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Waiting it out 2012... 'I've just submitted my application' thread


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After I submitted the last one of three at the beginning of Dec, it took me a few days to get over the buzz. It almost felt like after exams--you *know* they are done but you still have brief moments of panic thinking you might have forgotten something.

It has been a rollercoaster of emotions ever since -- some days feeling good (what am I worried about? They just have to let me in, I'm a STAR, damn it!) B) and on other days, (why would they let me in?) not so much. :(

By mid March, I should know whether this ulcer was worth it or not :)

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I submitted my application. Should I send email to an admissions office to check if they have my test scores?

I know I should avoid asking about personal application status inquiry, but I'm wondering whether they have GRE scores or not.

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First check around online to see if there's an online status page. Most programs will have one, although they aren't always updated frequently. If you submitted your scores more than two weeks ago and they don't appear, then you'd be better off calling and asking.

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Hello everyone. I'm writing from the west of Ireland. Had I known about these boards before the deadlines, I might have found some solace when I too was dealing with late letters of recommendation and the like. Now playing the waiting game: I would dearly love to come to the States in a few months. I could only afford to apply to four schools in total (lot of money involved, eh? education is free, for the most part, in Ireland, so I'm just growing accustomed all these fees. Although the catch is having to live in Ireland, where nothing is going on except rain....).

The app deadlines fell right in the middle of exam season: I sat 6 exams in the week of Dec 15th, and almost lost my mind. Together with this, I conjoined previous essays to produce a 25-page super-essay for the purpose of the applications. Being a notorious perfectionist, I always leave enough time to incessantly proofread; however, this time I was very tight for time. So, most embarrassingly, in the 7000 words there are a couple of tiny little errors (just misplaced commas, word repetitions). I was tempted to contact the schools and ask them if I could re-upload the writing sample, but decided against it. Perhaps only I notice them.... Or so I hope. Perfectionism is crippling.

Odd feeling, this. Wondering where the hell I am going to be in a few months. If this doesnt work out, I am just going to wander around Europe with a knapsack and several notebooks, and then disappear into the hills of the west of Ireland for the rest of my days.

I have applied to Columbia, Chicago, U of M at Ann Arbor, and Cambridge.

My GRE scores were pretty mediocre, 72nd percentile (bleh). I really did not enjoy sitting that thing, and being searched by a grim-faced officer in Dublin, as though I were going through CBP.

*holding my breath*

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So I've finally finished all 9 of my applications! YAY so glad that's over. 2/3 of my recommenders have gotten all their letters in, and the third will probably wait until the deadline, which is fine.

I sent my GRE scores about a month ago, and all but one school has marked that as received on the online application status. There's still a couple of weeks before that school's deadline, but I'm going to call them if I don't see a change this coming week.

And now for the waiting game...

Edited by Chrysanthemum
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2 of my 3 recommenders have decided to wait until the last second to submit their letters...or at least I'm hoping that they still intend to submit them. :o The deadline is tomorrow! I might suffer a mild heart attack as a result of all this stress.

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2 of my 3 recommenders have decided to wait until the last second to submit their letters...or at least I'm hoping that they still intend to submit them. :o The deadline is tomorrow! I might suffer a mild heart attack as a result of all this stress.

That happened to me. Letters were due at 8am the following morning, last LoR was finally submitted just after midnight. I spent the majority of the evening mindlessly refreshing the page, hoping to see a change.

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thank you for your response, OnceAndFutureGrad.

I already checked my application status and it says "Not received" in the TOEFL/GRE/transcripts sections. All of them should be delivered to grad schools that I applied, but they are not reflected on my application status page yet. I'm wondering if this is because I just submitted my apps two days ago, or not.

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2 of my 3 recommenders have decided to wait until the last second to submit their letters...or at least I'm hoping that they still intend to submit them. :o The deadline is tomorrow! I might suffer a mild heart attack as a result of all this stress.

I called my professor the day before deadlines just to see if everything's OK, otherwise she might have called the ambulance - I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

I know the feeling. Try to send a message and if they don't reply, you still have a bit of time to maybe look up another recommender.

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thank you for your response, OnceAndFutureGrad.

I already checked my application status and it says "Not received" in the TOEFL/GRE/transcripts sections. All of them should be delivered to grad schools that I applied, but they are not reflected on my application status page yet. I'm wondering if this is because I just submitted my apps two days ago, or not.

I've submitted my Yale application on December 31st, and it was confirmed on January 4. Sometimes it takes a person to click here and there, and sometimes there's a faulty application system and people going nuts (someone told me Cornell had similar issues and I was freaking out). Stay cool. :)

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@logik36- Tell me about it! I've been checking the status over and over again...logging in and logging out. :/ They officially have about 16 hours...

@wlkwih2- lol I feel the same way. Too bad that I'm on this study abroad thing in Rome. I mean there are worse problems to have than to be in Rome...but seriously I'd love the ability to use the phone and internet without paying like 15 euros. lol I've just been sending my profs the automatically generated reminders hoping that they get the hint. If not, I'm going to ask the two profs on this trip to write me letters. I'm freaking out! :wacko:

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To those fretting about letters: know that most departments are quite lenient with the deadline when it concerns letters of reference. Many professors are somewhat absent-minded when it comes to their students' applications. Departments usually contact the professor if she has not submitted a letter. I have never heard of a committee or department holding a late letter against an applicant, but maybe this varies in other departments. Still, I understand the anxiety; I also had a letter that was late for a couple of departments and it could be stressful.

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I'm checking out the results board and I've memorized the deadlines for various fields of my dreams schools, so I can freak out when I see sth like philosophy or history, which were grouped with linguistics.

I hate myself.

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I'm checking out the results board and I've memorized the deadlines for various fields of my dreams schools, so I can freak out when I see sth like philosophy or history, which were grouped with linguistics.

I hate myself.

I'm not quite sure I understand. I can filter out philosophy only in the results board; when you filter by 'linguistics' philosophy and history programs also show up?

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I just submitted all my applications this morning, right on the January 15th deadline. I know that was just wrong to drag it all out, but my last LOR writer has not confirmed which email I should put on my form for the longest time. :(


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I'm not quite sure I understand. I can filter out philosophy only in the results board; when you filter by 'linguistics' philosophy and history programs also show up?

I think wlkwih2 means that results for the fields of philosophy and history occur around the same time as results for linguistics.

As a side note, according to a post I read on thegradcafe, apparently Feb. 10th is the busiest date for results postings. This definitely seems to be true for a lot of the programs that I applied to. 26 days to go...

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As a side note, according to a post I read on thegradcafe, apparently Feb. 10th is the busiest date for results postings. This definitely seems to be true for a lot of the programs that I applied to. 26 days to go...

Oh lord. I'm presenting at a conference that day. I'm going to be such a distracted mess!

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What to do with all the free time? Will I go party? Will I read fiction? Will I make art? Will I start jogging?

No. You will feel an ominous sense of doom and continually refresh the results page like the rest of us!
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