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2022 Application Thread

dr. t

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@flowersandcoffee, I'm at Yale currently. I was talking with a prof in the History department on the morning of Jan 10. I remember he said at that point, subfields hadn't yet ranked candidates. So I'm guessing that the fact that one person got an interview on the 11th either means that subfields ranked people that very afternoon or, probably more likely, one subfield was just ahead of the game and already had their top candidates in mind. I remember he said official decisions wouldn't come out until early February. 

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Also, asking here again to see if anyone else got a Upenn HSS interview? I just got sent the schedule for the day and it's very confusing, maybe somebody else can make sense of it.

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1 hour ago, wynntir said:

@emeraldsapphireDo you know anything about the History of Science and Medicine Dept at Yale? Admissions-wise, but also anything about the program itself?

I also applied to HSHM and would love to learn more. Regarding admissions, I spoke to a grad student who let me know they aren't doing interviews this year, and decisions most likely would be out by mid-Feb. 

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@TexasTiger The nerves are real. This is my second season and I remember barely being able to concentrate on virtual classes, etc. once I heard back from the first school (Loyola sent out their notifications super early last year because their cohort was so small) until I heard from the last.

The waiting isn’t easy—it’s still not easy.  If it doesn’t go your way this season, it is entirely possible that it will feel like the end of the world.  I can guarantee that it’s not, but it’ll feel that way.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I cried after most of my rejections and it’s 100% okay to do that.

The one thing to keep in mind (and this will sound incredibly trite) is that it really isn’t personal, especially in this era of COVID admissions and a ton of uncertainty in academics at large. There just aren’t enough spots every year for everyone who applies, no matter how qualified.  After the season, after you’ve processed outcomes, you breathe. If you had a bad season (last year I did), then you take some time to sit and decide whether or not you’re going to try again or if you go a different route with your life.

Part of why we’re here is to support each other through this process. I wish everyone the very best of luck, regardless.

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19 hours ago, flowersandcoffee said:

So just to clarify, no one is claiming a Berkeley admit for Modern European History?? 

Also, has anyone received a Yale interview? Last cycle I was invited late December, so I wonder if they are super behind this year, or if I am just unsuccessful 

Hi! I had an interview with Yale really early, in the first week of January (before I knew this forum existed) - it was in the African history subfield, I was interviewed very formally/intensely by three professors...they said I'd hear from them in early February but also that they're only taking 1 person in African history, lol. It seems interviews go by subfield so that might not have bearing on your application! 

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1 hour ago, saintesprit said:

Hi! I had an interview with Yale really early, in the first week of January (before I knew this forum existed) - it was in the African history subfield, I was interviewed very formally/intensely by three professors...they said I'd hear from them in early February but also that they're only taking 1 person in African history, lol. It seems interviews go by subfield so that might not have bearing on your application! 

Thanks for the info!! Best of luck :) I believe they are also only taking 1 modern Europeanist as well...

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9 minutes ago, wynntir said:

How's everyone dealing with the wait? So frustrating fun to watch all the STEM acceptances roll in ?

It's definitely stressful though I've been recovering from COVID over the past few days so I've been more focused on that than the stress of waiting but with February coming up in a week the stress is definitely building, ha ha.   

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Agreed—the stress is still pretty crazy.  All of the schools on my list adhere to the April 15 rule, which is good, but at the same time I would love to hear sooner rather than later because that means I can start figuring out what my life may or may not look like in seven to eight months.

The good news is, if patterns hold, the floodgates for a lot of schools open pretty soon.  Northwestern, if patterns hold, should be sending out notifications by the end of the month and UChicago should be sending theirs around the 15th of February.

Cross your fingers, remember to breathe, and no, checking your email 97 times a day won’t make the information come faster.

Trust me.

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20 minutes ago, TagRendar said:

The good news is, if patterns hold, the floodgates for a lot of schools open pretty soon.  Northwestern, if patterns hold, should be sending out notifications by the end of the month and UChicago should be sending theirs around the 15th of February.

I've been anxiously email/portal checking since submitting my applications back in December, but now that February is actually approaching I've almost reached an almost zen state of "what happens, happens." Aside from prepping for my one interview I'm trying to remain hands-off.

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I'd just like to say that you all seem like fine folks and I'll bet this forum is full of excellent scholars in the making. Whether this is a good or bad season for you or not, whether this is the right professional path for you or not, I wish everyone here the best. This is my third application session, so I get what this is like for sure. It's such a specific, esoteric anxiety to be hung up on, so it's kinda heartening that everyone here gets it. Hoping for the best for us all.

Edited by BalkanItinerant
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Hi everyone, my interview with Rutgers went really well. It was just my POI asking me follow up questions about my research. No real news on whether or not I got in, but he mentioned that multiple faculty enjoyed reading my application. I appreciate the little community that this forum has become and how supportive everyone is.

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5 minutes ago, CoffeeCatsCorgis said:

Hi everyone, my interview with Rutgers went really well. It was just my POI asking me follow up questions about my research. No real news on whether or not I got in, but he mentioned that multiple faculty enjoyed reading my application. I appreciate the little community that this forum has become and how supportive everyone is.

Congrats on the good interview! That sounds like good news based on with your POI said about members of the faculty liking your application! Hope you get good news from Rutgers soon!

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6 hours ago, TagRendar said:

Agreed—the stress is still pretty crazy.  All of the schools on my list adhere to the April 15 rule, which is good, but at the same time I would love to hear sooner rather than later because that means I can start figuring out what my life may or may not look like in seven to eight months.

This is not a "my life sucks" competition, but I do want to caution that building coping strategies for this sort of stress will be super important going forwards. There's going to be a lot of it. Striking out on the job market (though I'm employed now!) last year gave me a literal midlife crisis at 35 this past summer, for example.

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On 1/19/2022 at 8:54 PM, flowersandcoffee said:

Congrats!!! What's your subfield?

Americanist. Not sure how I was categorized by Berkeley beyond that, I’m sorry. All I know for sure is that I wouldn’t be considered an early American historian. My SOP pointed to a range of both nineteenth and twentieth century interests. Wish I could be more helpful

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@dr. telkanuru I can definitely see how that would be the case.  Applying for jobs and interviewing for said jobs brings up a lot of the same kinds of anxiety that this process can bring up.  You’re absolutely right—developing coping strategies is a must.

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