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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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YAY!!! I was worried for you (worrying about other people's apps allows me to worry less about mine...I think).

Thanks! Maybe I will start worrying about other people's apps now too lol. I think it's worse now that the whole thing is out of my hands. The person I emailed with from Arkansas said it could be as late as April 1 before I hear anything. It's going to be a long four months.

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You're not the only one having nightmares. A couple of nights ago, mine was that I had to walk to an interview at my dream school in heels through a rainforest with a machete. Then my old marching band director started yelling at the applicants. We would only make it to the next interview if we could adequately isolate mouse cells for fibroblast culture. If we couldn't do it, we got thrown out a window (which was where the incubator is in my current lab). Everyone got thrown out, and I isolated mine correctly, but couldn't find any DNase... so I broke the heel off of my shoe and got DNase for the samples. I got thrown out the window, and then they published some paper from those cells. Apparently I started working at my old school as a janitor because they took away my Master's degree (which I'm trying to finish) and shunned me from science. Weirdest dream ever.

That's such a weird and specific dream, but I was totally panicking along with it as I read. Now I'm just left wondering why you would need DNases at all for a fibroblast culture...that bothers me more than the machete.

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who trolls the results search cheering at all of the Chemistry peeps acceptances. I love the ones that are all: "Randomly checked my email/mailbox/application status and saw ACCEPTED staring at me, such a great way to start the day/week/year/REST OF MY LIFE."

It makes me smile and SO MUCH MORE NERVOUS all at the same time. :P

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I found out today that the application I have been freaking out over was received and processed, so the post office didn't eat it. Now the long wait until April 1.
Told ya so! Lol :). I'm relieved with you! Also, so excited for sanseo!
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That's such a weird and specific dream, but I was totally panicking along with it as I read. Now I'm just left wondering why you would need DNases at all for a fibroblast culture...that bothers me more than the machete.


I isolate primary fibroblasts directly from tissue, so in the process of mincing the tissue and then trypsinizing to break up some remaining chunks, there is a lot of cell death and lots of DNA gets released... so we incubate with a little DNase before we spin down. If we don't, the majority of the live cells get trapped in this nasty "snot" glob of DNA and cell debris. The DNase breaks up the DNA so I'm able to spin the good cells down, remove the buffer, add new media, and then plate them. I've gotten some great results.


I have a feeling that the reason the dream was so specific was that I had literally isolated more cells and completed my applications the same day... but what gets me is why in the world I would have DNase hidden in the heel of my shoe!

I'm waiting on three schools, but based on previous years, I should hear about the time I leave for the Baylor interview.

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I had my first grad school dream last night... I dreamt that I got an e-mail from the EEPB department secretary at Washington University saying that I was "put on both lists today," whatever that is supposed to mean. Then I had a series of dreams that I got interview invites, but I would keep waking up after reading them and then fall back asleep and dream about it again. I had dreamt about it so many times, I was sure it must have happened when I finally got up. Alas, it did not.


I did, however, have a day of distractions and didn't really think about applications and e-mails too much today. Looking forward to the weekend and not checking my e-mail a million times!

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I'm waiting on three schools, but based on previous years, I should hear about the time I leave for the Baylor interview.


That's the hard thing about applying to a not-common program (HDFS)...there's only a handful of results to look at. Less to worry about, I guess?

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Last night, I dreamed that a professor from my top choice emailed me and said that "the town decided to stop funding the program," but they thought they'd be able to continue at least through next year, so he hoped I'd apply anyway...

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That's the hard thing about applying to a not-common program (HDFS)...there's only a handful of results to look at. Less to worry about, I guess?


I have this issue with some of my programs. There are no results at all for PSU's ecology program, and only two results for Syracuse's biology program. Not much to work off of! I don't think there are any results for Drexel's environmental science program, either. It's probably better that way. The programs that do have lots of results sent out invites already, and I didn't get one. I'm still hoping that the invites that went out already went to people who applied early, but that's wishful thinking on my part.

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I have this issue with some of my programs. There are no results at all for PSU's ecology program, and only two results for Syracuse's biology program. Not much to work off of! I don't think there are any results for Drexel's environmental science program, either. It's probably better that way. The programs that do have lots of results sent out invites already, and I didn't get one. I'm still hoping that the invites that went out already went to people who applied early, but that's wishful thinking on my part.


I just wish I knew. Mentor is waiting to see when I'll hear back from one program this month before deciding whether or not to have me go ahead with an application for a "back-up" program (aka the program on the main campus). I'll have stellar LORs from profs in the department so it's definitely more of a "safety" school. She's less certain I'll have to apply there.


I just don't know. I hate the uncertainty. So instead, I stalk the forums, ramble/comment about everything, and try to manage my anxiety. One of my LOR writers suggested meditation. I just don't know if I can sit still...

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I just don't know. I hate the uncertainty. So instead, I stalk the forums, ramble/comment about everything, and try to manage my anxiety. One of my LOR writers suggested meditation. I just don't know if I can sit still...

This is exactly what I've been doing. And nothing has worked to manage my anxiety.

I had a dream I was watching my POI at my top choice argue on my behalf with the admissions committee. But because I was outside looking in a window, I couldn't tell how it was going. I woke up in a panic and it took a while to realize it wasn't real. And then I decided she probably doesn't want me anyway and wouldn't argue for me. This is the roller coaster I'll be on for four more weeks.

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So, following the interview today, I slept for about 10 hours straight. I feel so much better now that it's over - I was a total wreck this morning. Despite my nerves, I think it went decently enough. I need to choose a project in the lab, and an angle to approach it, and then I guess they will go over my app as a group and want me to visit (today's interview was over the phone). So I'm optimistic.

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So, following the interview today, I slept for about 10 hours straight. I feel so much better now that it's over - I was a total wreck this morning.


So glad you slept. I, on the other hand, am still awake!! omggggggggggggg


it's 4am. D: And im still here.... where is Feb?!

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So, following the interview today, I slept for about 10 hours straight. I feel so much better now that it's over - I was a total wreck this morning. Despite my nerves, I think it went decently enough. I need to choose a project in the lab, and an angle to approach it, and then I guess they will go over my app as a group and want me to visit (today's interview was over the phone). So I'm optimistic.


I hope the interview went well! I'm sure it did.


So glad you slept. I, on the other hand, am still awake!! omggggggggggggg


it's 4am. D: And im still here.... where is Feb?!


At 3am I woke up to an email alert on my phone...in my grad school email account. I thought, what cruel person is sending out decisions at 3 am??!! I open it, yahoo generated email. :angry:

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Well, thanks probably in part to this forum, lol, I had my first admissions dream last night.  I dreamed that I was religiously checking all my app status websites, and one of my top schools had changed my status from Submitted to Accepted.  I thought it was a mistake, so checked my email, where I saw the congratulations email.  Then, every applicant to the program showed up at my house, and the adcomm made us line up in 3 lines.  It was kind of like Goldilocks... they said "the front line is too young" and then "the back line is too old"... "middle line, congratulations, you are all in."  And, then I saw a gradcafe buddy in the "too young" line looking all sad, while I was happy for being 28... right in the middle!  Lol.  Then I woke up, and I tried to make myself go back to sleep so I could bask in the glory of an acceptance... sigh...

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At 3am I woke up to an email alert on my phone...in my grad school email account. I thought, what cruel person is sending out decisions at 3 am??!! I open it, yahoo generated email. :angry:

>.< !!!!!



Side note, did I tell you guys about my 3rd recommender that never sent letters for me? Professor emailed me today to ask how my applications are going.. what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 


(mom voice) I'm not mad....I'm just disappointed.

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Sleep...what's that?

I'm like that right about now...sleep is still not coming easy. My mind just won't shut off. I'm not dreaming though, thankfully, so it could be worse...

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>.< !!!!!



Side note, did I tell you guys about my 3rd recommender that never sent letters for me? Professor emailed me today to ask how my applications are going.. what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 


(mom voice) I'm not mad....I'm just disappointed.

They never sent your letters then asked how your apps were going?!?!?!? I'm sure they can still send them...I've read a bunch of posts here about schools accepting LORs late. (I'm so mad that anyone would make your little cupcake avatar sad! I picture you as a perpetually happy person, unless you're disappointed, and then I picture your cupcake with a sad face, little flag dragging forlornly on the ground...)

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I have a question for all the sciencey people who've been admitted: what is the subject line of the emails (if, of course you've received acceptances via email)? Do you know while still in your inbox that it's good news? Or do you stare at the email and prepare yourself for the worst because the subject line tells you nothing?

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I have a question for all the sciencey people who've been admitted: what is the subject line of the emails (if, of course you've received acceptances via email)? Do you know while still in your inbox that it's good news? Or do you stare at the email and prepare yourself for the worst because the subject line tells you nothing?

All the emails I've gotten had the word Interview somewhere in the subject (but most interview offers were a phone call from a prof on the ad com)

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They never sent your letters then asked how your apps were going?!?!?!? I'm sure they can still send them...I've read a bunch of posts here about schools accepting LORs late. (I'm so mad that anyone would make your little cupcake avatar sad! I picture you as a perpetually happy person, unless you're disappointed, and then I picture your cupcake with a sad face, little flag dragging forlornly on the ground...)

LOL My cupcake was a little sad this morning. This professor is super awesome so I was really shocked when they never uploaded the letters. My professor is a veteran professor and has probably sent hundreds of letters in their time. They probably know that letters don't get read until this month anyway and were in no rush to send them. Meanwhile, I've been soooo nervous about getting into programs.


I do try to always be happy. "Be the rainbow in someone's cloud," that's my philosophy. There are enough wonderful opportunities in this world so that we can all find success and help others to be successful. :D


I have a question for all the sciencey people who've been admitted: what is the subject line of the emails (if, of course you've received acceptances via email)? Do you know while still in your inbox that it's good news? Or do you stare at the email and prepare yourself for the worst because the subject line tells you nothing?


It might be different if you have interviews but last year some were really direct in the subject line like:


Admit to UMich


and others didn't indicate good or bad news:


Stanford Admission Decision


and others yet didn't even send out an email until days after it was posted online and I had stumbled upon it on accident!

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Your cupcake avatar is adorable (and delicious-looking, too! :D ).


Still not sleeping well, but was able to go back to sleep for a bit. The only admissions decision result thing from the University I'm waiting on right now is from three years ago, so I don't know how accurate it is...


Does being contacted by a professor who wanted to talk about my application count as a mini-interview? One of the profs I adore (but not one of my letter writers) came up to me and said "So, I hear you had an interview." I wasn't sure whether or not that was correct, because technically we were talking about my application and about her research interests and mine...


I hate not knowing, haha...

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Does being contacted by a professor who wanted to talk about my application count as a mini-interview? One of the profs I adore (but not one of my letter writers) came up to me and said "So, I hear you had an interview." I wasn't sure whether or not that was correct, because technically we were talking about my application and about her research interests and mine...


It sounds like yes-sorta! I've heard that some professors reach out to students that they are really interested in to have an "informal chat" about research interests, etc before they make a decision. This is a good sign, I think. It sounds like you're in the running for the next step- interview or admit. I know I'd be ecstatic if I got to speak to a POI! I'm crossing my fingers for you!! :D

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It sounds like yes-sorta! I've heard that some professors reach out to students that they are really interested in to have an "informal chat" about research interests, etc before they make a decision. This is a good sign, I think. It sounds like you're in the running for the next step- interview or admit. I know I'd be ecstatic if I got to speak to a POI! I'm crossing my fingers for you!! :D


I kind of was thinking it was a good sign, because they probably wouldn't've passed my app on to the professors if they weren't seriously thinking about accepting me...and I know my mentor, who previously had been advocating applying to another safety school, decided to wait on this school first. She has another prof there who is a very good friend, and it partially makes me wonder if she knows something that I don't. Next step would be admit, btw - this school doesn't interview...unless this kind of counts.


The waiting sucks even more now. :lol:


Good luck to everyone, and sansao, I'm glad your interview went well and that you slept after!

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