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Michelle Santa Cruz

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7 hours ago, MFA-Painting-2022 said:

It’s really cool that you know Maceo. He put me in touch with the people for the mural in Woodland. Nice guy. Never met his dad but I heard good things about him within the community. I saw that you wrote an explanation of how to upload images, thanks! I’ll check it out. I’ll try uploading something in the next few days. I’ve been working a lot so I’m exhausted right now and the idea of dealing with inefficient technology is kind of off-putting. The Chicano community has always had a rich culture and Maceo was doing some good work in Woodland Community College, I don’t know if he’s still there. Hope your applications are going well ✌?

Maceo is over at the Chicano Studie Department at UC Davis. He's pretty cool. We don't really hang out, we just run in the same circles. Plus, his dad and mine had beef since like the 1960's, LOL! Old Chicanos were crazy. I peeped your Davis painting, online. I haven't gone by the joint but yeah, it's tight! I can't find your Woodland piece, online. Can you post pix or a link?

I hope you get into the MFA program because we really need more prolific and Masters Level Chicana Artists doing big artwork in the public gallery for the kids and abuelitas and varrios. There's so much of us men, too many, and a lot of the guys aren't even that good. Not to be mean, but I've seen some very crummy Chicano "Arte" out there. Too many Dia de los Muertos, Aztec Warrior, Pachuco/macho stuff. Chicano Arte has become very stereotypical. We need some fresh new ideas from some pros, some LADY PROS!!! ?

I'm hanging out with my artista homegirl Marbella, and also Esteban Villa, this weekend. Esteban created the RCAF with Maseo's pop. Esteban is a living legend in Chicano Arte. I'll post you some pictures! ?


Edited by The-Fourth-Dimension
Fashion visits Japan in the winter.
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5 hours ago, Forms Without Formula said:

Anyone else apply to Hunter this year? It's the only school I applied to and I'm going crazy waiting, seems like their interview requests come out in mid February and decisions in mid March but I don't know how I'm gonna wait any longer!

I applied to Hunter. For some reason I actually thought their interview requests go out even later than mid-Feb, so I'm happy to hear that it's sooner than I expected!!

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1 hour ago, tmng said:

I applied to Hunter. For some reason I actually thought their interview requests go out even later than mid-Feb, so I'm happy to hear that it's sooner than I expected!!

Their website says early March but looking back on past forums it seems like people got interviews earlier than that so hopefully only a couple more weeks!

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Does anyone know when Bard sends out interview requests? I saw that I got an email from them and got really excited, but it just said my application is being reviewed and to do my FAFSA in by February 1st for scholarship consideration. Lol it bummed me out a little, because I haven't heard back from any schools about interviews. A lot of the schools I applied to though don't stop taking apps until mid-February so I think I'm anxious for no reason

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If I remember correctly, the majority of schools last year sent out interview requests after Yale did which was the 6th of February or something close to that-- so if you're stressing out that people are hearing back from schools this early, it's honestly pretty uncommon until February. Also different majors from the same school are known to send out requests at different speeds, so if someone hears back from your school but with a different concentration it doesn't mean that you won't hear back! 

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Had my interview with RISD Illustration earlier this week. I feel pretty good about it, in fact I enjoyed it! My inbox is open if anyone wants to ask questions, or even just let us yell at each other/blow off steam about our respective interviews. Best of luck to everyone with interviews still coming up!

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1 hour ago, Strawberrycat said:

Something I always struggle with is coming up with good questions to ask schools during interviews, so I'm asking for your suggestions once again. ? What are you guys asking? 

I had to edit this to add a thing at the beginning. I just want to say I'm not trying to be bossy or tell you or anyone what to do. I hope I don't come off pushy when anyone reads this. LOL! ?

Just be all, "yo, wherez my DOLLA DOLLA BILLZ!?!" JK! If they ask about your biggest fault, don't be like, "my biggest fault is that I work too hard." That's some bullshit, LOL!!! Honesty is a good thing. Tell the truth. You don't have to tell the WHOLE truth, tho. Like, don't tell them that your biggest fault is that you're a raging alcoholic who likes to steal just to see if you can get away with it. But I got a feeling if that's where someone is at then the main thing prob isn't applying to grad school.

For reals, tho... I think it's wise to ask about things that are important to YOU and YOUR world. It's your future, be a little selfish about it. These cats are interviewing lots of peeps every year, and have been interviewed themselves mass times in the academic world. I think the best policy is to just be exactly who you are and ask about what matters to you because these folks have heard it all. Be the most Strawberry the Cat, ever! ?

The other thing is that we're going to be repping for our cohort, professors, and bringing glory to our learning institutions. Because I'm a super hyper and high strung people-person, that idea gets me all pumped up. Don't hold back your enthusiasm. My enthusiasm is what gets me into crazy situations that shy people don't ever get to participate in. My enthusiasm makes other people want to engage in what I've got going on and be part of MY thing.

They've already seen your art portfolio, you sold them on that. Now sell them on YOU. Be EAGER. And I know that you are up to it after seeing you here for a couple rounds. If the institution you're applying to gets you bouncing, then you will have no problem being exciting, being yourself.

The reality about any kind of interview like this, whether it's a job or school, is that it's always about behavior and psychology. Is it about mad skillzorz? But of course. But these peeps want people who are all about it and getting on with the gang. When I conducted interviews as a floor manager I would look for people who could gel with the team and create good energy in the work environment.

Everyone can make art, it's a fakt... But can everyone be interesting, be motivated, be outgoing, be crazy, be sane, make a grip of GOOD art all the time and STILL KICK ASS??? No, most people can't do that. That's why they want US to be at their school, because WE CAN do that and bring glory to the institution.

To reiterate: As boring as it sounds, just be yourself. Be honest. Ask about things that are important to Strawberry the Cat and what she needs and can offer. Make sure we let them know EXACTLY what we can offer the outfit, and what makes it unique to US, just like any relationship.

I've got things that are important to ME!!! Numero uno is MONEY. If I'm gonna give myself to the program 100% then I need a stipend, I need a part time job, and I need grants. Does the school have these things? How can I have them as soon as possible? Numero dos would be about how they've handled studio-work during the pandemic. That's GOTTA come up because if their thing was just to close up shop then that's a problem.

Also, what ABOUT the studios? How big are they, what kind of access do you have, can you be really loud or will that bother people... I don't think it hurts to ask the interviewers exactly what they would like to get out of YOU. Not what they would like about any old admitted student, what they would like to see from YOU and what is it about you and what you have on offer in specific that is of interest to them. Be like you already got admitted and you're asking them what's crackin today.

I don't know why I started numbering the things that are important to me and then stopped at two, but those are some of my ideas. I'd also like to hear what others think, and what you think as well.

Why am I up at 2am?

Edited by The-Fourth-Dimension
"A principal idea is omni-present, much like candy."
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3 hours ago, Strawberrycat said:

Something I always struggle with is coming up with good questions to ask schools during interviews, so I'm asking for your suggestions once again. ? What are you guys asking? 

Apart from Fourth's suggestion to ask honestly about funding, I asked about the TA process, and how much of the course/syllabus we were expected to propose. I also asked to know a bit more on some of the electives they advertised on their website (phrased it like "I plan to do work about [subject], so I'm very interested in [elective name], may I know a bit more about what's tackled there?")

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Just had my interview with UNC. Big tip for anyone interviewing in different time zones: REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE DIFFERENT TIME ZONES! I ended up getting a text from them 7 minutes into when my interview was scheduled. 

Despite the massive mix-up with time, I think my interview went pretty well. They asked these questions:

  • Why are you applying to Grad School?
  • Why are you applying to UNC specifically?
  • What is your greatest strength and weakness as an applicant?
  • What motivates your Art?
  • What is your self-driven practice like?
  • How do you handle interpersonal and collaborative relationships?
7 hours ago, Strawberrycat said:

Something I always struggle with is coming up with good questions to ask schools during interviews, so I'm asking for your suggestions once again. ? What are you guys asking? 

Because I missed 7 minutes of the interview, there was not much time at the end for me to ask questions, but I was able to ask "How would you describe the relationship between faculty and students? Is it more instructive, collaborative, or like a mentorship?" another question that I plan to ask is "What do you value the most about your involvement in this program?" I think engaging interviewers on a personal level is a cool route to take if you're into that sort of thing!

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The biggest mistake I made last year during my interviews was trying to please them in order to gain acceptance. I was so focused on saying what I knew they wanted to hear to get in, that I didn't allow myself to interview THEM to see if the school would actually be a good fit for me. If this is your first time around, it's better to be rejected after a really honest and open back and forth dialogue where both parties learn that they don't click the right way, instead of dancing around the interview in order to be who they want you to be. It's so easy to be shy and scared and nervous and let them interview you, but if you are applying to multiple schools-- the reality is that you have the power to grill them also to see if they offer what you need to succeed in your program.

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hi all! a quick school response update. I was accepted the UMN via phone call last Tuesday and heard back from UW-Madison via email on Monday that my application had been "advanced to the next stage of the review process" and they would contact me soon to schedule an interview. 

I also applied to Rutgers and RISD (for printmaking) and haven't heard back yet. 

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9 hours ago, Strawberrycat said:

Something I always struggle with is coming up with good questions to ask schools during interviews, so I'm asking for your suggestions once again. ? What are you guys asking? 

From my experience, my best interview questions are ones that insert yourself into the university and community. I like to approach it as these are things and programs within the school I’m specifically interested in working with. 

For example, I’m really particularly interested in working with the artist book special collections archive at most of the universities I’m applying to. And I’m curious as to why sort of programming the collections has in conjunction with the printmaking departments. So I may ask the program how I could get involved with them? 

I’ll probably be asking about ways in which students do artist run based projects as well (for me particularly it’s important for schools to foster that sort of attitude).

I always want the faculty Im interviewing to have a sense or picture of how I can contribute to their program. 

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I know people are confused on what to say/how to act during interviews. This is the time to shine your personality at the faculty. Something they take into consideration is if they think you will fit in well/ get along with the current cohorts. There have been incredible artists with SOUR attitudes that they had to reject due to the fact they thought the current cohorts would dislike them. Be funny, smart, gentle and enthusiastic and show that you’re willing to work with the faculty and be involved with the cohorts.

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Just got an email from San Diego State University saying that my file is now "under evaluation." That makes me happy. San Diego is my home town and it would be kool to have the option of studying there. 

Still waiting on UCSD, UCI, Stanford, and scholarship opportunities from USC.

Happy to see one artist got an interview at UCI. One of the reasons I chose to apply at Irvine is that they have a lot of community outreach to the Chicano, Latino community, their art faculty is tight, and their housing opportunities are great.

Get it!

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3 hours ago, artsyfartsy2000 said:

I know people are confused on what to say/how to act during interviews. This is the time to shine your personality at the faculty. Something they take into consideration is if they think you will fit in well/ get along with the current cohorts. There have been incredible artists with SOUR attitudes that they had to reject due to the fact they thought the current cohorts would dislike them. Be funny, smart, gentle and enthusiastic and show that you’re willing to work with the faculty and be involved with the cohorts.

(I'll just reply here but direct this to everyone who replied.) Thank you guys so much for all of your thoughtful answers!!! Grad Cafe told me I'm not allowed to react to anymore posts today after liking all of them, so I can't reply to each one. ? But I really appreciate every answer. 

I just get caught up in overthinking it beforehand, personally, worrying that asking certain questions might make it seem like I haven't researched enough or was unprepared or something. I want to always try to ask something thoughtful, too. But I think they're usually just happy to answer whatever is asked and can expand on pretty much most things. 

I had an interview with UCSB today and it was honestly a really comfortable, fun, and engaging conversation, and not intimidating at all! I have high key anxiety in these situations (clearly haha), so it can be tough to let my personality show through, but this suggestion in particular was really helpful and I was able to loosen up and laugh and smile a lot in the interview, which felt great. It also definitely helped that the professor interviewing was so warm and responsive, which is a big plus for UCSB for me. Those who mentioned that you are interviewing the schools just as much as they're interviewing you are totally right too. 

Wishing good luck to everyone and peace of mind during the waiting game. ❤ 

(I also want to say to everyone, please try not to get discouraged if you don't get the news you want this time around. There are so many reasons that that could be, and none of them are to do with your worth as an artist. Sometimes it just comes down to timing. But best of luck either way!) 






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Hey All,


Long time lurker first time caller.

thank you all for so much valuable info. I’m starting to get pretty nervous. I’ve heard back and have interviews with SAIC and SVA for photo.

Still waiting on Yale, Columbia, Hunters, Parsons UCLA and Pratt. 

I feel like my heart is always in my throat now. 

I know Yale photo was reviewing candidates  this last week with their current class. 

Does anyone know once you interview is there ever pressure to accept before hearing from other schools? How does that work?

Good luck to everyone this year!



Edited by RyanV
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1 hour ago, RyanV said:

Hey All,


Long time lurker first time caller.

thank you all for so much valuable info. I’m starting to get pretty nervous. I’ve heard back and have interviews with SAIC and SVA for photo.

Still waiting on Yale, Columbia, Hunters, Parsons UCLA and Pratt. 

I feel like my heart is always in my throat now. 

I know Yale photo was reviewing candidates  this last week with their current class. 

Does anyone know once you interview is there ever pressure to accept before hearing from other schools? How does that work?

Good luck to everyone this year!



There can be pressure from some places, but you can ask for an extension if they give you a deadline to decide by and you're still unsure! It can feel tricky or awkward to have to ask, but deciding where to go is a huge decision, so try not to let anywhere rush you without knowing all of your options, including funding packages. 

Good luck too!! 



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