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Welcome to the 2012-2013 cycle

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Northwestern listings aren't fake! well, mine isn't (comparative). I was too excited to go to the forum to post at the time.


CONGRATS!!!!!!! But it does not sound very auspicious for my own fate (considering their announcement pattern last year)......anyway congrats again! It is a great program.

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CONGRATS!!!!!!! But it does not sound very auspicious for my own fate (considering their announcement pattern last year)......anyway congrats again! It is a great program.


I don't think NW is done yet in dishing out acceptances. Let's hope for the best, at least for tomorrow.

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If you click the box with a number (usually 0) next to the red arrow button (above the "Quote" button), you can see the list!


Oooooooooooooh.... I didn't know about this feature.  I like it!

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I think I'm officially depressed. I haven't heard from a single school yet. Guess I'm gonna end up doing a masters from LSE. 


You are not alone.  Haven't heard anything either and I keep telling myself I'm prepared to strike out (0/9).  I have started looking for jobs but silly MA coursework/thesis-writing has me too busy to actually apply for them.  Depressing indeed.  

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[Hopefully] happy Friday everyone!


The spreadsheet is updated again with my speculative analysis: http://wikisend.com/download/628112/Polisci PhD admit data.xlsx


It seems like we've probably heard the last from Michigan, MIT and UCSD (I assume that everyone who has applied has heard one way or another?).


I put Chicago, Columbia and NYU in the red: it seems like they're probably done with admits and wait-lists, and only rejections to come.


I'm holding out hope that there are some admits left for Berkeley and Stanford (based on last years' long notification periods and my desire to stave of disappointment), and put Duke back in the green since it seems they may be sending out a few more wait-lists  Notre Dame also probably has wait-lists left, if not more accepts. I know from calling UCLA that they have more decisions to make, and we're sure to see more admits from Northwestern and Yale (none have been claimed for Yale, right?). 


Any, maybe we'll hear from Harvard soon?


Good luck to all!

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What do we have hopes of coming out today beyond Yale?




No, but I really would love UVa to finish up their first main wave of admits today. Perhaps more news on Stanford?


Also, @upam, you have had one hell of a cycle so far, if you don't mind me saying. Congrats on the spread.

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UVa will send emails or should we check our application pages? They use same application system with GWU but in GWU's system there is an indication says your application under review while there is none in UVa system!!


Don't hold your breath on UVa updated through the applyyourself system, is my understanding of it from a friend who went there for an MA a couple of years back. All done through email.


And yea, I saw GWU's notice that shit was under review and I thought "what unusually lovely admissions people."

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