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Everything posted by sansao

  1. I haven't got a clue what they'll actually do, so as others said, you'll have to wait for a reply. But I really, REALLY hope they work with you on this, especially as you were already admitted and this is easily a very special circumstance. Have you contacted the school or the UN or an immigration lawyer about possibly finding an advocate for you within the US while this is sorted out? Someone who could physically go to the school and talk with the administration on your behalf? I don't know if there's actually a procedure for this but it would be something to look into. Also, since this is a masters program, I'm guessing the first year is coursework? Do they offer any of the courses online (lots of engineering programs have online courses at the masters level)? Maybe you could do some of those courses to maintain enrollment while the UN and US sort out paperwork? I'm sure it's not optimal, but if it let's you defer without actually deferring, maybe that could get you the time you need. Ask the school, if you present a workable option, maybe they'll just go with it.
  2. This gem: Friend: "I thought you were doing that last year?" Me: "Yep, so did I." -______- I've promised to stop glaring at him if and only if I get in somewhere.
  3. I really don't know how the system in Canada works, especially for international students. Based on programs in the US, if you submitted the wrong test scores, it may have been that the graduate college automatically rejected your application based on this, and that your documents did not make it to evaluation. However, I could very easily be wrong. I have to second go3187, that it's really impossible to say anything beyond that, even if you had posted your stats. You could email your question to the graduate college, and try to find out more. Other than that, it's a waiting game, and I can empathize with how miserable it is to still be waiting at this point. Good luck!
  4. Let me get back to you on that one. For now, I'm still waitlisted at one school and haven't heard from two schools (one was a late application, the other is just taking their time, I guess).
  5. Friend: "have you heard anything yet? Me: "about what?" Friend: "grad school." Me: "THAT'S A DAMNED LIE! THERE'S NO SUCH THING." Friend: Me: -___-
  6. It's definitely not over until all the decisions are in. I'll be happy with either of the two schools I'm waiting on (I'm waitlisted at one, and haven't heard anything at all from the other). I almost forget that I'm waiting to hear back these days. Especially with finals and graduation right around the corner.
  7. Yikes, essentially waitlisted at my other top choice. That just leaves one (unless a miracle happens). I may allow myself to freak out a little now.
  8. I cannot tell you how much I hope that is the case.
  9. "The ideal candidate will have advanced degrees in both petroleum engineering and marketing, as well as 387 years experience in one or both fields."
  10. Yeah, it's been pretty rough. I love the way people are getting acceptances, rejections, and waitlist notifications to the programs I applied to. I'm starting to think my application may have been forwarded to the unofficial department of ambiguity.
  11. I obviously can't say for certain, especially about international schools. From what I know from talking to professors and such, a recommendation is basically an admission, and the graduate department just verifies that you actually possess the qualifications you listed.
  12. With my remaining two schools staying painfully silent, I'm starting to get really nervous. I'm also looking at what I can do to present a more effective application for next year. This amounts to retaking the GRE, revising my SOP significantly - for clarity and focus, and applying to more/different schools. I'm still really hoping I do't end up in that boat, but my optimism is really starting to dwindle (pulling my self-esteem with it).
  13. So, since the 15th falls on a Sunday this year, how is everyone interpreting this? Are you using Friday as the last business day beforehand to make decisions, contact people, etc.? Or, are you assuming Sunday is the official deadline, or waiting until Monday? I'm thinking of contacting people tomorrow or Friday morning. Thoughts?
  14. Ha. I never in my life thought I would check my spam folder this much. For both of my email accounts, no less.
  15. I love the confidence my friends have in my ability to get in somewhere, but then when the rejection comes, it was somehow "expected."
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