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Everything posted by sansao

  1. Park Place
  2. Lol, unicorn's blood. It should also be on paper made from the skin of a two-headed lamb and signed during a gumdrop rainstorm.
  3. I love that this was the sequence. boom echo
  4. Because that's what my only option will be? Gee, thanks for the encouragement.
  5. Lol. If you find a way to get funding somewhere that rejected you, feel free to pass that info along.
  6. work study
  7. Welcome to the department of paying for all the stuff you thought you got away with. We accept pounds of flesh.
  8. It's not consolation.
  9. tiger mom
  10. The NASA Space Grant internship was really important to me. It took me into a research setting in my second year at the university, and helped me to understand how focused geoscience research can really be. Also, I took two semesters of undergrad research (for credit) in biogeochemistry. This was really pivotal, because it taught me how to be a good researcher, what to expect and not to expect, and what to do when things go horribly wrong (as they invariably will at some point).
  11. guess I posted too late, haha paper tiger
  12. dye cut
  13. Cafe press. There are lots of things from this site that should be used there. Maybe we should start a "grad cafe press." While amusing, I think the reality of finances is beyond people sometimes. I already have a lot of debt. Without the right funding offer, I could be in a world of trouble. I'll still go, but I'd prefer not to owe $200k at the end of it...
  14. lunch money
  15. bankers hours
  16. 3/13/12: Nothing. A huge stack of big envelopes for everyone else in my family, and nothing for me. Again. Yay?
  17. Except that they do. It just takes a while. Older friend: "So are you done after May" Me: "That depends on what happens with grad school, could be another 5-6 years. Older friend: "I think you're just a professional student" Ahh yes, my dream of frantically obsessing over exams, homework, and term papers for the rest of my life is slowly being realized. Also, die in a fire.
  18. life story
  19. 3/5 left? That's still plenty of opportunities. Focus on those schools, do more research on their programs, see what courses they're offering next semester, read their grad policies, etc. You'll be more familiar if you get an acceptance, and it's something to do.
  20. Keep trying. Definitely vent when you need to, but keep at it, there's no shame in any of it. Good luck.
  21. In "just" the ski mask? That could work...
  22. You got that too, huh? I was all hopeful for a second, and then realized that they probably just sent it to all applicants.
  23. Haha, that's actually pretty good. I may use a variant of that if I don't get in and some of my more obnoxious relatives have anything to say (which they will).
  24. Well, at least we know how you'll pay your way if they don't fund you.
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