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Fall 2014 applicants??

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The generic basics - their GTAs are unionized, which sounds nifty until you realize that their stipend is nevertheless pretty low. The first year, you tutor, and the stipend is $11,700. It goes up once you start teaching comp, but is still under 15k. 

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The generic basics - their GTAs are unionized, which sounds nifty until you realize that their stipend is nevertheless pretty low. The first year, you tutor, and the stipend is $11,700. It goes up once you start teaching comp, but is still under 15k. 


Thanks for the info!

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My research focus, periodwise, is 18th-century British. I'm interested in origins, appeals to tradition and history, and metaphors of reproduction, and especially the way cultural changes from the middle ages through the enlightenment affected metaphors and representations of origin, so I chose departments for their strengths not only in 18th-c but also in earlier periods. 

Wow. I guess I could have done better with that 300-word limit at UIUC than I originally thought possible. ;-)

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My research focus, periodwise, is 18th-century British. I'm interested in origins, appeals to tradition and history, and metaphors of reproduction, and especially the way cultural changes from the middle ages through the enlightenment affected metaphors and representations of origin, so I chose departments for their strengths not only in 18th-c but also in earlier periods. 

Wow. I guess I could have done better with that 300-word limit at UIUC than I originally thought possible. ;-)

Thank you for the info! Maybe I have a chance as a Victorianist applicant, then. *shrugs*

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She didn't say anything about number of applicants or offers, but she said she had literally just walked out of the meeting and picked up the phone. So they are fresh from the trenches and just getting started with contacting admits. She seemed apologetic for their inability to offer a heftier funding package, so I got the impression that they were in a belt-tightening stage.

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She didn't say anything about number of applicants or offers, but she said she had literally just walked out of the meeting and picked up the phone. So they are fresh from the trenches and just getting started with contacting admits. She seemed apologetic for their inability to offer a heftier funding package, so I got the impression that they were in a belt-tightening stage.


When did you get the call, if you don’t mind me asking? I mean what time of the day? 


Congrats again. That’s wonderful news! 

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When did you get the call, if you don’t mind me asking? I mean what time of the day? 


Congrats again. That’s wonderful news! 

7 pm Eastern time. We chatted for quite awhile, and she sounded very inclined to answer any and all questions during the call, so I suspect that she will make relatively slow progress through the list. Fingers crossed!

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The generic basics - their GTAs are unionized, which sounds nifty until you realize that their stipend is nevertheless pretty low. The first year, you tutor, and the stipend is $11,700. It goes up once you start teaching comp, but is still under 15k. 




That stipend, I agree, is shockingly low.  I didn't think Ph.D. programs would go lower than 13K or so.  

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You guys are absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the info! Any advice on scholarships/funding options to consider?


Just wanted to say I did my MA at UEA, not in your field, but if you have any questions regarding the uni or Norwich or anything else feel free to PM me. :)

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I see an CWRU MA acceptance on the board...if anyone gets accepted to this program and doesn't plan on attending, let them know right away. Obviously because it's the polite thing to do and has nothing to do with my status on their wait list. XD

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That stipend, I agree, is shockingly low.  I didn't think Ph.D. programs would go lower than 13K or so.  

Thanks :-)  It is only the first year stipend, because they have the first-years tutor only. After that it moves closer to a "typical" TA stipend. They do fund all their PhD students. The two fellowships they offered in conjunction with the stipend basically put their total package at the level that seems fairly common. However, they also lack funds for contributing to campus visits. She said that they could put me up with grad students, offer transportation, and cover meals... but not the flight. This is probably a deal-breaker for me, because flights are about $500 from my city, and their offer is the lowest I've received, so as long as I feel good about at least one of the other departments after visiting them, I can't imagine needing to drop another $500+ to get a feel for one more school (not to mention that I have a family, so it's important for me to spend a few hours cruising around on my own, looking at some pre-selected neighborhoods). One of my mentors did her PhD at Oregon, so I am waiting to run it by her before I decline, but I think I probably will, sooner rather than later, turn it down. My boys will be sad, since their best friends moved to Portland a couple of years ago. ;-)

Edited by mmorrison
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Accepted at U Michigan Ann Arbor!  :D


I may have accidentally danced my way across campus when I heard the news. This is my first acceptance, and before I got an acceptance...well, the mind goes to dark places. Like, "I'm not smart or qualified enough to be an academic; I'm a fraud; I should give up this fanciful dream of academia and manage a Chipotle" sorts of places.


Good luck to everyone else who applied!

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Accepted at U Michigan Ann Arbor!  :D


I may have accidentally danced my way across campus when I heard the news. This is my first acceptance, and before I got an acceptance...well, the mind goes to dark places. Like, "I'm not smart or qualified enough to be an academic; I'm a fraud; I should give up this fanciful dream of academia and manage a Chipotle" sorts of places.


Good luck to everyone else who applied!



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True, Despejado, it's still possible. Two just seems such a frightfully low number!! Dahhhh!! Lol. I'll live either way. I'm considering becoming a hermit in the forest instead of participating in life for a couple years. Write a couple best selling books. That'll make me feel better. :P

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