apieceofroastbeef Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 The last two days have been TERRIBLE. As I'm sure you've all seen, acceptances have popped up from U-Chicago, U-Wisconsin and U-Mass-- all of which I applied to but I've heard nothing. I'm fairly sure this means rejection and I expect emails soon confirming it, but I just wish that these schools would put me out of my misery! A letter in the mail next month would just be cruel. By the way-- I know of the websites to check application statuses for Wisconsin and Mass (which was never updated for me), but am I right in thinking that there isn't anywhere to check online for Chicago? Also, University of Colorado (English MA) will probably be notifying this week as well-- I just rechecked my emails from them. More to worry about!
tortola23 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I'm in the same boat, albeit only with Pittsburgh instead. I'm 99% sure that's an implicit rejection, but it still leaves that annoying glimmer of hope . . . and there are eleven other schools with no word for anyone yet! Needless to say, I am a nervous wreck too. And, none of my schools seem to use their online checklists and notifcation systems for ANYTHING. I wish I could fast-forward a few weeks.
books Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I too wish that there was a "fast foward" option. And yet, I keep telling myself I should relax and enjoy the fact there is still hope at this moment.
hopefulwoolfian Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I've been stuck inside sick for the last week, which makes it even worse because I don't have enough to do to distract me. Plus, this is round 2 for me, so everything feels much more scary than last year. Most of my schools don't have results popping up yet (except Pitt, which makes me sad, as it was the best potential chance for my boyfriend and I to go somewhere in common), but I'm still going crazy.
cquin Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Oh lord, you are not alone. I just embarked on a two day binge drinking marathon in the hopes that it would distract me. Wrong. I ended up checking my Gmail on my phone while in a bar and, upon seeing no new emails, drunkenly cried out to my boyfriend, "WHY HAVEN'T I HEARD ANYTHING?!?" Not my best moment. In short, I too am going insane. It'll all be over soon... right? bottles 1
TeamCoco-Bollo Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 The last two days have been TERRIBLE. As I'm sure you've all seen, acceptances have popped up from U-Chicago, U-Wisconsin and U-Mass-- all of which I applied to but I've heard nothing. I'm fairly sure this means rejection and I expect emails soon confirming it, but I just wish that these schools would put me out of my misery! A letter in the mail next month would just be cruel. By the way-- I know of the websites to check application statuses for Wisconsin and Mass (which was never updated for me), but am I right in thinking that there isn't anywhere to check online for Chicago? Also, University of Colorado (English MA) will probably be notifying this week as well-- I just rechecked my emails from them. More to worry about! I'm in the same boat with two of my schools, although both I've mostly written off. One accepts 4 people a year (and there are 2 on the results) so they are done. And based off the Suny-Buffalo thread I ain't bring my talents to Buffalo . . . beach. Clearly my disappointment has manifested itself as snark. I feel for my roommates. apieceofroastbeef 1
sareene Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 The only school I applied to that others have heard from is UC Davis and even though it's not my top school (farm country) it would still be nice to hear something. I really do not know how I am going to last until March. I am trying to distract myself by going to plays and concerts (and a Disneyland trip at the end of the month), but I can't afford to keep doing that. Plus, those distractions aren't really working. Anyone else sick of people saying "Well you'll just try again next year?" I am tempted to punch people who say that! Cause it's so easy, right?
apieceofroastbeef Posted February 10, 2011 Author Posted February 10, 2011 Yeah, I don't know if I could handle the emotional investment of a second round. This whole experience has given me a lot of respect for those people who do it twice (or three) times and eventually get in. I think I'd have a psychotic break if get rejected all-round this time and then reworked all my materials only to be rejected all-round again. I'm actually not sure whether I'm having psychotic break right now or not... ecg1810 1
hopefulwoolfian Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Yeah, I don't know if I could handle the emotional investment of a second round. This whole experience has given me a lot of respect for those people who do it twice (or three) times and eventually get in. I think I'd have a psychotic break if get rejected all-round this time and then reworked all my materials only to be rejected all-round again. I'm actually not sure whether I'm having psychotic break right now or not... I'm trying to avoid that second-time-around psychotic break. Doesn't help that I'm currently jobless (which did, however, give me the time I needed to perfect these apps) and have no good ideas as to a Plan B if this doesn't happen...
Amalia222 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I'm trying to avoid that second-time-around psychotic break. Doesn't help that I'm currently jobless (which did, however, give me the time I needed to perfect these apps) and have no good ideas as to a Plan B if this doesn't happen... You guys are all awesome. English is the worst, they take a lot longer to reply than the people in the sciences. I'm going crazy too, but I try to hide it. I haven't heard from any school yet, but whenever I see that someone else got a response, I am both happy/relieved--because I think at least no news is good news, and leaves room for hope...
fall-11 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I'm in the same boat -- this is driving me nuts. The only place I've heard from is Northwestern, and that was a reject. Not a peep from my other 10 schools, even though some people have already heard from Wisconsin, Ohio State and USC. It's killing me and I can't get any work done on my thesis
tortola23 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 This is also my second round of apps--twice as many this year as last. I get VERY angry with people who say things like, "Try, try again!" Yeah, because it isn't time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally devastating, HA. Plus, another year of working a boring job like mine (receptionist) sounds pretty damn bad to me. To make it harder, there is one school I want to get into more than all of the rest because it would mean I could continue living in the same city as my significant other. I'm sure a lot of other folks on here are in the same situation. It's hard knowing that I may get no admits or just one admit that's in another state . . . and I'd have to accept the offer and move because it's that important to me. I haven't had this much angst and anxiety since I was an adolescent. Sheesh.
Raputa Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Yeah. The waiting is driving me insane at this point. I was pretty zen in, say, January. Not so in Feb. I haven't heard anything yet and it's put me in this weird mental lull. Though I haven't heard anything official, I take it from the SUNY Buffalo posts/thread that I'm not going there. Well, I wasn't that great of a fit with their program anyway...
grifter Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I love all you people. And I can fully empathize. This is an ungodly system we're dabbling in. This last week, I have been tempted to climb a clock tower with a long rifle and a ski mask. Having said that, I think I might just *try* to offer some hope to you all. For one thing, if you haven't heard anything, don't of necessity take it as a bad sign. This concept of the "implicit rejection" could very well be an "implicit waitlist" or an "implicit forthcoming admit" as the hierarchy for admission thins itself out. 2 years ago when applying for my Master's program, I received 3 rejections to start off the responses. The next 8 were acceptances, 5 of which had full funding, 3 of which were at schools that I never dreamed I would be able to attend. I know that we're all neurotic, obsessing, and prone to flights of imagination (possibly a contributory cause to why we're in the business we're in), but the prophet of doom thing is unhealthy. Maybe this stem from my pollyanna world view, my upbringing, or my general (and generic) outlook on matters, but it will work out. It only takes one. Keep the chins up and the self-deprecation down. Hug. fall-11, Raputa and murkyama 3
mityak Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 The anxiety just hit me today. I've been too busy to think about it. This is the first time I've even checked TGC this year. On an unrelated note (but related to me wasting time at work), did you guys ever notice that staple removers look like little terrifying bat monsters? ecg1810 1
TC3 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I love all you people. And I can fully empathize. This is an ungodly system we're dabbling in. This last week, I have been tempted to climb a clock tower with a long rifle and a ski mask. Having said that, I think I might just *try* to offer some hope to you all. For one thing, if you haven't heard anything, don't of necessity take it as a bad sign. This concept of the "implicit rejection" could very well be an "implicit waitlist" or an "implicit forthcoming admit" as the hierarchy for admission thins itself out. 2 years ago when applying for my Master's program, I received 3 rejections to start off the responses. The next 8 were acceptances, 5 of which had full funding, 3 of which were at schools that I never dreamed I would be able to attend. I know that we're all neurotic, obsessing, and prone to flights of imagination (possibly a contributory cause to why we're in the business we're in), but the prophet of doom thing is unhealthy. Maybe this stem from my pollyanna world view, my upbringing, or my general (and generic) outlook on matters, but it will work out. It only takes one. Keep the chins up and the self-deprecation down. Hug. RE: having to repeat the whole application process again, and how it's easier said than done I certainly get that. I applied to 15 programs the first year and was rejected by all of them. I applied to 11 the second year and was rejected by 9, but the other 2 did not offer me any funding whatsoever. This year (the third time), I applied to 15 programs, and finally got a funded admit. The past couple of years were not enjoyable, and they are worth something to me now only because I just happened to be one of the lucky ones. In my case, though, I certainly wasn't prepared to put together a competitive application (especially my purpose and goals statement) until this cycle. Others, I'm sure, are more prepared at an earlier stage.
fall-11 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 RE: having to repeat the whole application process again, and how it's easier said than done I certainly get that. I applied to 15 programs the first year and was rejected by all of them. I applied to 11 the second year and was rejected by 9, but the other 2 did not offer me any funding whatsoever. This year (the third time), I applied to 15 programs, and finally got a funded admit. The past couple of years were not enjoyable, and they are worth something to me now only because I just happened to be one of the lucky ones. Well, you deserve major kudos for perseverance. This is my first round for PhD apps, but I had to go through two rounds for my MA applications, so I know how it feels. The first round (for Fall 2008), I didn't get funding, so I applied again for Fall 2009 to more schools, and with a better writing sample, and made it (with funding) on the second round. So it was totally worth it, though of course I hope with my PhD apps, I'll make it this round, and not have to do it again! Good luck to everyone waiting. I am totally in the crazy boat with all of y'all.
Amalia222 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I was doing fine today combatting the crazy until I had an email from UDenver which said... "We are pleased to inform you--" (gulp) "That your application is currently under review by your department". The crazy came back. Now I can't stop thinking that someone, right now, has my soul in front of them, and a big pair of scissors ready to snip it in two.
hopefulwoolfian Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I was doing fine today combatting the crazy until I had an email from UDenver which said... "We are pleased to inform you--" (gulp) "That your application is currently under review by your department". The crazy came back. Now I can't stop thinking that someone, right now, has my soul in front of them, and a big pair of scissors ready to snip it in two. I got a similar one from Loyola Chicago today, which is one of my top choices. I'm glad they're telling me my application is complete, but it's so nerve-wracking when you get them!
USTgrad Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I'm in the same boat -- this is driving me nuts. The only place I've heard from is Northwestern, and that was a reject. Not a peep from my other 10 schools, even though some people have already heard from Wisconsin, Ohio State and USC. It's killing me and I can't get any work done on my thesis This page has been so helpful. In fact, I think I found my academic doppelganger in fall-11. I too have only heard from NW, with rejection. & I'm "working" on my MA thesis in between checking email/this forum. BUT I am also sooo glad to hear of people like TC3 who have suffered through 3 arduous application seasons and are finally admitted to a program with funding. That's amazing! Plus it gives hope to all of us here. Thanks everyone for pouring your heart out on these pages. I did not enter my MA program thinking I would apply for a phd, but after a few insanely stressful life changes, I am happy a former fellow student (now in the U of Florida PhD program) told me to try out gradcafe to ease my worried-in-application-mode mind. I am already mentally preparing myself for a second round and all it entails: new GRE format (looks much better!), I'll finally take the Lit. subject test, all those damn official transcript issues, requesting another set of letters of rec, and the egregious credit card debt from application fees (400 apps per Uni X $70-80 an app = funding for somebody!) Good luck everyone!
fall-11 Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 I am already mentally preparing myself for a second round and all it entails: new GRE format (looks much better!), I'll finally take the Lit. subject test, all those damn official transcript issues, requesting another set of letters of rec, and the egregious credit card debt from application fees (400 apps per Uni X $70-80 an app = funding for somebody!) Hi there, USTgrad, don't give up so soon! It's still really early in the process, and most schools have not even started notifying yet. Glad you found the Grad Cafe -- I stumbled upon it a while ago when I was applying to MA programs, although I was mostly a lurker then. But yes, it's a godsend! Good luck and hang in there
USTgrad Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 Hi there, USTgrad, don't give up so soon! It's still really early in the process, and most schools have not even started notifying yet. Glad you found the Grad Cafe -- I stumbled upon it a while ago when I was applying to MA programs, although I was mostly a lurker then. But yes, it's a godsend! Good luck and hang in there Thanks for the kind words of encouragement fall-11! I hope your thesis process is going as well as mine. Take care & good luck!
Medievalmaniac Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 (edited) Thanks for the kind words of encouragement fall-11! I hope your thesis process is going as well as mine. Take care & good luck! None of my schools has notified anyone about anything yet, either. I have consoled myself by ordering more BPAL Imps. At least I can smell yummy while I'm wallowing in my anxiety...except, of course, that BPALs take so long to ship. But ordering them was therapeutic, in and of itself. Edited February 10, 2011 by Medievalmaniac
USTgrad Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 None of my schools has notified anyone about anything yet, either. I have consoled myself by ordering more BPAL Imps. At least I can smell yummy while I'm wallowing in my anxiety...except, of course, that BPALs take so long to ship. But ordering them was therapeutic, in and of itself. I had to google BPAL! This is quite the ostentatious statement on their website: "we have mastered the art of encapsulating allegorical ideas into singular olfactory experiences." That's awesome!
snappysorbet Posted February 10, 2011 Posted February 10, 2011 RE: having to repeat the whole application process again, and how it's easier said than done I certainly get that. I applied to 15 programs the first year and was rejected by all of them. I applied to 11 the second year and was rejected by 9, but the other 2 did not offer me any funding whatsoever. This year (the third time), I applied to 15 programs, and finally got a funded admit. The past couple of years were not enjoyable, and they are worth something to me now only because I just happened to be one of the lucky ones. In my case, though, I certainly wasn't prepared to put together a competitive application (especially my purpose and goals statement) until this cycle. Others, I'm sure, are more prepared at an earlier stage. I'm in my second round of applications, and whenever I'm feeling particularly pessimistic my family and friends try to be supportive by saying, "you can always apply again next year." The very thought of going through this a third time is soul-crushing, but I'm happy to hear that you succeeded your third try, and that gives me some hope for myself. I applied to 15 programs last year and was rejected by all of them as well. This year I went all out and applied to 20. So far I've gotten 2 rejections back, and I'm trying to stay positive by saying to myself that I only need one acceptance. That's it; just one. But it's not an easy process, and I just don't know what I'll do if things go the way they did last year. That was pretty rough. Anyway, I feel for all of you, and you're not alone in this. That's one of the reasons I'm so glad I found GC; none of my friends or coworkers or family really understand how I'm feeling right now, but I know you guys do! Good luck to everybody.
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