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HGSE Fall 2013


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IBR is not granted to everyone. I had undergraduate loans and an income that should have been on an IBR plan. I did not get approved. Be very careful about taking on debt. Avoid it at all costs because it will not be easy at all. Most people in public service end up paying their loans in ten years and the forgiveness ends up being for very little money. Please read up on debt management and reasonable amounts of debt. No aspiring teacher should acquire all this debt since in most parts of the country the salary is very low. It looks all nice and glossy now, but don't set yourself up for somethig that could become the biggest financial burden you have.




Considering you weren't granted IBR, did you try going the ICR route?


I'm interested in your response because according to the link below, those who can't get IBR go for ICR.



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^ Yep. Without IBR I think I've calculated that my monthly student loan payments would be at least around $750-800. That sounds about right, right? Using this right now to figure out whether my master's degree at HGSE would be worth it... 

This is scary.


On the other hand, I can't wait to meet all of you this weekend so that we can commiserate in person, you know  :P


Yeah, that sounds about right for a 10-year repayment plan, if you have some undergrad debt to go along with it. Of course, you can lower your monthly payment to make it more manageable by extending the repayment plan. But, as we know, this comes at a cost due to the interest having more time to accrue.


Life Problems FTW!

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Thanks for all the loans advice and support, thread! It is daunting but all of your posts help a lot!

I may or may not have just packed like six potential outfits for Friday. Clearly what I'm going to end up interpreting as "business casual" will be a surprise, for even me! 

Haha, same deal here. I just went overboard last week and got a few new dresses, and whenever I get something new, I have to wear it ASAP. Cramming in all the clothes.

On another note... My flight leaves in five hours. Excited! And also a little nervous... I'm still pretty new to flying. Deep breaths. :)

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Because I left this thread on a less-than-positive note awhile ago, I just wanted to come back and extend a heartfelt congratulations to everyone accepted to HGSE. Enjoy your preview weekend, and best of luck with your future endeavors!

Congratulations to you! 8 acceptances. :) Where will you be headed in the fall?! 


And CQE, I did apply for income contingent. The payments are still enormous. :(

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Congratulations to you! 8 acceptances. :) Where will you be headed in the fall?! 


And CQE, I did apply for income contingent. The payments are still enormous. :(


If you don't mind sharing, could you please answer this question:

Relative to how much you would've paid per month without ICR, what is the % difference in monthly payments that ICR has provided you?


I'm not at all looking for specifics...just trying to get a general idea of how much it can help (though one person is obviously not a very good sample size, lol).

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Wish I could be in Cambridge for the weekend. Alas, it wasn't meant to be at this point in time.


I hope everyone else enjoys themselves, though! And I'd certainly appreciate any feedback regarding any financial aid details that have not been discussed here!


Us GradCafers need to have a get together in August, too. You know, closer to when the real fun begins....


Anyway, have fun!

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Hey Cardinal, I would love to meet up tomorrow. I am guessing I met higher Ed yesterday and didn't even know it! If any higher Ed program peeps want to grab a slice of the best pizza in Cambridge, a pint, or go for a walk to tomorrow I would be interested. Just PM me your info!

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Because I left this thread on a less-than-positive note awhile ago, I just wanted to come back and extend a heartfelt congratulations to everyone accepted to HGSE. Enjoy your preview weekend, and best of luck with your future endeavors!


Didn't you get into Stanford?

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I was at the Higher Ed thing yesterday, and it was pretty casual. The current student were in the clothes they wore to class or to their internships, while the admitted students were slightly more dressed up. Dudes could get away with a nice sweater or polo and either dress pants or dark jeans (a few people wore ties if that is your thing). For girls the range was a lot wider: some wore flats, some wore boots, some were wearing nice classroom clothes, some were dressed a bit more formally. People weren't really paying attention to what you were wearing, so wear what you feel comfortable in!

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Hey all just a reminder about lunch at Border Cafe at 2pm tomorrow! Be there or be square, Harvard Square that is ;)

(so cheesy it doesn't even make sense??)



hahaha! I wont be there but a big HIIIIII from India for everyone going tmrw! 

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Hii! Oh man, what a weekend. First - oh my god, I am so sorry I missed the meetup! Got out of a realty appointment suuuper late. Just sitting in the office without wifi... and waaaiting... and waaaiting... and then it was 4PM. (But at least there was an apartment gotten out of it!) But I bet you wonderful souls had tons of fun. :) We should absolutely do another one in August! (I'll be there before orientation starts, probably earlier in the summer, if other people are here too and want to meet up! Can't wait to explore.)


And admitted students day was so fun! Haha. I think I saw sunshinegrl! I was trying to not-creepily stalk out Gradcafers too. I am glad I was not alone in this. Seriously amazing weekend though. Loved the AIE session, and all of the awesome people that I met, and the bright purple Harvard sweatshirt that I bought, and... yeah. :D

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What is up with all the Harvard stuff being purple, huh?! 


Merrysoprano I really hope the time you spotted me WASN'T the time I flusteredly (not a word, I know) followed a girl into the bathroom thinking it was the stairs! (for the record, the stairs were next the next door over) God I felt like a 18 year old freshman allllllllllllll over again. Except at Harvard, which made it all the more mortifying ;) 


I hope everyone had fun and met lots of awesome people this past weekend! I'm sure I'll end up attempting to organize a meetup v2.0 in August :) 

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I am looking at GSAS housing application right now I just realize that I have to pay $70 non-refundable deposit for the housing lottery. This sounds so unfair. It's probably the most expensive lottery in the history of America (and you have to pay a lot even if you WIN this lottery). Any thought on this? I am giving up on Harvard housing...

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