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16 minutes ago, Yanaka said:

Ouch? Or meh?

Besides the time, it wasn't bad. :)

12 minutes ago, FreakyFoucault said:


[Begins looking for W-2s]

And they were accepted! 2 hours after submission! Good luck! :)

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19 minutes ago, Warelin said:

Besides the time, it wasn't bad. :)

Good! I was using Turbo Tax and turns out I can’t do it with them, anymore. Ughhhh. Now I’m avoiding that task big time.

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49 minutes ago, Yanaka said:

I’m reading them very slowly because I only read before sleeping, so I don’t know how far I’ll go. But I think they’re a good complement to the series—and so far I kind of enjoy what HBO changed... haha. His writing is also excessively macho, but well it’s relatively old

The weird macho tone is I think part of what got to me. I felt like the show did a great disservice to Catelyn Stark, but I love where they've taken most of the other female leads. I'm totally team Cersei most days (I literally cheered with her "I choose violence" scene. YASSS QUEEN.)

Edited by JustPoesieAlong
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6 minutes ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

Agreed. I've read most of her poetry and love it ("I eat men like air" OMG), but this is my first time with her prose.

"Buddy Willard went to Yale, but now I thought of it, what was wrong with him was that he was stupid. Oh, he'd managed to get good marks all right, and to have an affair with some awful waitress on the Cape by the name of Gladys, but he didn't have one speck of intuition. Doreen had intuition. Everything she said was like a secret voice speaking straight out of my own bones."

^I'd say pretty darn good for being primarily a poet... 

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5 minutes ago, katie64 said:

Not really sure where else to put this without making a whole new topic, but...

did anyone bring their dog to grad school, or plan to? 

Yup. Two dogs and a cat, actually. Oh, and a husband and kiddo. So maybe it doesn't count ?

Really though, I can't imagine not having my puppers with me during grad school. They're very supportive of my academic endeavors.

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14 minutes ago, katie64 said:

Not really sure where else to put this without making a whole new topic, but...

did anyone bring their dog to grad school, or plan to? 

To add to this, anyone planning on getting/adopting a pup when they start grad school? ?

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Here's my problem. I have a horse and a dog. The horse I board and the dog lives at home with me, my dad, my sister, my niece, and the other dog. Originally, I was going to take the dog and leave the horse for a little while. Then, my dad convinced me to leave the dog saying I would be very busy in grad school and it would be hard on the dog to separate from the other dog, and my dad promised he would bring my dog up if I decided I wanted him, so I agreed. But I just had surgery and have been recovering at my mom's house, and it's been a total sh*tshow with my dad taking care of my dog...he's kind of special needs, in a way. My mom convinced me to go ahead and just take my horse, so I'm doing that, and now I feel like I'm back to square one and having to take both! I'm just a little nervous about it, both with time and expenses. 

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35 minutes ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

The weird macho tone is I think part of what got to me. I felt like the show did a great disservice to Catelyn Stark, but I love where they've taken most of the other female leads. I'm totally team Cersei most days (I literally cheered with her "I choose violence" scene. YASSS QUEEN.)

I love, love, love Cersei, but Littlefinger in the books was my hero. "Knowledge is Power"

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Dogs are so much more work than cats—and my cats are already work. I planned on getting a cat or two, and I did! I couldn’t resist. But I should have xD I’m often gone all day, I’m already sad to leave the cats, and they are two and can play and go to the bathroom inside... a dog, I can’t imagine! Although I’m sure people work it out. Also I have to have them looked after when I plan on going to conferences and stuff. I should have taken just one antisocial cat so I would have been able to travel with it. Two aren’t allowed on trains.

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2 hours ago, katie64 said:

Not really sure where else to put this without making a whole new topic, but...

did anyone bring their dog to grad school, or plan to? 

ooooh boy. When I started my MFA I transported two chihuahuas - one fairly ordinary, playful dog, and one with an anxiety disorder so bad our vets keep asking if he'll take medication (Matzo's really only that bad IN the vets office, otherwise his fear/anxiety are manageable) - from Southern California to Philadelphia by car. We'll call it an experience. We got one of those hammock things that covers the whole backseat, just for Matzo to spend the whole time looking out of it and crying like he was being kidnapped (see below). 0/10 stars. Do not recommend.

matzohammock - Copy.jpg

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3 hours ago, clinamen said:

To add to this, anyone planning on getting/adopting a pup when they start grad school? ?

I want to adopt a cranky old man cat. 

3 hours ago, katie64 said:

Here's my problem. I have a horse and a dog. The horse I board and the dog lives at home with me, my dad, my sister, my niece, and the other dog. Originally, I was going to take the dog and leave the horse for a little while. Then, my dad convinced me to leave the dog saying I would be very busy in grad school and it would be hard on the dog to separate from the other dog, and my dad promised he would bring my dog up if I decided I wanted him, so I agreed. But I just had surgery and have been recovering at my mom's house, and it's been a total sh*tshow with my dad taking care of my dog...he's kind of special needs, in a way. My mom convinced me to go ahead and just take my horse, so I'm doing that, and now I feel like I'm back to square one and having to take both! I'm just a little nervous about it, both with time and expenses. 

I'm gearing up to bring an equine - if you want to swap notes on best practices, email or PM. Now that it is real, I'm getting nervous (lol) and would love to share ideas on how to make imagination morph into reality.

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