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Quantum Buckyball

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Everything posted by Quantum Buckyball

  1. "accept what you can't change change what you can't accept"

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    1. Gvh


      But what if you want to change something that you can't accept but then find that this can't be changed?

    2. spectastic


      you must then accept that you can't change something that you can't accept that can't be changed.

    3. Gvh



  2. Person A got into a huge argument with one of the grad students in our lab today, it was bad, bad enough that another grad student had to step in and tell the Person A to back off in an unfriendly tone . In addition, I definitely noticed there were a lot of verbal "clashes" between Person A with two undergrads and another grad student today during group meeting, I felt like I was watching a drama TV show LIVE.
  3. If there was a direct threat to me, which have already happened before (three times), what would be the best way to handle it? call the cops?
  4. I checked out the center's website the other day and it seems like they have a link where I can submit a ticket anonymously, and I have told my PI that I didn't feel comfortable to be around Person A late at night in the lab due to previous encounters. I don't need this kind of stress, research is stressful enough.
  5. This is completely uncalled for. I was simply asking advice on how to handle stuff like this because I have never experienced it before. If I was truly an awful person and want to use this against Person A I would have complained to the departmental chair already or filed a legal case against Person A.
  6. Person A has been using school's mental health support and that is where Person A got the antidepressant prescription from. It has reached to the point that everyone in the lab started ignoring Person A's existence .
  7. I do not know, but I have let my PI know that I didn't feel safe to be alone with Person A because Person A has made many gesture that symbolize choking someone and stabbing.
  8. Person A told one of the people in my lab two days ago so I don't think it's just rumor, stuff like this is pretty serious. I do not know if my PI knows about Person A's mental health. All I know is that Person A often to "snap" for no reasons and make it very uncomfortable, intense for everyone in the lab.
  9. Just found out Person A attempted suicide recently, and Person A is currently on antidepressant. Here is the catch, Person A is very unreasonable, argumentative, rude and like making unnecessary, hostile comments for no reasons. 9/10 of people from Person A's cohort class, and on my floor dislikes Person A, I found out a very good first year student did not apply my research group because he did not want to deal with Person A. Person A is very intellectual and knowledgeable, however, Person A likes to "lecture" people, including upper-level PhD students and my PI. I had gotten into many arguments with Person A before and have considered legal action against Person A because I have evidence to prove that Person A purposely contaminated my sample, but my PI stopped me. My PI recommends me to avoid any confrontations.
  10. so, my PI thought I have potentials in acting and business....wtf? oh helllll nahhhhh

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  11. Oh hell yes Ain't nobody got time to play nice. I usually try to walk away before I say something nasty back, or something I know would "hurt" their feelings severely, I'm a Scorpio. There is a difference between being passive-aggressive and being a fxxking bully, and if someone is straight out rude and disrespectful I make sure to call them out during the group meeting or in front of the PI. I love drama....
  12. Wonder Washer is such an amazing product, so clever!

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    1. spectastic


      I do the same thing with a tote box. though instead of tipping it over, I just stir it.

  13. I am pretty amazing, that's all.

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  14. holy crap i'm like 5 lbs away from being obese...

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  15. Yeah, my friend and I always try to find reasons to get out the city on weekends, or go to museums or movies...just so that we can pretend we have a "normal" life style and aren't workaholics
  16. It is a website for personal finance and budgeting. I've used it for over 4 years now and love it. One of my summer resolutions is to be able to stick with my budget on "food" lol
  17. 5 chemistry PhDs graduated and only 1 graduated with a job offer >.>

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Quantum Buckyball

      Quantum Buckyball

      Not sure why, most of them stayed in the program for another year to buy more time and it didn't help that much... ><

    3. spectastic


      my best guess is that they didn't network enough and focused too much on publishing papers

    4. Quantum Buckyball

      Quantum Buckyball

      how much networking is "enough" ?

  18. I don't like her personality, she's pretty dark and two faced and my coworker thought so too. She always talk/act differently whenever our PI is in the lab. Anyways, I'm not the only person found her annoying and she hasn't even started grad school yet.
  19. taking selfies is now a mental disorder? gurl puhleaze

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  20. Apparently the settings for our incubator, cold box and cold room got "changed" all of the sudden within a week. In addition, the water supply somehow got contaminated last week and the autoclave "accidentally" broke down.

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    1. spectastic


      what is disgruntled employee and expensive lab facility.

    2. mandarin.orange


      summer student?

  21. Having a graduate degree does not make you "smart" =.=

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  22. being "smart" is so overrated >.>

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    1. ahlatsiawa


      True. Dumb people should rule the world. Idiocracy, eh?

  23. Oh goodness. I mean she would ask my PI and my coworkers questions like, "should I aliquot out my sample into 50 tubes or 100 tubes?" "should I spin down my sample?" "should I read more papers on xxxxx?" I was like, gurl srsly? you gotta go!
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