey Faraday, how did you receive your acceptance from UMDCP? (congrats, btw) I'm pretty sure they're still reviewing in oceanography world. Hidykong, I got a similar question during an interview. I suspect it's a good sign. I still need to send them an email about it, though. Making that kind of decision is a little intimidating.
  12. ^^^This. I guess I missed a lot in my weekend of "not obsessing." PhDreams, I'm really sorry to hear about your mentor. I'm rooting for you even more now, I think getting in and doing your advanced degree will be a great way to honor their memory and impact in your life. I got an email from another program letting me know that the deadline is the 15th and they're still missing a letter and GREs. Ugh. I hate ETS and their wallet draining policies. I also hate bugging people about letters.
  13. My feeling right now, with all the positive feedback, is that my GRE scores were the entire problem. That's the one quantifiable change that I made. But yeah VBD, I didn't feel like the rest of my application was really better. I was concerned that I didn't really do anything between graduation and now, for example. But, interviews ahoy, so I guess I can't complain.
  14. So, following the interview today, I slept for about 10 hours straight. I feel so much better now that it's over - I was a total wreck this morning. Despite my nerves, I think it went decently enough. I need to choose a project in the lab, and an angle to approach it, and then I guess they will go over my app as a group and want me to visit (today's interview was over the phone). So I'm optimistic.
  15. Thanks EW! So... I seriously just got a third interview request, in my email, just now. This is absolutely unreal. I feel like I must have somehow cheated... or they all must have the wrong application. One of my LOR writers hasn't even submitted his letter yet. Something really weird is going on, and I think I might be having chest pains, lol. Okay, breathing...
  16. It's weird, eh?
  17. Thanks y'all. I'm really nervous... This particular program is probably the best research fit of all my applications.
  18. Thanks Faraday. Also, I think we should combine our icons, lol.
  19. EW33, those are the types of improvements that I felt like I should have made. I did push my GRE scores up a little. I'm just floored by the completely different response my applications (and even emails to professors) are getting this year. It almost feels too good to be true.
  20. So... interview tomorrow. Commencing panic attacks.
  21. ^^^this. It's weird, though, because it's like I didn't have a say in it. I turned in my apps, expected a repeat of last year's obsession, and then poof... I was surprisingly detached. I forgot to check my email at all for a couple days there. That would have been flatly impossible last year.
  22. The "best" I got last year was an unofficial waitlisting from a school that, in the long run, never even bothered to send me an official decision. No acceptances, no interviews, very little feedback. Additionally, I got five rejections spread out from February to August (yes, it took one school ten months to send me a decision). It was drawn-out and painful. This year, I already have two interviews lined up and it's only the 3rd. POIs are telling me my app is "quite competitive." It's a little surprising to me, to be honest. I don't think my application is *that* much stronger. These fora seem pretty quiet this year too, though - at least compared to last year. What do y'all think, was last year a fluke with many more applicants than usual? Is it just still early in the season? Do you feel like your chances are better (or worse) this time? Why?
  23. Made worse by the fact that it was honest confusion. I suppose it could have been much worse...
  24. That happened to me in Calc 1. I have a letter of apology from the math department chair and everything (I found several errors on their midterm). It was the year that I was transferring out of the community college, and I'll never know where I might have been admitted if I hadn't had to send a late letter noting my grade change to all the adcoms.
  25. This is my second and last effort for the time being. I've pretty much addressed any flaws in my application to the best of my ability, and if that's not good enough, then I'm just going to have to accept that I'm not what they're looking for (or willing to take, I suppose). I can't really imagine asking my referees for another batch of letters. I would expect the "coming to Jesus" conversation from them at that point. I *should* be decently competitive at the programs to which I applied, though. There's no "reach schools" or anything like that this year - and my GPA/GRE/Letters/Statement are all to par as far as I can tell. My only concern right now is the 3.5 AW score on the GRE, but a quick survey of the first paragraph of one of my sops should eliminate any concerns there (one can hope, right?). Financial reality is quite literally right on my heels, and if it weren't for my family, there would not have even been a round 2. So if it doesn't pan out this time, I guess I'm going back to work as an accounting clerk and living at home until I'm 45 and my loans are paid off. After all the ordeals I had to contend with and still managing to graduate cum laude - that idea really feels like a kick in the gut.
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