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Everything posted by FacelessMage

  1. I've done all this, and it seems like the more I improve my application, the worst my odds get. I'm on my third round of applications wth no interviews this year, when I always had interviews in the past. I just don't know what more I can do or if it's worth spending another year applying.
  2. I was told by a prof on an admissions committee, that once your GPA is above 3.70, it's negligible. Most applicants will have extremely strong GPAs, and people with lower GPAs usually supplement them with strong research experience/GRE scores/reference letters.
  3. I don't necessarily view it that way. In my view, the combined MA/PhD programs are where you're admitted at the MA level, but don't actually get awarded the MA, and don't always complete an MA thesis. You just get bumped to the PhD if they determine if your progress is satisfactory. I was hoping to be admitted to one of those programs.
  4. This is good to know, although I only applied directly to the PhD at the only two programs (SFU and Ryerson) that weren't a combined MA/PhD (all the other programs admit at the MA level first year anyways before transitioning to the PhD), so I don't know. I've known people in the past who were admitted directly into the PhD program, so I figured I had a shot since my application was very competitive.
  5. I was awarded a CGS-M in 2013. My Master's research was nothing like what I had outlined in my proposal. I didn't even end up in a clinical psychology program as proposed. However, my Master's research still fell under SSHRC's mandate so I was good.
  6. Nothing. I was thinking of emailing the graduate program assistant tomorrow to ask about the status of applications. They don't get many per year, so it shouldn't take this long to contact people.
  7. I applied for PhD entry, but most of the programs I applied to were combined MA/PhD programs. Maybe next year I'll try applying to the MA, even though it will kill me to write a second MA thesis.
  8. I have the feeling I've been completely shut out from this year's applications, and I don't know where I went wrong. I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble to go through this for another year.
  9. I feel a bit odd since I received neither an interview invitation nor a rejection from South Florida. Maybe I'm on a backup list?
  10. I applied to Dr. Campbell! I hope your application there goes well!
  11. I would email the graduate program assistant rather than the individual supervisor, as they're more likely to be in the know.
  12. Yay, fellow UNB applicant! Looks like we'll be waiting another week. Last year, UNB invites went out February 2-4! Still waiting on Saskatchewan. Loosing hope because I haven't seen any invites except one that apparently went out last week...
  13. Well....glad I didn't apply there then, as the prof I wanted to work with is apparently no longer accepting students. It would have been a waste of $100!
  14. I've heard nothing from Saskatchewan, but I saw that someone posted a result there (they were contacted for an interview last week for this weekend). I don't know what to think. Last time I interviewed at Saskatchewan they contacted me the first week of February.
  15. From what I've seen, sometimes they tell you, sometimes they don't. When I was waitlisted at the school I was ultimately accepted to, they told me that I was waitlisted, and that they would be contacting around the department to see if anyone would be willing to take additional students.
  16. Can the person who posted the result from the University of Saskatchewan please PM me with your POI and who you received the email from?
  17. I just saw that someone posted a result from Saskatchewan. Can that person please PM me with the name of your POI? I'm starting to feel like I won't be getting any interviews at all this year....
  18. They'd have the chance to train me since my MA is experimental rather than clinical. I haven't heard from either of them (hence the assumed rejection) but I know that these programs are fairly competitive and are unlikely to do multiple rounds of interviews.
  19. Haha thanks. This is my third time applying, and with an MA now, so I'm a bit discouraged. My applications seemed to have gone better when I had a BSc and no pubs at all! It's honestly just such a random process. I'm sure you'll do fine!
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