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49 minutes ago, brkkmnkk said:

Hey guys, can anyone share their interview experience so far. For my one interview at Cornell, I have 4 different people on 4 different days, all on Zoom. I am a little anxious so anything will be great.

hey there. I had something similar for CMU PSN this week - 4 one-on-one interviews with faculty I'd nominated before. had half-an-hour interviews. these being my first grad school interviews I also didn't know what to expect. Well they were very cordial and talked to me like a scientist talking to another scientist. They asked me what I'd done research wise before this. Then they talked to me about their research plans. That was it, I could ask more questions about the program, university, city, etc. if i wanted. encouraging experience overall!

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4 hours ago, brkkmnkk said:

Hey guys, can anyone share their interview experience so far. For my one interview at Cornell, I have 4 different people on 4 different days, all on Zoom. I am a little anxious so anything will be great.

Hey there! I had my first interview today and it went way better than I expected.  I know it's hard not to feel nervous, but there is no need. They picked you to interview for a reason(you stood out amongst the other applicants!!). Just make sure you can talk about your research and interests..nothing too crazy. I usually get super nervous over zoom and I had such a good experience today, and I am sooo excited for the rest of my interviews.  Good luck, you will do great!

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4 hours ago, Yutian Zhang said:


Did anyone here received interview invitation from Scripps?

I was invited to an in-person interview weekend at Florida campus, and I am wondering if the travel costs are covered?

typically schools cover all costs. I have never heard of schools not paying for these expenses! 

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4 hours ago, ninjasub2 said:

Also, what do we think about schools wanting to send "merch?" Is this usually a good sign that they really want you?

Super good sign... I don't see why a school would bother sending you anything if they did not anticipate on inviting you to interview, you know?

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11 minutes ago, neuro7 said:

Super good sign... I don't see why a school would bother sending you anything if they did not anticipate on inviting you to interview, you know?

I agree. If you already got the interview and they are sending you merch though, I wouldn't read too much into it.

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4 hours ago, brkkmnkk said:

Hey guys, can anyone share their interview experience so far. For my one interview at Cornell, I have 4 different people on 4 different days, all on Zoom. I am a little anxious so anything will be great.

I had my first round of interviews last week, it ended up being 2 different PIs and 1 student and they all went much better than I anticipated! I was super super nervous since this was my top school, so the entire day I has having a ton of anxiety, heart racing, etc. but looking back I did not have that much to be nervous for. In the PI interviews we mostly talked about my previous research and I walked them through my overall goals of my research, my experimental setup, results, and what my research contributes to the field of neuroscience. There was a little time at the end for me to ask questions about their research, but since we spent a ton of time talking about my work I was only able to ask like 1 or 2 questions, so for the next round of interviews I'm working on keeping a better eye on the clock.

The student interview was super chill, I talked a bit about my research again but then I got to ask questions on what the school community is like, how much support they have, how they like the school in general, so it was super helpful overall. I also got to talk about what I do outside of sciences (sports, art, music), which I think was important to say bc it shows you have a life outside of science and have outlets to deal with stress!

You probably have heard this before but I can attest now that most professors aren't trying to grill you or ask you questions that you can't answer, they really just want to learn more about you and are excited to hear about all the cool things you've done! They would not have picked to interview you if they didn't believe you are a great scientist and could contribute amazing work to their school. Make sure to take care of yourself the night before any interview as well as the day of, drink a lot of water, eat some food, and do some breathing exercises if you're feeling especially nervous! (I certainly had to do a lot of deep breaths). You got this!!

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7 hours ago, brkkmnkk said:

Hey guys, can anyone share their interview experience so far. For my one interview at Cornell, I have 4 different people on 4 different days, all on Zoom. I am a little anxious so anything will be great.

Hi, just had my first interview today! I also met with 4 faculty over Zoom, with each PI, I had a 30 min time slot. Mine was all in the same day, just a bit spread out to give us a break. I thought the set up was nice but more importantly, the "interviews" were super relaxed and more of a discussion than the faculty testing you on your science. Not that I am in the place to give advice, but I think as long as you know your own research well and are able to articulate that, as well as talk ab your future interests and why the program will help you in pursuing ur interests, you should be fine! Also asking them ab their research can't ever hurt! Hope that helps, good luck!! 

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23 hours ago, Yutian Zhang said:


Did anyone here received interview invitation from Scripps?

I was invited to an in-person interview weekend at Florida campus, and I am wondering if the travel costs are covered?

Hi! I received one for Florida as well. The costs are covered, I emailed the coordinator for help arranging my flights but haven't heard back yet.

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23 hours ago, uninvitedColumbus said:

hey there. I had something similar for CMU PSN this week - 4 one-on-one interviews with faculty I'd nominated before. had half-an-hour interviews.

Just got an interview for PNC. Thanks for sharing :)

so was it 4 one-on-one interviews, each ~30min? or total? 

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