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Everything posted by sansao

  1. I really hope so, because last year definitely was not, lol.
  2. Go to the "results" section and search for your school. You can look through previous years to see when acceptances and rejections started rolling out, whether it seemed phased, or if there seemed to be any rhyme or reason at all. Hope that helps.
  3. That's been my week. Today I took two ice packs to class instead of one ice pack and my sandwich. So for lunch, I had to visit the vending machine, decided to eat outside, and got chased away from my table by bees. On the plus side, one of those interviews has turned into an invitation to a recruitment weekend, so yay.
  4. I thoroughly expect to live on campus or in the ghetto wherever I go, at least until my partner can't find work. I do have a friend who might move with me to ease the burden.
  5. I guess I'm fortunate in that three of my schools don't even have a way to check status - I just have to wait. I've been far less prone to checking my status this year anyway, but if I got a call like that, I'd probably be in flip-out mode until I knew what it was about.
  6. Yeah, it's pretty lame to wake up and run to the mirror in panic, even if there is a huge relief upon doing so.
  7. Not a bad idea. After grad school, we may never want to read again. Haha.
  8. On the plus side, I'm not dreaming that my teeth are falling out like I usually do when I'm stressed.
  9. That sounds like something that would happen to me. Ugh.
  10. I've been dreaming a lot about having jobs I'm not remotely qualified for (lawyer, guitarist for Iron Maiden, scientist)... even my subconscious knows I'm a poser. What now?
  11. I have been plugged into making the most atrocious electronic music (using Reason and Sonar). It's urgent, wandering, and tense, I think I must have channeled everything from the last two years into it.
  12. Double the "hope you get in" sentiment, then. We'll see if any news comes this week. I know a few of my apps are in review (some have been for a week), so I'm hopeful.
  13. So far, I'm staying pretty mellow, all things considered. A few micro-heart attacks here and there, but I'm not anywhere near the stress or freakout levels of last year (mercifully).
  14. Congrats! Good news for lots of people this week.
  15. Give it time, I remember last year people posting in the results that notices arrived at all unkind hours of the morning.
  16. Congratulations! I bet you're breathing a lot easier.
  17. Agreed. In no way should you feel humiliated after gaining admission to a PhD in any competitive program. It's not easy or guaranteed, even if you were the only applicant.
  18. It's usually a subfield of geology/paleontology, though I know at my UG school, they had life science and chemistry people involved too.
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