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Welcome to the 2012-2013 cycle

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I've done the same thing, nothing for me either.


Maybe it is a good sign, they sent out a few rejections and now they are still deciding on the remaining pool of candidates. 

Odd that rejections would come out in drips and drabs, although acceptances often do, so who knows. Based on USMA06's post yesterday, it does sound like we should find out one way or the other by the end of the week.


Good luck! and congrats to all of the admits today!

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Congrats to the new Michigan theory admit! It looks like you're the same person who got into Chicago (same GRE/GPA stats)?


Yep, I am the same person, though admittedly a little weirded out that my stats are that identifiable  ;). But yes, I'm super psyched about both, and was definitely NOT expecting to get into Michigan. I will definitely be attending Michigan's visit weekend. Even though their letter was a form letter, it was really cute. I mean, Mika gave out his cell number and reminded people to not call him before 6am. That said, the funding package wasn't as attractive as Chicago's, but I'll wait and see how everything goes once I visit.

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Yep, I am the same person, though admittedly a little weirded out that my stats are that identifiable  ;). But yes, I'm super psyched about both, and was definitely NOT expecting to get into Michigan. I will definitely be attending Michigan's visit weekend. Even though their letter was a form letter, it was really cute. I mean, Mika gave out his cell number and reminded people to not call him before 6am. That said, the funding package wasn't as attractive as Chicago's, but I'll wait and see how everything goes once I visit.


Hah, sorry to be creepy, the "(theory)" gave it away  :)


That sounds super sweet!

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Maryland sending out?  Now I'm going to be obsessively checking my email.


me too...im a mess right now... after not hearing from UPENN or UMASS. 


the ASF page says that they cannot give decision information via e-mail or the phone tho.

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me too...im a mess right now... after not hearing from UPENN or UMASS. 


the ASF page says that they cannot give decision information via e-mail or the phone tho.

I feel for you, man.  Last year was a wash for me (1 waitlist, 5 rejections).  This year, I've spread a bit more - but man, I'm on tenterhooks. 


Ack!  You're right.  Something's fishy.  From the ASF page:



After the review is completed, you will receive a letter with the decision recommendation in the mail. Decision information cannot be given out over the phone or in email correspondence.


Are we being strung along?

Edited by raptureonfire
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In at UPenn! Fully funded! I was finally able to sleep last night after hearing from Rochester yesterday, so I didn't even check my email today until just about now. I have choices! I am so so glad I didn't drop an extraordinary amount of money on 14 rejections.



Can any of the Penn admits offer any info on the acceptance email?


Well, the email is entitled "UPenn Poli Sci Acceptance," so I think they're trying to be as kind and as unambiguous as possible. Good luck!

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Another UCLA! Can anyone claim this?


I freaked out when i saw this too, but looks like whoever posted it was in the batch of acceptances yesterday... Still would like to know which field...?

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I freaked out when i saw this too, but looks like whoever posted it was in the batch of acceptances yesterday... Still would like to know which field...?




The California schools are killing me here...

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About UPenn, from the results section:


Pat told me that if you do not receive the email today or tomorrow, you are rejected. I am rejected. :(Pat told me that if you do not receive the email today or tomorrow, you are rejected. 

I didn't post it, just thought I'd put it here in case some UPenn applicants missed it.

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I feel for you, man.  Last year was a wash for me (1 waitlist, 5 rejections).  This year, I've spread a bit more - but man, I'm on tenterhooks. 


Ack!  You're right.  Something's fishy.  From the ASF page:




Are we being strung along?


I applied there two years ago (I was rejected everywhere, but I ended up in a MA program)...

I found out I was wait-listed forever. And I didn't find out until late march, via snail mail. 


I hope someone isn't playing with my feelings like that!

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Just realized that not all departments/entries are under 'Political Science' in the results listings (Maryland, I'm looking at you). Holla for more things to obsess over!


where else are you finding them?

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The Maryland admit was posted under "Department of Government and Politics" so the way I've been doing it- to organize the results by 'Program' and then scroll to the P's for Political Science- I missed it completely until looking at the forum. 

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