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Just received email from Hunter and I am not sure how to respond to them. This is very unusual and I do not know if any of you have received similar email in the past. 

I received offers from 2 schools, but Hunter is my number one pick to be honest. I am not sure explaining them about my juggle will help them to pick me or not.

I wish to hear your opninions.

Dear Applicants -
As you can imagine, the current health crisis has slowed the notification process for Graduate Admissions. We expect to have answers to you by Monday, March 30.
Please email me this week if:
1. You're juggling offers from other MFA Programs.
2. You’d prefer to enter the Hunter MFA program in Spring 2021. We typically admit students in both the Fall and Spring semesters, and try to take preferences into account.

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56 minutes ago, brho said:

Just received email from Hunter and I am not sure how to respond to them. This is very unusual and I do not know if any of you have received similar email in the past. 

I received offers from 2 schools, but Hunter is my number one pick to be honest. I am not sure explaining them about my juggle will help them to pick me or not.

I wish to hear your opninions.

Dear Applicants -
As you can imagine, the current health crisis has slowed the notification process for Graduate Admissions. We expect to have answers to you by Monday, March 30.
Please email me this week if:
1. You're juggling offers from other MFA Programs.
2. You’d prefer to enter the Hunter MFA program in Spring 2021. We typically admit students in both the Fall and Spring semesters, and try to take preferences into account.

I feel similarly. I have an offer from another school but I'm not sure if I should let them know. Personally, I am leaning toward not letting them know. I asked my other school for an extension on my decision and let them know that Hunter's decision was late. I think think that if you still want to use your other offer to ask for more grant money etc. (I don't even know if Hunter offers grant money) you can always ask and let them know about your other offer after you receive your initial offer from Hunter. I definitely know someone who got into Columbia but was rejected from Rutgers and was later told it was because the faculty knew that he would get into Columbia and doubted that he would chose Rutgers. but really this is just my opinion. 

Are you thinking of letting them know about your other schools?

Edited by Googlyeyes
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I'm on the waitlist at Tyler and I've been trying to email the department chair to get in touch about questions/updates but I haven't heard from him or the Admissions Counselor since Feb 4th. 

Is anyone else in the boat or just me?  

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57 minutes ago, brho said:

Just received email from Hunter and I am not sure how to respond to them. This is very unusual and I do not know if any of you have received similar email in the past. 

I received offers from 2 schools, but Hunter is my number one pick to be honest. I am not sure explaining them about my juggle will help them to pick me or not.

I wish to hear your opninions.

Dear Applicants -
As you can imagine, the current health crisis has slowed the notification process for Graduate Admissions. We expect to have answers to you by Monday, March 30.
Please email me this week if:
1. You're juggling offers from other MFA Programs.
2. You’d prefer to enter the Hunter MFA program in Spring 2021. We typically admit students in both the Fall and Spring semesters, and try to take preferences into account.

Just got the same email. Can anyone speak to pros/cons of entering in the spring vs the fall? 

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1 hour ago, brho said:

Just received email from Hunter and I am not sure how to respond to them. This is very unusual and I do not know if any of you have received similar email in the past. 

I received offers from 2 schools, but Hunter is my number one pick to be honest. I am not sure explaining them about my juggle will help them to pick me or not.

I wish to hear your opninions.

Dear Applicants -
As you can imagine, the current health crisis has slowed the notification process for Graduate Admissions. We expect to have answers to you by Monday, March 30.
Please email me this week if:
1. You're juggling offers from other MFA Programs.
2. You’d prefer to enter the Hunter MFA program in Spring 2021. We typically admit students in both the Fall and Spring semesters, and try to take preferences into account.

Does seem unusual... My professors had told me in the past that schools may want to know my other options but they typically wouldn't (and shouldn't) ask outright. However, if Hunter is indeed your number one pick I think it wouldn't hurt to say so.

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18 hours ago, MIQI said:

Does seem unusual... My professors had told me in the past that schools may want to know my other options but they typically wouldn't (and shouldn't) ask outright. However, if Hunter is indeed your number one pick I think it wouldn't hurt to say so.

I agree w/ Miqi, if they are your top choice they should know!  And YES if you can bear to wait until Spring 2021 that would be a very very good choice considering the health crisis.  Since I didn't get into Hunter it always stands out in my mind as the best most desirable school--it seems worth the wait which would also be a prudent wait heath/political/economy-wise.


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On 3/22/2020 at 11:07 PM, drinking wine from a shell said:

Wondering if there's anyone else here planning to go to SAIC. Their decision deadline is April 1st and I've been trying to get in contact with admissions to see if this deadline might be extended due to covid19. I haven't been able to get through to admissions or my financial aid contact all week (which is understandable given the circumstances). Anyone know if this is still the deadline?

I'm also wondering if they will allow people to defer enrollment if classes are still suspended/remote this coming fall. With the severity of this pandemic that actually seems possible ?

I'm accepted to another school and am thinking of deferment too. Everything is unpredictable now and honestly I don't know if things are going back to normal by Fall.

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On 3/5/2020 at 9:51 PM, tomato potato said:

update of my list!

Rejected: Yale, Cornell
Accepted: SAIC VCS, Purchase MFA+MA, MECA
Interview: UArk, Rutgers Design, Goldsmiths

Just got phone call from Purchase if anyone is waiting from them!!

updates again!

 I just received acceptance email from Goldsmiths!

Edited by tomato potato
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I officially declined my offer from IU digital art today


Update on my list

IU Digital Art - Accepted (2/13 via email, letter in the mail a couple of days later), declined 3/26

UCR - Interviewed 2/14 - Rejected via email

UCSD - Rejected via app portal

SAIC (Printmedia, Sculpture, FVNMA) - Rejected via letters in the mail

UCI (Electronic Art & Design) - Rejected via app portal

Purchase College MA Art History- Accepted 3/20 (without funding), declined admission

Purchase College MFA Studio- Rejected 3/13 via app portal

UIC (New media), Illinois (New Media) - Crickets


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On 3/19/2020 at 4:21 PM, eleven11 said:

Hi does anybody know what the hell is happening with Stanford Art Practice???? Zero answers for emails, zero contact, nothing. Of course at this point its 99.9% rejection but its really annoying that nothing official comes from them.

I applied Stanford Documentary and also didn't get any results. My application status in ApplyWeb is still incomplete... ?Have you received the result these days?

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22 minutes ago, Vicky1998 said:

I applied Stanford Documentary and also didn't get any results. My application status in ApplyWeb is still incomplete... ?Have you received the result these days?

The same here. They didn't answer my email as well.

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Hello everyone!

I saw people post their acceptances/rejections from NYU and UCLA. I applied to both MFA painting programs but haven't heard back from them yet.

Do you guys think I should email them to check my application status? Or didn't get an email means that I was rejected already.

I hope to hear from you guys. Thanks so much!

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On 3/18/2020 at 6:23 PM, Brian_00 said:

First time posting. Wanted to leave some info for future applicants since this forum has been very helpful throughout this whole process. I applied for painting.

Yale: Accepted, interview invite Jan 27 through email/portal update, interviews were between Feb 17-21, acceptance March 3rd email/portal update

RISD: Accepted, interview invite Feb 6th, interviews were between Feb 24-26, acceptance Feb 28 by phone call

SAIC: Accepted, interview invite Jan 27 through email, interviews were between Feb 15-16, acceptance Feb 21 by phone call

Northwestern: Rejected, email Feb 13

UCLA: Rejected, email/portal update Mar 18

Stanford: Nothing


Yale was my top choice and I will probably be committing this week since RISD and SAIC have pretty shoddy financial aid. Both cover less than half their tuition fees. Meaning both expect me take out over 20k in loans per year in tuition. This doesn't include loans for rent, insurance, travel, materials, etc. If I went to to RISD or SAIC, I'd probably graduate with over 70k in loans. I'm just not in a position to afford that. Fortunately, Yale's package is much much better. I will be turning down RISD and SAIC by the end of this week. So good luck to anyone that might be on the waitlist at either place!

I'd also like to add that UCLA's acceptances went out before or around the week of Feb 17th. That's when I was interviewing at Yale and met two other interviewees that had already been accepted to UCLA for painting. Since they only take 3-4 painters per year, I knew at that point that I had already been rejected. They call only a very select few. UCLA wasn't a top choice for me since I don't want to be in a city that requires a car. And I know several people that have gone through it's program. They all told me the same thing. It's more of an extended residency. Students have to be proactive about getting attention and there isn't much of a sense of community between the student body. I was looking for a more tight knit program. I also didn't like that the painting program is 3 years. I really only applied because the application was free. I got fee waivers everywhere (except Yale) because I was a Mellon Mays fellow during undergrad.

I hope everyone is staying healthy and sane amidst these crazy times; hopefully things improve by the time fall rolls around....


Congratulations on getting into Yale!! Yale is my top choice. I applied for its MFA Painting program but got rejected. Would you mind sharing your portfolio and artist statement? This was my first time to apply, and I'd like to hear more advice. Thank you! And congratulations again!

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On 3/14/2020 at 11:53 AM, Ashley_567 said:

Hey everyone I just checked this UCLA decision portal:


had to press the "Retrieve" button to get a password (wasn't a password that I ever set) 

Once I got in there was a decision letter available.

Sadly I was rejected :( from the painting department. sigghhhhh

At least I know though. Good luck everyone! 

I still haven't heard back form UCLA. Isn't it weird? I applied for painting program. I felt like I must have been rejected...

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On 3/26/2020 at 11:37 AM, MYJ2020 said:

I'm accepted to another school and am thinking of deferment too. Everything is unpredictable now and honestly I don't know if things are going back to normal by Fall.

I asked the 2 schools I'm considering if they would accept deferrals, and they both said yes, in this situation. It's good to know your options 

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I just received an offer from Hunter too! It is a question whether to start this Fall or next Spring.

Hunter MFA Studio Art - Accepted
NYU Steinhardt Studio Art - Waiting on decision
Columbia Photo - Accepted
SAIC Sculpture - Accepted

Edited by brho
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38 minutes ago, brho said:

I just received an offer from Hunter too! It is a question whether to start this Fall or next Spring.

Hunter MFA Studio Art - Accepted
NYU Steinhardt Studio Art - Waiting on decision
Columbia Photo - Accepted
SAIC Sculpture - Accepted

Congratulations on getting so many great offers! Which one do you prefer? 

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