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MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Just curious how many of you are applying to MFA programs shortly after BFA/BA programs or if most took off time and are applying a 1-3 year after? Thanks! 


Just graduated in December 2012. Schools typically want to see a cohesive portfolio, which is why a lot of professors tell students to wait a few years after they've graduated. At least, that's what I've been told.


SFAI - interviewed 2/24 accepted 3/08 email

Concordia - rejected 3/05 via snail mail

SAIC - accepted 2/03 phone call

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I took a year a year off but not because I initially wanted to. I applied to grad school last year and didn't get in anywhere. My work has changed so much since graduating. I really am happy I had some time to figure some things out.

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Just curious how many of you are applying to MFA programs shortly after BFA/BA programs or if most took off time and are applying a 1-3 year after? Thanks! 


I took way more than 1-3 years to decide to apply to MFA programs. I'm sure momentum is good for some, but for me I needed to be sure / know why I'm going. All the life experience in between, I think, has been to my benefit.


Same here.  I got my BFA in 2002!  I've been developing my art practice slowly but steadily ever since and have really hit my stride in the past few years.  Some people really are "ready" right out of undergrad- I sure wasn't but am really confident about everything today :)


Me too. I got my BFA in 2001. I was a bit lost with my practice and stopped making work for years. I focused on a professional career and have another Masters. I returned to making work with a new focus and passion a few years ago. Having had a break I feel that I'm ready and really know why I want to pursue an MFA now. 

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Just curious how many of you are applying to MFA programs shortly after BFA/BA programs or if most took off time and are applying a 1-3 year after? Thanks! 


I haven't even graduated yet... (hopefully) will in May.   For me though, I transferred schools,  and there was a huge gap between when I started my BFA and when I'll finish.   I'm glad I'm NOT waiting before going to Grad School not only because I'm a bit older than most grads. but also because I know exactly what I want to do, so I don't want to waste time.  Plus, it's hard for me to get back into "school mode" once I'm out for a while-- even Christmas break messes me up!    

Looking back, if I had been able to finish my BFA long ago and not gone back after several years, I don't think I would be ready at all.  I had lots of exhibitions, commissions, had Gallery representation for over a year, and met lots of people during that time.  

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I finished by BFA in 2007. I did a masters in education since then. So I've had about 3 1/2 years out of school. I think it's beneficial. You need to learn to function differently outside the school context. I feel I'm now at a point where I will benefit from going back to school for an MFA. I had actually applied for an MFA strait out of my BFA and got rejected. It was a good thing, and I understand when I look back at my portfolio. None of the works I had presented then are in my current portfolio.

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Someone I know called University of Washington, Seattle , and  she seemed to be told results would not be given till the end of march, possibly early April. I was very surprised by this.

Thank you so much for passing along the information!


This is frustrating to me. I have a great offer from a school who required a response by March 12. I called them and requested an extension because I am overseas right now and need time to weigh my options. They extended until April 1st but said they absolutely would not go past that time. I want to be fair to the school and those waitlisted but I also want to be able to know everything before I make a decision. All of the work and stress put in to applying seems to me to warrant that.

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Just got an email from Boston U, was accepted and awarded the Constantin Alajalov Scholarship. Weird that I just got the email, considering my friend received an email from them over a week ago informing him that he was wait listed for the same department.

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Just curious how many of you are applying to MFA programs shortly after BFA/BA programs or if most took off time and are applying a 1-3 year after? Thanks! 


I graduated almost 7 years ago, and I can say that I definitely needed the time to figure things out, and to live a little. Right after undergrad, I was deeply invested in non-art-related academic research and then lived in another country for a couple of years, all the while keeping a pretty steady studio practice. Those experiences outside of art really informed my work, and by having had to fight for the time for studio work, it really sharpened my discipline, and readied me for a graduate program. I think at this point in my life, I will get the most out of a program, more so than if I had only waited one or two years. However, everyone has their own timeline, but I will say, don't feel bad if you've been out for a while.

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Accepted to Cornell w/full funding + TA + stipend, sounds pretty similar to VCU deal...  More info on Monday I guess.


Decision time! Anyone have any thoughts re: VCU vs. Cornell for MFA Painting?


And has anyone who interviewed at Tyler for Painting heard back? Getting worried, given the quick turnaround for the other two interviews...


Congrats to all on acceptances! Hurray!

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Thanks for all the feed back on years taken off or not taken off before MFA. You all had some great reasons for your decision to now...i'm sure you know that already though. This is my second time for applications. I think it's great for those of you who have wait for this and for those who are up to the challenge -- fresh meat from bfa/ba degrees. In the end it all comes down to the portfolio and purpose. It's been nice to hear about people receiving good feed back, acceptances. I hope to be as lucky. 


Alfred- Rejected /snail mail

RISD - interview 3/7

Mass Art --

VCU --

Notre Dame--

Syracuse --

Cranbrook --

Tyler -- 

Edited by relentlesslemons
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Thanks for all the feed back on years taken off or not taken off before MFA. You all had some great reasons for your decision to now...i'm sure you know that already though. This is my second time for applications. I think it's great for those of you who have wait for this and for those who are up to the challenge -- fresh meat from bfa/ba degrees. In the end it all comes down to the portfolio and purpose. It's been nice to hear about people receiving good feed back, acceptances. I hope to be as lucky. 


Alfred- Rejected /snail mail

RISD - interview 3/7

Mass Art --

VCU --

Notre Dame--

Syracuse --

Cranbrook --

Tyler -- 

How was your interview at RISD? What department did you meet with? I'll be there on Monday for an interview with the painting department..

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Oh, Berkeley, how you break my heart.  Received rejection e-mail today - I must say, it was a well written letter even though disappointing.



me too

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accepted University of New Mexico for painting & drawing


one of my profs. went there.  she is amaaaaazing... Erika Osborne.  Must be a great school.

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Is SFAI better for performance? It seems that way but I'm not sure.

I have a feeling that is not what michaelwebster meant. SAIC's performance department is the only one of it's kind in any MFA program in the country. It's also got a lot of "buzz" right now (as much as that can be defined), with recent alum winning awards like Furnace Fund and NARS in New York.

At least, that is my understanding.

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I have a feeling that is not what michaelwebster meant. SAIC's performance department is the only one of it's kind in any MFA program in the country. It's also got a lot of "buzz" right now (as much as that can be defined), with recent alum winning awards like Furnace Fund and NARS in New York.

At least, that is my understanding.

This is true. I guess a lot of it depends on the type of Performance that students want to create. I'm seeing a lot of similarity between my work and the work the some of the SFAI faculty create (Jennifer Locke, mostly). But yes, SAIC does have an incredible reputation, and I'm already noticing how much attention they give to their students. I haven't even enrolled at SAIC yet, but Mark Jeffery has already been so amazing and helpful.

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How was your interview at RISD? What department did you meet with? I'll be there on Monday for an interview with the painting department..

Hey -- i interviewed with ceramics over the phone -- it was very short 10 minutes. They asked about what I have been doing for past few years...what art world i saw myself in... what is a successful artist / how does one become that... and I asked about taking classes abroad during winter session & about there distinct area of ceramics they had (they spokes about potter - ceramic sculpture & architecture). It just felt really rushed. I expected to talk about my work more. I'm happy to of had the chance to be a semifinalist for ceramic program and I hope to get in but I'm happy to of made it this far! 

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