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2022 Application Thread

dr. t

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congrats to all the Berkeley acceptances! I'm a current student & wanted to make myself available to chat & answer any questions anyone has about the department or school, especially since I didn't have the chance to talk to many current grad students before making my decision last year. 

For those who are waitlisted, especially after interviewing, or are still waiting to hear back-- I was waitlisted last year, and ended up being offered a spot at the last possible minute, so don't give up hope! 

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On 1/14/2022 at 6:06 PM, TheWitWitch said:

Hey everyone, as I am seeing that many of you are getting interviews at Columbia, would you mind sharing some info? What field are you applying? 

I am feeling very anxious right now, I had a feeling that Columbia was my strongest application….

Hi! I didn't have an interview per say, but a "conversation" with a professor I'd spoken with before. It was very informal, she just wanted to ask some clarifying questions about my research interests to better represent them to the broader faculty. According to her, Columbia cuts about 90% on first round. They've done that already (but interviews aren't part of that, she said those decisions are based on level of preparation), now the applications go to a set of faculty (ex; the Europeanists), who make another round of cuts. I think that round is happening now, we spoke last week and she said it was coming up. After they cut another 50% and come up with a list of candidates, then the buck gets passed to the admissions committee and they have final say. She warned me that they'll be taking about 18 people, down from 30, and that she personally isn't on the admissions committee this year so its out of her hands at that level. Essentially, not having an interview or a 'conversation' doesn't seem like it matters - this whole process is so arbitrary and opaque, I'm sorry you feel anxious...maybe try to distance yourself from this process...its so far out of our control. And for reference I applied in international and modern British, but the breakdown of which faculty read which applications still isn't entire clear to me. I hope that helps! 

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8 hours ago, saintesprit said:

Hi! I didn't have an interview per say, but a "conversation" with a professor I'd spoken with before. It was very informal, she just wanted to ask some clarifying questions about my research interests to better represent them to the broader faculty. According to her, Columbia cuts about 90% on first round. They've done that already (but interviews aren't part of that, she said those decisions are based on level of preparation), now the applications go to a set of faculty (ex; the Europeanists), who make another round of cuts. I think that round is happening now, we spoke last week and she said it was coming up. After they cut another 50% and come up with a list of candidates, then the buck gets passed to the admissions committee and they have final say. She warned me that they'll be taking about 18 people, down from 30, and that she personally isn't on the admissions committee this year so its out of her hands at that level. Essentially, not having an interview or a 'conversation' doesn't seem like it matters - this whole process is so arbitrary and opaque, I'm sorry you feel anxious...maybe try to distance yourself from this process...its so far out of our control. And for reference I applied in international and modern British, but the breakdown of which faculty read which applications still isn't entire clear to me. I hope that helps! 

Hello, fellow modern British historian! Not a lot of us around. Where else did you apply? I've only applied to U of New Mexico, UC Santa Barbara, and U of Vermont.

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59 minutes ago, emeraldsapphire said:

@medievalpeasant, Notre Dame typically does interviews, though judging by past years, it's a little early to have heard from them yet (unless they've bumped up the timeline). Btw, happy to talk about ND if anyone has questions -- I was a PhD student in the History dept there once upon a time ?

Oh! Can I ask how you liked Notre Dame? I’m not sure about the history department but I had a friend who did a PhD in (i think) psychology who had issues with their program. I was hoping history was different since they have a good set of medieval resources! 

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Treat it like you would a job interview. Be prepared to get asked questions about what you want to research and why you want to attend that particular program and be ready to ask questions yourself. I know for a few programs the interview is just something of a formality but don't go in expecting it to just be a formality! Best of luck to you both! Out of curiosity are either of you the one who posted the Emory interview in the results?

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9 hours ago, Mad Scientist Malfrost said:

Treat it like you would a job interview. Be prepared to get asked questions about what you want to research and why you want to attend that particular program and be ready to ask questions yourself. I know for a few programs the interview is just something of a formality but don't go in expecting it to just be a formality! Best of luck to you both! Out of curiosity are either of you the one who posted the Emory interview in the results?

Thanks so much! Definitely will be super prepared going in to the interview. Yes, that's me. 

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2 hours ago, Maguire said:

Thanks so much! Definitely will be super prepared going in to the interview. Yes, that's me. 

I’m sure you’ll knock the interview out of the park! I actually managed to tour Emory and talk to a number of the faculty and current grad students and it seems like a really great program! 

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8 hours ago, Maguire said:

Thanks so much! Definitely will be super prepared going in to the interview. Yes, that's me. 

Is there a sense that Penn interviews *are* more of a formality, or something more substantive? Trying to figure out how excited to be as they are one of my very top choices :)

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