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STILLL havent heard from schools!


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Are there any people out there who still havnt heard back about their apps? I have heard from 2 and am still waitin on 5, but it all seems pretty bleak right now!

I'm still waiting on three schools, and have heard back from seven. Yeah it is a bit late, but people still hear about acceptances in March and early April. Anything after April 15th and it's probably a rejection or wait list.

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yes Indeed we are still waiting... I guess some universities and/or departments just enjoy making us suffer in the waiting process....

I'm still waiting to hear from 3 universities, and have already 3 answers..

Even though there is still time, I guess each day that goes by silently takes a little bit of the hope for positive answers....

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I'm still waiting on one, which is funny, since there are people who have been rejected, accepted, and waitlisted. I'm actually wondering if my letter was lost in the mail or something. I'm going to contact them on Monday if there's still no word.

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I'm waiting on 6

I've gotten 5 rejections

too bad philosophy PhD is pretty much the most difficult program to get into

honestly, like 255 applications for 5 spots-- WTF?

doesn't even matter that I'm a strong candidate- it's basically like playing the lottery

My opinion is that we can't listen to all these jerks who claim that they've gotten either accepted or have been informed they are waitlisted, and suggest that if you haven't heard anything, you're rejected.

I think most programs send rejection letters out in a timely fashion, and if you haven't gotten one yet, it's more plausible that they're still considering you than that you're rejected but they haven't bothered to inform you yet

Don't give up hope!

It's not over.

Jesus Christ, no matter what these jerks on these results sites insist, or what conjectures you're tempted to draw based on the possibly dubious results info, the situation is probably not as bleak as it may appear

I've already psychologically decided that I'm shut out, but from a rational standpoint, that's far from certain, and I think most people who haven't heard back yet and are in the same boat need to remember that

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Heard back from 1 school... waiting on 3, which had later deadlines... so maybe that is why they are taking so long? i think these next two weeks are when most schools start sending out the news (at least that is what i keep telling myself... :oops: )

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I am still waiting on almost all my schools. I got into one program over a month ago, but it's a summers-only program and I really want to be at a year-long one, so I'm still waiting on tenterhooks. NYU, Columbia, Harvard...what's with the delay?! =)

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i called one of my schools, the very last school i applied to - months after my other schools, and it turns out they never received my 3rd LOR. luckily they dont make decisions for another few weeks, so i should be ok if my LOR writer actually responds to my email.

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Columbia's goal was to notify early deadline applicants (Jan 15) by March 15. Somehow I doubt I'll get an email on Sunday, though...

I have a couple universities with similar goals for my program. I guess this March 15 deadline is mostly the date they are used to give results... Similar as the April 15th deadline for giving final answer on your decision.... (Which will make sense since it gives you exactly one month to decide....)

I wouldn't be surprised if decisions this year were delayed until next week (hopefully Monday...)

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Ugh, I feel like I'm going to throw up. I haven't heard back from my last two schools and am waiting to hear about financial aid from the school I was already accepted to.

I was feeling great the first couple weeks after I got in to Minnesota, but now the stress of not knowing where I'm going to be next year is really starting to take its toll :(

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I'm waiting on 5 schools, though one of them had March 15th as a deadline.

Out of the other 4, I know that at least three have sent out some acceptances and / or rejects (Columbia, UMich, UChicago), so I am not sure why I haven't received either.

Only UPenn seems to be still deciding, as I haven't heard of anyone getting any communications yet.

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BTW, anyone heard from Teachers College, Columbia's Social-Organizational Psychology dept. that applied to the M.A. only? I know the PhD applicants received this acceptance earlier, but I'm looking for those that applied strictly to the master's program. Thanks, all!

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I've got all my info from two schools (one accept with money, one rejection) then just an accept from another, but money to come later and am still waiting for any news on the last 3. Supposedly SAIS will get out their info by Friday (or is trying to) but I have heard nothing from GWU and BU. I'm assuming they'll come around the same time (I hope) and hopefully if I get any funding that info will come with it. One of my schools wants to hear back by April 15, which makes me nervous because most have May 1 deadlines. Can't the master's programs just work together to so we get the info around the same time and have to reply by the same time? Does it have to be so difficult??

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I feel the same way - totally stressed because I've heard from 3 schools, but I'm still waiting on 3 more! I mean, I was hoping to visit a few schools before making my final decision, but its getting a bit late.

I submitted all of my applications in October. My transcripts and letters of recommendation were in by Thanksgiving. This has been the most torturous few months ever.

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I've applied to five schools. Haven't got any messages from any of them. I know I didn't get into one of them because I says so online, but shouldn't I have received something in the mail by now??? I'm going CRAZY waiting especially because the two people I know who applied to schools have both got in at least somewhere!

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I'm still waiting on FIVE programs, which seems ridiculous. This week I'm home for spring break, which means any letters are waiting in my mail box at school. I've never been so reluctant to leave for spring break before....To my liberal arts colleagues: do you feel like we hear back more slowly than the science students, or am I imagining this? My boyfriend applied for chemistry and computer science programs, and he was accepted into seven of them by the end of February before I had heard anything at all. Am I being paranoid or what? *sigh*

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