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Am Studies/Cultural Studies/Theory 2013

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anyone have contact with Brown and GWU and know when the decisions will start rolling?



For Brown's AMS program it looks like late Feb/early March from the results board (Feb. 29 from last year) ..either way if it's an Ivy League I wouldn't expect anything until mid-March. I'm not getting myself worked up over it

Edited by phigirl
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Had my NYU interview today! Honestly, I thought it could have gone better D: The questions were what you would expect and the 15-20 minutes flew by. Overall, if I could change anything it would have been to be more specific, I think my answers were relatively general and that I didn't really get across the points I had wanted to or give a very specific or 'unique' impression of myself. (My hopes had been to prepare more this past weekend but I was beat up pretty badly [no serious injuries though] and most of my time and mental space has been dedicated toward that. Unfortunately I chose to go with the interview and kind of wish I had requested to move it to another date so I could have gathered myself a little better)

Also there was no indication of who was being interviewed/if they had chosen certain applicants already/or when we could expect to hear back. It was also so brief that any questions I had for the committee I wasn't able to ask. So I'm afraid I can't give much more insight other than that. As always good luck to everybody!


Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!!

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Michigan rejection just came.


I'm sorry notaprettygrrrl. :(


Hey, at least they seemed to like you more than me I got an e-mail on Monday with the subject line "UM/AC Letter" and the only text was "Please see the attached letter." I hope they were a wee bit more delicate with the folks they put off until today!

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I got the same *ish again from Michigan. And so it goes... I wonder whether or not schools have a tendency to send out acceptances on Valentine's Day and rejections the following day--all in accordance with making people happy today on a holiday and depressed on the following day.

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I'm a bit confused. The graduate coordinator for Stanford MTL indicated that calls have *not* been made. Yet there is one MTL post up. So either that call was an unofficial one, or it was a sad fake. 

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I am the GW acceptance, I got the email Saturday morning and was very surprised to find out so early. I have no clue whether they sent all acceptances out, or whether they are going to do so sporadically.

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March 15...probably only for rejections. Harvard has historically sent out acceptance letters around Feb 23rd. I sorta want to ask...but I'm too nervous!!  :wacko:  I'm pretty sure theyve made decisions already...at least short lists. What March 15 deadline are you talking about? The April 15 deadline? I'm not aware of any deadline they have over there at Am Civ. in March. Share info please...

Edited by PhDreams
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