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Applying for Fall 2012


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The mail destroys me daily. Sometimes others will get our mail and hand me my envelopes wordlessly, and I just know. Except they're all just junk from credit card companies.

It's my one year anniversary of getting a mailed rejection letter from Cornell, so I'm staring out the window right now.

I had a dream last night that my MOM told me I was accepted to Harvard. My stomach did half a flip before I entered a lucid state where I'm like "WTF, this is a dream and now I hate life!"

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Honestly, if I were a comp applicant, I wouldn't be too bummed to get rejected from Princeton. Not naming names, but the only composer there I'm familiar with is a little pretentious. To put it mildly.

But wth Yale! I'm with you guys -- I fully expect to be rejected, but I want to get an interview before I get rejected. That's not asking too much, right?

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xylogirl10 - NYU seems to take its time. I don't think theirs roll out until March.

Thanks! This is good to know!

re postmen: I started to bond with them during last year's application season, as I would get home from work just as they were getting to my door. When I got the one big envelope, the postman knocked on my door so that he could personally hand it to me and see my face light up. :) Has anyone else gotten to this level? As I'm not living at home, I'm starting to get paranoid whenever I see my parents online, just in case something came in the mail. I'm also paranoid that they will put it in a pile and forgot to open it...

Does anyone else not have access to their mail? Is it driving you crazy too?

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Sunday night! What shall this week bring? A slew of interview-requesting emails from Yale, I trust, and no small envelopes from Cornell. A few phone calls from Harvard should ring their way into everyone's ears, and Princeton will realize they forgot to accept anyone this year.


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I hope your sentiments come to fruition, too, sneeze! ;) The big downside of being in the UK during this process is that I have to wait until 2pm before there's a chance of hearing anything from a school on the East coast of the US!

How is everyone coping with the stress? Yesterday I decided cope by watching Hey Arnold and eating shortbread for most (all) of the day.

Edited by Karajan
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Ouch! Hit refresh on my email and a rejection from Berkeley was sitting there. I'm actually not that disappointed, because it wasn't in my top three choices, but it feels like a big waste of money, mostly, and effort.

Guess I'll go put it up in the results forum.

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Yuck. After reading Catalyst77's post, I immediately got the same notification from Berkeley. I kind of figured there have already been acceptances to the program posted. However, I'm not too bothered; it wasn't in my top five choices and I've already been admitted to my top choice.

Everything else has been quiet on my end thus far today as well.

Edited by eum-ag
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So guys, I got an email from Yale today!

... unfortunately it was an "automated response" to a question I emailed them back in freaking December.


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Hi Josquin! We don't know what the heck is going on with Harvard and Yale. Well, there's that one Harvard admit from a few weeks ago on the results board, but apparently they just made their decisions last Friday. (I'm also applying for theory at H and Y.)

Congrats to your success so far, though---in particular with Princeton, in the wake of the Feb 10th 2012 Princeton Massacre!

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Thanks, guys. I got rejected (rather, massacred =D) across the board last year, so it's good to not not get in for once!

Incidentally, do you happen to know the relative rankings of the programs that I've applied to? The online stuff seems to be shoddy, and I keep hearing conflicting reports from professors (especially about Princeton -- they have quite a small faculty, but they all seem brilliant). I'm slightly worried about what my chances would be at landing a tenure-track position, since the program is rather unstructured (plus, it's a Musicology PhD and not a Theory PhD), but, on the other hand, it's Princeton.

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The only "real" rankings I know of are the NRC rankings. The NRC came out with their doctoral rankings in 2010 (based on years-old data by then, but anyway.....). The rankings are sort of confusing, so I'd say take a look yourself at: http://chronicle.com/article/NRC-Rankings-Overview-Music/124746/. In general, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are all at the tippy top, Michigan a few notches lower, CUNY surprisingly low, but obviously these really have to be taken with a grain of salt because tied for #1 in S-rankings is Indiana's "Folklore" program. (?)

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