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Quantum Buckyball

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Everything posted by Quantum Buckyball

  1. Yes it could, my PI is on the admission committee and they only makes offer to applicants who are "more" likely to attend our program.
  2. You'll be okay because you are in the synthetic methodologies field, it's hard to produce papers.
  3. You see all kinds of people in grad school.

  4. just finished watching American Horror Story season 1 :-D

    1. TeaOverCoffee


      Just wait until you get to Coven. It's incredible.

    2. GCool


      Coven's the best one IMO

  5. This is true, most incomplete applications won't be reviewed by the admission committee, at least it's the case at my school. Most schools now have the auto-cutoff system because they receive so many applications; more than the admission committee can handle. For instance, there is a total of 5 professors on the admission committee it's very hard to review 1000+ applications and go through 3000+ LORs in a such short amount of time. I would highly recommend that you submit your application early and have everything turn in ASAP. Unless there is a professor really wants to recruit you then they will most likely make an exception.
  6. It's about how your future employers would think...well, unless you start your own company...
  7. I would suggest you to avoid this if you were in the life science/physical science field. It would be very challenge to land a good post-doc position, or a decent job in the industry.
  8. spend more time on writing than doing science >_<

  9. I would say that most top 5-10 schools will only care about your record on publications/scholarships/fellowships and letters of recommendation.
  10. anyone can be replaced

    1. spectastic


      if that were true, half the people wouldn't be working here.

  11. My family relatives should really stop asking me for medical advice, I'm not THAT kind of doctor...

    1. VulpesZerda


      My experimental psych prof used to always say "I'm not THAT kind of psychologist" whenever he overheard a girl in class complain about her life

  12. PhD credential is so overrated...

  13. Some people should really stop posting pics of their newborn on FB..like...no....1 is enough....not 50 =.=

  14. No, you should not include anything from high school in your CV for grad school applications. You should only focus on what you have done or achieved since you started undergrad. My PI is on the admission committee and I've heard so many bizarre stuff people included in their SOPs .
  15. yes, you are eligible to take out student loans as needed.
  16. gained 25 lbs after my first year of grad school, holy crap...#outofcontrol #stresseating

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. spectastic


      actually that sounds quite lovely. but JAEZUS

    3. gk210


      naw #treatyoself

    4. Threeboysmom


      Oh boy can I relate to this. I began graduate school heavier than I would like and I was on a weight loss program, now that school has started my weight loss regime has gone down the drain. I can't make my Weight Watchers meetings and my eating is out of control. Hoping to get back on a system and not gain back all that I lost prior to starting school.

  17. not my chair, not my problem

    1. fuzzylogician


      One of my favorite expressions (from Polish) is: "not my circus, not my monkeys."

    2. VulpesZerda


      I forgot all about that video!

  18. had a dream about getting married two nights ago, and then another dream about getting kidnapped last night...what the hell?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Threeboysmom


      Sounds like someone is afraid of commitment and your unconscious is wrestling with idea of long term commitment.

    3. Quantum Buckyball

      Quantum Buckyball

      ain't nobody got time for long term commitments

    4. Threeboysmom


      Okay if you say so.

  19. a LoR from someone who've only known you for 2 month carries a very little weight, almost barely none. Plus, it could do more harm than good in my opinion because of commitment issues.
  20. Personally, I would use the letters of recommendation you used for your Masters instead of try to get one from your current advisor because you've only been in the program for 2 months.
  21. I know someone with a history undergrad degree and did a 2-year MA in biology and got in the biochem program here
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