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PhD / DrPh Fall 2022

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5 hours ago, globalPHphd said:


First time posting here so I am nervous. This is my second time applying as well and so far I have heard nothing. I applied to UW Implementation Science PhD (my dream program) alongside GW global health PhD and UCSF Epi. I felt like I had a better approach this time around and had great chats with faculty at UW so it is disheartening to feel like this cycle might not work out.

It is inspiring to read your post about re-strategizing and re-applying, still debating if I have it me to do this again. Do you think UW's interview invites/acceptances were rolling or sent out all at once? I am wondering if it is even worth it to reach out to them regarding the status of my application.

Last year I applied to UW Implementation Science and didn't see anyone receive interviews/acceptance in this track (there were a few in the methods track). I also emailed the Phd admissions generic email regarding international student funding and correcting one of my letters and never received any response...So, this program/track feels like a mystery ? This year I didn't bother applying. At least this year someone is accepted in the track (and congrats!)

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48 minutes ago, bbrwin said:


I haven't seen many previous posts about interviews for this program. Did you interview or was this an admission without an interview?


38 minutes ago, BeltwayBob said:

Also curious to know. I never received an interview for JHU. Guess that means I'll be getting a rejection soon... Oh well! 

I did not interview ! 

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9 hours ago, publichealthPhD said:

really hope it works out for you this year. I love @InEquity's reframing. I want to share my story in case it's helpful. This is my second cycle applying. Last year I applied to a few programs and didn't get in anywhere. I used the year to regroup and re-strategize. So far I've been accepted into three programs, and I'm still in the process of interviewing for a few more. Meanwhile, re: Inequity's point, my partner and I saw this "lost year" as a little unexpected window to start our family. We're expecting our first child in the next few weeks! I really hope it works out for you this year, but if it doesn't, I hope you keep trying! If you end up needing to do this all over again next year and want to talk through application stuff, feel free to reach out. Someone on the forum did this for me last year and it made a huge difference in how I approached my applications this year.

Thanks for the encouragement. I am not too worried about the Harvard rejection. It didn't hurt. I started laughing actually because I knew it was coming. LOL. I told my mom that I am going to frame the rejection letter for motivational purposes. TBH, Harvard was actually at the bottom of my list.  I mostly wanted to attend due to the resources at the African and African American Research Center and the Center for Latin American Studies and my ability to possibly collaborate with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. My conversations with faculty didn't really go anywhere when I was reaching out to potential PI's. I also felt that I wouldn't thrive in such a cut-throat environment. I figured applying anyways would be better than selling myself short without applying. But I can always get those resources and make those networking connections through other people. 


My first choice is located in Mexico and is CEPH accredited. Unfortunately, I won't hear back from that school until June/July prior to a start in September but the PI that I am working for at the moment from there is Harvard trained and is in charge of a research institute within the Mexican government. I do have back up plans in case the entire cycle goes down in flames. Again, I appreciate the support! Staying mostly optimistic for the school in Mexico! 

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2 hours ago, CamilleBackman said:

Just got phone offer from Hopkins for PhD in health policy. Seems like more offers would be coming through in next few days or weeks with the possibility of more as people accept or decline their offers. 

Congratulations!!! That's so exciting! Did one of your POIs contact you, or was it the admissions team? 

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5 hours ago, CamilleBackman said:

Just got phone offer from Hopkins for PhD in health policy. Seems like more offers would be coming through in next few days or weeks with the possibility of more as people accept or decline their offers. 

Congratulations! I applied for the HSR Track too. Did they give any information about funding?

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UCLA is driving me crazy.. I got contacted by another PI that I didn't write in my SOP (little research fit).

Having only contacted by UCLA so far, I am trying to be proactive with all the interview opportunities I can get. However, it is so difficult to make a choice between:

Research for 4~5 years in a field I am not super enthusiastic about (little research fit) VS No-funding offer for the 1st year, but in a field that I like (It seems like have to pay $15K~30K/year after speaking to the financial advisor.)

Any advice who was contacted by PIs not referenced in SOP??

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On 2/7/2022 at 5:51 AM, NervousPotato said:

Hi, thanks for sharing about GW. Also got interviewed and the two interviewers were quite frank about the funding issue. I'm international, so they were concerned a bit more. They also told me that they referred my app to another better-funded center that aligned with my other research areas (but still with the prospect of being enrolled in the Health Policy program), which was very kind of them. But let's see; I haven't received a formal offer either.

Best of luck at the U (or at Hopkins)!


On 2/7/2022 at 9:26 PM, medception said:

Yea its honestly pretty frustrating that they don't advertise this info on their website or on SOPHAS before people apply, because they know if they did post the bit about limited funding, very few people would apply and thus they wouldn't get their app fees. Dishonest AF. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

I was pretty much disheartened knowing this last year. My confidence on academia is gradually fading away. Yet, academicians are staunch advocate of transparency and access to information. Not only they're earning app fees but it is all about acceptance rating and the number of applicants they're attracting- these data are crucial for their reputation; receiving budgets, bragging and many more. 
Last spring I was accepted to UNC-CH PhD and had extensive email conversation with the prospective supervisor who is also the program director. My email title was clearly mentioned about funding but he never said a word about this. After 15-20 emails and conversation he finally gave his nod to apply and then I was accepted to the program but then he said we do not have sufficient fund at the moment. I heard similiar stories of my friends and colleagues from other universities as well. 

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