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Fall 2014 applicants??

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Well folks, from what I gather on this forum today is the day for Rutgers. Good luck! "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today who sheds his blood with me will be my brother"

Not a Rutgers applicant, just in love with this post.

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Is it weird that I only got officially rejected from the program which had the latest ddl?

HAHA. Where are my other rejections? Do they intend to come at the same day to crush my heart?


I guess as soon as NYU starts to announce MA accetances, my phd rejection would come.


Question: what if I apply to a phd program but am not qulified enough, would they automatically review my application again for MA or just throw it away?

I think that NYU and Columbia asked about the possibility of taking MA in the online application, but what about other schools?

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I have a Fulbright interview today. I'm pretty sure this is the most nervous I have ever been. I'm praying that I'll be articulate throughout most of it. 

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I have a Fulbright interview today. I'm pretty sure this is the most nervous I have ever been. I'm praying that I'll be articulate throughout most of it. 


Good luck! I have a friend who got a Fulbright and he chalks a lot of it up to the fact that he was personable and rememberable in his interview more than he tried to prove how smart he is. That said, good luck! I'm sure you'll do brilliantly and have good news to share with all of us before too long. 

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Good luck! I have a friend who got a Fulbright and he chalks a lot of it up to the fact that he was personable and rememberable in his interview more than he tried to prove how smart he is. That said, good luck! I'm sure you'll do brilliantly and have good news to share with all of us before too long. 


Thank you! I've been working towards this moment for 3 years. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't get it. It is just such an amazing opportunity to go to my top choice school in the UK. Gah. I hope we all have good news given to us today!

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Well folks, from what I gather on this forum today is the day for Rutgers. Good luck! "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today who sheds his blood with me will be my brother"


I'm on the wait list and spoke to the DGS (a ridiculously nice man) over the weekend. I'm pretty sure they'll notify today, they've already made their decisions. They're making 24 offers and aiming for an entering class of 12 - apparently that's slightly fewer than in the past, but the funding has increased.

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For those playing along at home, I spoke with the dept administrator from Brandeis and they said it's unlikely they would have my decision out before mid-March.


: ( But I'm impatient and my choices keep dwindling with each rejection . . . and mid-March feels like an eternity from now!

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Who else has been accepted, but is having "How can I make this work (financially)?" and "I'm not good enough" worries? 


I feel like I'm slightly anomalous in that I have a spouse that is entering the higher ed administration job market at the same time I'm getting accepted. As of now, it's looking good that we will be working/attending the same school. So my financial situation will be much easier than a standard TA stipend allows for. However I do feel the "I'm not good enough" I barely got out of HS, went to community college, a tiny lib arts school in IL for my BA, and a no-name state school for my MA. How will I stack up at the top 50 programs I got into next to Ivy grads and public Ivy grads? I feel like I will be slightly out of place...

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Ding ding ding!


I second that. But I also am trying to use acceptances as leverage to see what kind of deals I can get. Options are wonderful. And horrific. And are contributing to my impostor syndrome like woah.

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Ding ding ding!


This this and all the thises.


Financially I'm not so worried--I've been surviving on an adjunct's salary, and moreover, an adjunct only given one course.  So financially, I'm no worse off, and maybe sitting a bit better off, actually.


"I'm not good enough"...every hour of every day.


I talk to faculty and other grad students about my research, and I feel like I'm making shit up.  I have my MA--I should be further along.  I should be confident, I should be intelligent.  I should not feel like I'm lying through my teeth about my right to be there.


(Except that I've heard impostor syndrome never goes away, so...we're all in for the fun of that).

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Who else has been accepted, but is having "How can I make this work (financially)?" and "I'm not good enough" worries? 


I really like my schools, but with how much my student loans are, I'm realizing that I still might have to work a second job to pay for them. And for I'm not good enough: getting more rejections does not make me happy or feel better. I feel almost as if I got in by mistake. 

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So Syracuse was supposed to notify me today about the status of my MA application (which was actually a PhD app that they asked me to move to the MA pool because they found it "highly competitive"). I just got an email from the DGS saying that she apologizes, but they're actually finalizing NEXT Monday. Is it appropriate for me to rip my hair out now, or later?

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So Syracuse was supposed to notify me today about the status of my MA application (which was actually a PhD app that they asked me to move to the MA pool because they found it "highly competitive"). I just got an email from the DGS saying that she apologizes, but they're actually finalizing NEXT Monday. Is it appropriate for me to rip my hair out now, or later?


Depends. Do you have a wig you can wear?

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