waiting5 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 kuba said: I am in the PhD program at SFU and I have not heard anything from SSHRC. I have, however, been told by my Graduate Program Chair that no one in our department made it :cry: Apparently, there were many other departments that did not make it as well this year. This is very frustrating especially considering that I was told that I was a 'shoo-in' and that my application was rated as very strong. I won a SSHRC when I was doing my MA, so I thought I knew a little about how that game is played. I am not sure what I will do for money in the fall, given that the TAships are running out for second year PhDs and that there is very little internal funding in my department. So sorry to hear that I'm at SFU and have been told that neither the Dean of Graduate Studies nor my department has results. That probably doesn't bode well for me either.
july27 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Hi everyone! Wow! This forum has been wonderful in relieving my stress over the past several days! I am in the Phd program in Montreal and I was told this afternoon by FGS that I won the CSG! For those who do not receive anything this year, do not despair! Last year, I submitted almost the same proposal and it did not even get out of my institution! Hmmm... Good luck to all!
canuckle Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 waiting5 you must be frustrated as all hell. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I do know, absolutely, totally, and positively, that the DGS has the results, and that they have sent them around to the departmental secretaries. I am surprised that you still can't get your results. Have you, as I earlier suggested, gone IN PERSON to these people (both your department and the DGS) and POLITELY asked? If so, I am amazed and they truly suck. If not, then step up. kuba-sorry to hear about your luck. I know its no consolation but it really is a crap shoot
dood Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 westies121 said: Thanks to those who received their letters from SSHRC and who posted their locations...I appreciate it. Has anyone who has received confirmation about his/her MA SSHRC from GPS or Dept. NOT received his/her letter from SSHRC? I ask because I did not receive a letter today and I'm freaking out. If I don't get the SSHRC, I don't go to school next fall...anyway, sorry to stress on this forum when obviously the doctoral students have more to worry about, but let me know if you didn't receive the letter. (I'm an applicant from McGill, if that makes more sense--GPS and my Dept. have probably known for a week but haven't sent anything). I feel your pain westies. I got an email from my grad coordinator last week congratulating me on winning a sshrc, and someone from the FGS also confirmed that I was on the University's "successful" list, but still no letter. I'm also beginning to freak out, a little bit, wondering what the chances are that there might have been some sort of mistake. I'm in Halifax, NS, so it might just be taking a little longer to get here, but I noticed a poster received their letter all the way in Victoria sooo... Anyhow, we'll have to find some way to make it out of this long weekend alive and sane, and hope that the letters arrive on Tuesday.
tofunoodle Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 From skimming the earlier posts, I gather that we think the letters have already gone out. Is that right? I'm in the US, already at a PhD program here, and I applied directly to SSHRC, so I don't think there's any Canadian school or DGS I can pester for results. I'll just have to wait for Canada Post and the US Postal Service to get my letter to me, which can take a long time ...
jasper.milvain Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 kuba said: I am in the PhD program at SFU and I have not heard anything from SSHRC. I have, however, been told by my Graduate Program Chair that no one in our department made it :cry: Apparently, there were many other departments that did not make it as well this year. This is very frustrating especially considering that I was told that I was a 'shoo-in' and that my application was rated as very strong. I won a SSHRC when I was doing my MA, so I thought I knew a little about how that game is played. That's crappy, Kuba. I'm right there with you. I'm sorry about fall funding--the TA cuts are brutal. Many of the grad students over in English pick up marking for Douglas or Langara ($20/h and $15/h). You can't live off of it, but it can help cover some gaps.
woody Posted May 17, 2009 Posted May 17, 2009 It's Sunday and the wait is so stressful. The thing is, we won't ear anything on Tuesday and we'll need to wait at least til Thursday or Friday... probably more...
Snasser Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 natalia said: And, the answer is... unsuccessful. Anyone who is still waiting for UofC, just call FGS and ask directly for your results. Apparently, if you act like they should tell you, they will. Good luck. Again, congratulations to everyone who won an award this competition. It helps me feel better about SSHRC (and my unsuccessful application), knowing that some of my fellow stressees are happy and holding a bag full of money. For anyone in my boat, we should definitely keep in touch for the coming competition. Read each other's proposals and comment. Remind each other that it is just money, nothing to lose our heads over. :wink: I think this is an excellent idea. The support from this forum has been really great. It helped so much when I was biting my nails waiting and helped to break the fall when I got my bad news. Thanks everyone.
Cree8tiveGyal Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 Yes, thanks to everyone for their advice, tips, suggestions, thoughts, experiences, etc. Good luck everyone - hopefully Tuesday and the next week brings great news for all of those waiting!
chenzitian Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 This is the official page to check released results... http://www.sshrc.ca/site/winning-recher ... ng.aspx#a2 I am a PhD in Business in SFU, and I have not heard anything yet.
Cree8tiveGyal Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 chenzitian said: This is the official page to check released results... http://www.sshrc.ca/site/winning-recher ... ng.aspx#a2 I am a PhD in Business in SFU, and I have not heard anything yet. Sorry to hear that chenzitian - I hope you and the rest of SFUers hear tomorrow or shortly thereafter! Good luck!
jasper.milvain Posted May 18, 2009 Posted May 18, 2009 That site won't be updated for months, chenzitian. They only post it after all the awards are finalized (the people in the states have turned down their CGS awards, those have been passed along to other people, etc). It's definitely not the first place you'll see results! The Dean of Grad Studies office has them... maybe a sob story about how long you've been waiting and how desperately you need an answer would help?
J-diggs Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Hey guys, I'm in Hamilton, going to Mac for an MA in the fall. I went to Brock for my undergrad, and my old roommates just informed me that my official acceptance letter for the SSHRC came in the mail. Good luck to the PhDs... I know some of my friends have heard results at Mac. I hope the rest of you do soon. Cheers, J
studynorth Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Have any Canadians studying at Americal schools heard yet? Any idea when we might? Getting mighty anxious!!! Best wishes to all who've heard, either way.
EJBL Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Congrats to everyone who has received a SSHRC this year! I'm still waiting... will be attending a UK uni this autumn, so it's either contact the uni and hope that they know what they're looking if I ask after SSHRC results, or wait for the letter. A Big Thank You to those who have shared their stories here - although this waiting is really taking a toll, the letter seems to be the only way to be 100% sure of results. A little story from someone from my MA cohort: this person is also beginning doctoral work in the autumn, and knows someone who works for SSHRC. Last Monday, they got notice from their 'insider' that they were on the successful list. The next day (Tuesday, when the results first went out to DGS), this person got an e-mail from their grad adviser notifying them they did not get a SSHRC (recommended, but not funded). A little investigation later and it seems that there were funding decisions being made right up to the last minute for the doctoral SSHRCs. Not much consolation to those not receiving SSHRC because of budget cuts, but I'm hoping schools can come through to offer support, particularly for those whose research was recommended for funding... Good luck to all, I'm hoping hoping hoping that since a poster from my town got their MA letter last Friday that ours will arrive this week!
dramanda Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 EJBL said: A little story from someone from my MA cohort: this person is also beginning doctoral work in the autumn, and knows someone who works for SSHRC. Last Monday, they got notice from their 'insider' that they were on the successful list. The next day (Tuesday, when the results first went out to DGS), this person got an e-mail from their grad adviser notifying them they did not get a SSHRC (recommended, but not funded). A little investigation later and it seems that there were funding decisions being made right up to the last minute for the doctoral SSHRCs. Not much consolation to those not receiving SSHRC because of budget cuts, but I'm hoping schools can come through to offer support, particularly for those whose research was recommended for funding... What a story!
Sarah7 Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Thank goodness for this forum! I have been worried all month that my letter (good or bad) was lost in the mail all this time! This seems to be the only place to get any kind of information. Even our secretary's office cannot tell us anything b/c it's confidential until we receive the letter. She teasingly told me she already knew the results, waving the paper about in her hand, but she couldn't share them with me!! From what I have heard at school, a lot of really stellar applications are being deemed unsuccessful this year because of the funding situation, so nobody beat themselved up about any bad news! Congrats to all those who were successful and a huge thank you to everyone participating in and providing information for this forum. Best of luck to the rest of you who are all still waiting with me!
Neatgirl Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 Sarah7 said: She teasingly told me she already knew the results, waving the paper about in her hand, but she couldn't share them with me!! Now that's just cruel...they really should tell you to save you the stress. I'm hoping the mail will move swiftly for everyone still waiting and wish you luck as you await the results!
westies121 Posted May 19, 2009 Posted May 19, 2009 dood said: I feel your pain westies. I got an email from my grad coordinator last week congratulating me on winning a sshrc, and someone from the FGS also confirmed that I was on the University's "successful" list, but still no letter. I'm also beginning to freak out, a little bit, wondering what the chances are that there might have been some sort of mistake. I'm in Halifax, NS, so it might just be taking a little longer to get here, but I noticed a poster received their letter all the way in Victoria sooo... Anyhow, we'll have to find some way to make it out of this long weekend alive and sane, and hope that the letters arrive on Tuesday. I'm sure your letter will turn up soon, dood. If you received confirmation from your grad coordinator and FGS, then I'm pretty sure you've won it. It seems that some letters might be delayed for some reason--I have no idea, for instance, why I received my letter later than a recipient in Victoria. I'm outside Toronto and I received my letter today for the M.A. SSHRC scholarship. What a very long long weekend...all I can say is that my sympathies are with doctoral applicants. Being in suspense for a few days was not fun--I can't imagine what it must be like to wait any longer. But I'm very grateful for the funding. Good luck to all of you!
chenzitian Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 results for SFU have been passed to each deparments as early as last week, so seems that who did not receive notice from their departments were failed...
jasper.milvain Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Whoa! Or they have a grad chair who is out of the country and can't authorize releasing the results... or a crazy grad secretary who has some weird sense of privacy that keeps her from telling... or any of a number of stupid red tape f*ck ups. I don't see why a department would only tell the people who succeeded. They're going to have to help find funding for the people who didn't. It makes no sense to only release successful results. Don't scare people who may actually be SSHRC recipients with tight-lipped administrators!
readinggeyser Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Seconded. If you haven't heard anything yet, do not despair, this could be for any number of reasons. Wait for your letter!
tofunoodle Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 studynorth said: Have any Canadians studying at Americal schools heard yet? Any idea when we might? Getting mighty anxious!!! Best wishes to all who've heard, either way. Ditto. I'm still waiting to hear, too. If most people in Canada still haven't received their letters, I'm guessing that the letters won't reach us in the U.S. until next week at the earliest. If anyone has counter-examples, please let us know!
phreeduh Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Does anyone know if the PhD letters have even left SSHRC yet?
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