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MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Guys, please tone down your language. It's making the forum unpleasant and that's unacceptable. I'll be monitoring this thread and the users who post in it; I'd hate to have to suspend or ban anyone but I will if you don't stop this behavior on your own.

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Further, I detest this polemic that real artists only make works to exhibit, struggle to show alot and become art stars. That's more romantic mythology. Art is resistance. Art is activism. Art is engagement. That could look like a community organizer, an educator, a performer. It could look like a lot of things. Success in this field shouldn't be confined to the commodification of what you sell or your popularity. Teaching doesn't mean you are less of an artist. Being radical doesn't mean you have to act like a duchebag or discourage people who are trying to add to the conversation on this board.


I really appreciated your post @littlenova.  I definitely could use a reminder from time to time that there are SO many ways to be an artist. It's so easy to fall into the trap of imagining only one possible road, which requires extreme fanatical dedication and/or a boatload of luck.  For the rest of us who don't care so much about the spotlight, and who want to have a more balanced and stable life (and income), we have to remember that all artists and art educators are just as (if not more) valuable than the blue-chip artist that gets appreciated by the top 5%. If there wasn't some sweet art teacher out there who cared enough to share their love of the arts with students, all those blue-chip artists would be out of a job. And on a side note...personally, I'm ready to start seeing more artists seek to serve as tangible a purpose as a doctor, lawyer, or any other respectable profession that seeks to serve the population.  Obviously, it is difficult to quantify the benefit that the arts have on society, but that doesn't mean that artists shouldn't at least try to have a positive impact.  We can focus on developing our ridiculously complex metanarratives and impressive artspeak all day long, but it still doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to the majority of society, who are meanwhile going through withdrawals, desperately craving our talents and creative insight. The population is forced to seek inspiration from the artists of the past, because this generation of artists has forgotten its calling. We are too busy to bother with benefiting and changing society, as we are all trying to be famous artists instead.  In an ironic twist, it seems the most creative people in the population have all suddenly found themselves trying to squeeze inside the same little box. I say we go find another box.  Or better yet, break free.


Anyway, thanks for the reminder @littlenova.

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of all the idiotic things that "thismessageispaidforby" has said, this one is the funniest: 

"If you are good, then you will be good. Its not like learning a language or how to read. You dont get better as you go"

Well, I know I'm good.... You should see the self portrait I did en utero. 

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What are everyone's thoughts on Art Center College of Design? I was accepted to their MFA program, it is in LA and the faculty members are all impressive artists. It is a small program and is also is ranked well - #18, higher than USC and UC Irvine, for example (not that rankings are everything, mind you). I'm just wondering why I haven't heard mention of it yet in this forum. Thoughts? 


I'm going to visit the school this week to get a better sense of it. 



Congratulations! Can you tell me when and how you were notified? Thanks!

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This is not apropos of the heated discussion here, but has anyone heard from Hunter?

Yeah, pretty much everyone has I think.  They sent interview notifications back on March 4th I think, and not long after, the website showed the rest of us our rejections...

so check your online application.  

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I was accepted by Claremont yesterday and rejected by UCLA today. It's all good, that's the way it goes. In addition, Irvine's decisions will be sent out next week sometime. Good news or bad news have a great day everyone!

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Got the word last night that I was admitted to the RISD 2-year graphic design program.  Pretty psyched after suffering rejections from Yale and MIT.  Just waiting to hear from MICA at this point.

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I received notice of my wait-listed status via letter the other day for RISD's printmaking department. So now my applications have run the whole gamut: 1 rejection, 1 wait-list, 1 acceptance, and 1 interview. There really is no rhyme or reason to this process, is there?!


We can focus on developing our ridiculously complex metanarratives and impressive artspeak all day long, but it still doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to the majority of society, who are meanwhile going through withdrawals, desperately craving our talents and creative insight. The population is forced to seek inspiration from the artists of the past, because this generation of artists has forgotten its calling. We are too busy to bother with benefiting and changing society, as we are all trying to be famous artists instead.  In an ironic twist, it seems the most creative people in the population have all suddenly found themselves trying to squeeze inside the same little box. I say we go find another box.  Or better yet, break free.


I'm reading Artaud's collection of essays entitled,"The Theater And Its Double," and he was just as passionate about this-- in 1938.


"Given the theater as we see it here, one would say there is nothing more to life than knowing whether we can make love skillfully, whether we will go to war or are cowardly enough to make peace, how we cope with our little pangs of conscience, and whether we will become conscious of our "complexes" (in the language of experts) or if indeed our "complexes" will do us in. Rarely, moreover, does the debate rise to a social level, rarely do we question our social and moral system. Our theater never goes so far as to ask whether this social and moral system might not by chance be iniquitous. I believe, however, that our present social state is iniquitous and should be destroyed." (Artaud, pp 41-42)


I recommend it, it's a fun read.


Ok, I'm off to catch the NJ Transit to visit Rutgers!

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I'm reading Artaud's collection of essays entitled,"The Theater And Its Double," and he was just as passionate about this-- in 1938.


That sounds awesome, i'm going to have to read that.


is today the day i'll finally hear from Herron????  I'm SO tired of waiting.  i want to be able to plan what I'll be doing for the next few years (!).

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That sounds awesome, i'm going to have to read that.


is today the day i'll finally hear from Herron????  I'm SO tired of waiting.  i want to be able to plan what I'll be doing for the next few years (!).

Haha, I haven't heard from IU OR Herron, Im about to explode with annoyance... Faculty are both on their Spring Breaks, although staff are not unless they use their vacation time. 

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Congratulations! Can you tell me when and how you were notified? Thanks!

Thanks! It came in the mail on Saturday. I live in LA though, so would imagine that the other letters are still going out. Good luck!

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Haha, I haven't heard from IU OR Herron, Im about to explode with annoyance... Faculty are both on their Spring Breaks, although staff are not unless they use their vacation time. 


ugh that sucks!  i guess i should feel lucky i've heard from IUB, then.  just checked the mail, nothing from Herron. 

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I must give Hunter props for actually "sparing" some of their international Skype time for us national applicants, looks like I won't have to make an impromptu trip to NY. Everyone seems to be getting at least some finality to their situations, meanwhile I've managed to apply to a combination of schools with enough rejections to still be in limbo haha. This anticipation of getting all the results in is exhausting.   

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I've seen other people posting similar questions to the one I'm writing here now in regards to other schools not commonly mentioned on this forum: I'm curious why no one has mentioned CCA in San Francisco. I recently visited the school and met with some students and faculty and I left really impressed.


Anyone going to CalArts for interviews tomorrow?


Anyone know when Skowhegan announces their residents (and rejections)?


Good luck to everyone.

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I'm reading Artaud's collection of essays entitled,"The Theater And Its Double," and he was just as passionate about this-- in 1938.


"Given the theater as we see it here, one would say there is nothing more to life than knowing whether we can make love skillfully, whether we will go to war or are cowardly enough to make peace, how we cope with our little pangs of conscience, and whether we will become conscious of our "complexes" (in the language of experts) or if indeed our "complexes" will do us in. Rarely, moreover, does the debate rise to a social level, rarely do we question our social and moral system. Our theater never goes so far as to ask whether this social and moral system might not by chance be iniquitous. I believe, however, that our present social state is iniquitous and should be destroyed." (Artaud, pp 41-42)


I recommend it, it's a fun read.


Ok, I'm off to catch the NJ Transit to visit Rutgers!


And then go back further, and you'll find these sentiments explored in Dada and in Nietzsche's writings... ;)

Artaud is a necessary, but pungent character. Isn't he? Somewhere in between Artaud's negation of everything and Brecht's critical epic is where I think we begin to address the postmodern moment of art. I think Derrida does a beautiful job of deconstructing Artaud...What does it mean to shock people now? Is shocking the same as challenging them?

I am always skeptical of any authoritarian recipe for making work or looking at the world—absurdist or otherwise. But, yeah, those essays got me thinking...

Edited by littlenova
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