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Everything posted by sansao

  1. I would email the other school and see what they say. Once you know what your status is, then you'll know whether you need to ask about an extension or not.
  2. 4/10/12: A whole lot of anxiety and discontent... and a bill from the optometrist.
  3. That's not a bad idea, even if I can't convince myself that it's true, heh.
  4. I know what you mean, I'm still waiting on the other half of my applications, now that my first and last choices are out of the way. Thanks for reminding me that the last workday before the deadline is Friday, the 13th. Hopefully my applications don't have an unexpected machete experience from some freak in a hockey mask... haha.
  5. They need to verify your previous degree(s), and any other publications or research listed in your statement. It's just routine stuff, you've pretty much got it in the bag, but they have to make sure that you are who you say you are, and that you didn't falsify any information.
  6. Just so you have an answer from another Geophysics applicant. I've heard from 2/4. The first was a rejection back in February. The second I contacted and they told me I was on the "fairly far down the waitlist, and probably wouldn't receive an offer, but it wasn't over yet." About 9 hours later, I got a rejection from them. From what I've heard, the other two are in fact still in assessment. So, it seems like it's mostly just taking a really long time. I wouldn't freak out yet. Just drop a polite inquiry by phone or email, and let them know you're concerned because the 15th is so close. That's my take, though. Others may have something else to offer.
  7. Heh. Sometimes it happens, I guess.
  8. Amazingly, the second rejection both made me feel better and boosted my confidence. Of course, so did seeing rejections on the survey from one of my other schools and knowing that I didn't get one.
  9. So, I got waitlisted by my top choice on Wednesday morning. Then I got rejected on Wednesday night - 9 hours later. Guess those slots fill up fast. Two down, two to go. The agony... lol.
  10. I wish some of my undergrad TAs would have done this for me, rather than assuming because they have a related degree that they automatically understand all of a given geoscience course. Your students are fortunate.
  11. Hope you get a good response too. A friend of mine (who's dad is a geologist) was telling me that he just recently started giving his students the informal info. So maybe it's just a matter of faculty getting around to sending out the emails with all of the other stuff they have going on. *also crosses fingers*
  12. Perhaps I'm excessively naive, but I'm still trying to hold out some degree of hope. You should do the same until you hear from everyone. I contacted one department last week, and they actually haven't made decisions yet. They aren't even sure they'll make it by the deadline... which could be awkward, but it's good to know.
  13. Note that this seems to be especially true for geoscience people. I keep saying that, and it still seems to be holding up. Geologists in limbo... should be one of those awful made-for-TV movies, haha.
  14. I get that impression too. I spoke with the DGS, and they just told me that "the outlook is not good for an April 15th notification." It figures that this would happen the year I apply, lol.
  15. Heh, me too. Could you imagine? "Congratulations, please log into ... to confirm your acceptance." And then the webpage reads: "April Fools, Loser!"
  16. Hmmm... I kinda wish that were my problem. Wanna borrow some weight to lose?
  17. Not that this site isn't like desperate grad applicants anonymous as it is. I'm going to need at least a week of cognitive reboot after this is over.
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