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Everything posted by sansao

  1. Congratulations! Hope you can get the funding sorted out.
  2. original sin
  3. sansao

    Pi Day

    The obvious answer, I suppose. I despise pumpkin pie, second only to mincemeat. I'll probably order a cake, just to be contrary, haha.
  4. Feel free to make it mean. As long as it's a joke, mean ones are better.
  5. city lights
  6. Haven't had much of that, mercifully. No account updates, emails, letters, just waiting. Even the results page has been astoundingly silent for my programs. It's weird, if I didn't have the accounts and credit card statements, I would be wondering if my apps ever made it to review.
  7. sansao

    Pi Day

    Any other nerds out there celebrating Pi Day on Wednesday?
  8. small world
  9. Mom: "I can't understand why they didn't see your potential and take you right away." Me: "They must have realized my intelligence is a ruse." Mom: "What's a ruse?"
  10. We're having one hell of an application season, eh? Still waiting on 3/4 here. You could hear a pin drop right now.
  11. Yup. I know of very few people who even have enough information to accept the offers that have managed to trickle out (they still want to know what the other schools are going to offer). We'll get there eventually. In the meantime, YosemiteTam, you can take classes at a local uni or cc to improve your application. Can you boost your math skills, computer science (programming is important these days), GIS, etc. You might be able to register as a non-degree seeking grad student and pursue a certificate or just take courses that are relevant to your area of interest. Also, if you could take a volunteer or temporary geology-related position and get a reference from there, I'm sure that would be helpful too.
  12. Well, don't keep us waiting! 3/10/12 AARP benefits for my folks. "Evil Toons" DVD for my brother (worst David Carradine movie EVER). FinAid Loan Interest notice for me. My cup runneth over.
  13. That's some solid rigorous logic there, WRTIY.
  14. Also, don't get to worried about how late it is. The geoscience programs all seem to be late this year. I've only heard back from one school, and most of the people I know haven't heard back from anywhere. Some got one or two early rejections in February (I did), but most still seem to be waiting on 3-5 schools. I think they're just really slow this year, and I know at least one school is doing rolling admissions within the department. So while it's good to be working on an alternate plan, don't stress too much until you get rejections in print. In some disciplines, not hearing anything by now would almost certainly equate to rejections. Ours is not one of them.
  15. I'm less neurotic at this point. I think midterms really distracted me from worrying so much.
  16. photo finish
  17. Congratulations, that's fantastic! They have a great program there (I did my undergrad research in biogeochemistry under one of the NAI/ELS professors). Everyone in those labs are awesome, helpful people, lots of them with families and they're all very understanding. I'm sure you'll love doing your research there.
  18. Lol. Yeah, because my school doesn't provide all of this stuff for a highly discounted rate compared to these people, and because I can't make a graduation announcement myself. We do have printers these days. I think instead of spending $10 and some ink, I'll pay $200 for you to do the same thing with slightly more expensive paper... right.
  19. I feel your pain.
  20. Simply Red (80's flashback, anyone?, also, it should be pretty evident that I don't have a damned thing to do this morning. So grateful for this forum)
  21. Wow, congratulations! That's fantastic. Also, there's a bar here with your name.
  22. Agreed. Your top choice may not be theirs, they may get a better funding offer somewhere else, anything could cause them to decline the offer. If you're at the bottom of the waitlist, it might be another story, unless it's very short, in which case they probably expect to be able to admit you.
  23. Hope it's good news. Let us know in case anyone else has a similar situation.
  24. Maybe you can just shoot the king, period. That guy is creepy.
  25. dwarf planet
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