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Fall 2014 Applicant Thread!


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I don't think you'll hear back from them until around mid-January when they make admission decisions. Though the only reason I know this is because my POI at the Ohio State emailed me about the quant division doing their applicant review a bit earlier than the rest of the department.

Ok that's kind of relieving. I'm not sure whether IDD-clinical applicants interview with the clinical applicants (or interview at all) or not. I have seen clinical interviews going out already. I did indicate that I would want to be considered for just the IDD program if I was not chosen for the dual track, so maybe theres hope

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Hi, does anyone know when schools typically offer interview invitations? I received one, but it makes me wonder if that means i already got (softly) rejected by other schools, or if this one school is particularly early. 

hey! I am wondering the same exact thing! I got one interview but am worried that this means I just got softly rejected from the rest of them.. I wish I knew the answer to that question 

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You can use the results search to get a good sense of when schools tend to send out interviews, but I would generally expect most schools send invites at some point during the month of January.  Don't write it off as a wash!  The month has only just started.

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Gellert is right. We still have a couple of weeks to go yet. Most invites go out mid to late Jan...that is the time for panicking.

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Hey I got an invited to an interview weekend for a school. the interview weekend is set on the last week of January, but i just checked the results board, and someone already got accepted! same school, same division! what does this mean? am i overthinking this? i know i'm way overthinking but still, what does it mean? :o i hate waiting... honestly i'm mentally plucking rose petals while rocking back and forth *they want me, they want me not, they want me, they want me not*. 

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Sometimes people put accepted by accident instead of "interview". Alternatively, maybe they know someone on faculty and they got a "soft" acceptance. Don't let other people's situations distract you!

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I need someone's advice! (or many people's advice) 

what are the rules on emailing POI's after applications have been sent out and you're just waiting on interviews.. is that okay or not?? if it's okay, what's appropriate to say and what isnt??



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I need someone's advice! (or many people's advice) 

what are the rules on emailing POI's after applications have been sent out and you're just waiting on interviews.. is that okay or not?? if it's okay, what's appropriate to say and what isnt??




Don't do it.

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I need someone's advice! (or many people's advice) 

what are the rules on emailing POI's after applications have been sent out and you're just waiting on interviews.. is that okay or not?? if it's okay, what's appropriate to say and what isnt??




I emailed my POI at my top choice school and let her know that I sent my application in. I sort of had a phone interview with her earlier in the year though, so my email was more of a follow-up and a "thanks again for taking the time to speak with me" email. I think it really depends on how much contact you've had with them throughout the application process.

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I need someone's advice! (or many people's advice) 

what are the rules on emailing POI's after applications have been sent out and you're just waiting on interviews.. is that okay or not?? if it's okay, what's appropriate to say and what isnt??




I would not email the POI.  You can email the application coordinator, who is usually a departmental admin assistant, and ask if interviews have been extended. 

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Anyone have any really good resources for interview questions to prepare for, or best ways to prepare for the clinical psych interviews? 

in this forum (not this thread), someone has posted a long list of interview questions to prepare. Try looking for it, I think it has been bumped to the second page. 

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Hey mousanony, I received an email from a UCSB prof in social psych requesting a phone interview. Haven't heard from anyone at UT Austin yet (I applied there as well).


On that note, are phone interviews pretty typical before inviting a student to an interview weekend? Or are they more to check out a student when they aren't sure of the fit?


Best of luck to all!

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Hey everyone!  I saw on the results board that some people already got interviews for UT Austin and UCSB.  Has anyone heard from those schools?  If yes, what programs did you apply to?  It's tough not to freak out about everything at this point!

I had a phone interview with UT Austin for Cognitive Psych program. They will have their interview weekend on Feb 6-9.

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Hey mousanony, I received an email from a UCSB prof in social psych requesting a phone interview. Haven't heard from anyone at UT Austin yet (I applied there as well).


On that note, are phone interviews pretty typical before inviting a student to an interview weekend? Or are they more to check out a student when they aren't sure of the fit?


Best of luck to all!


This seems to be more of a non-clinical thing... none of my interviews (n=5) had phone interviews beforehand. I do know of one or two clinical psych profs who do phone interviews in my field (I heard through the grapevine) but that's about it- and they do it to weed people out. But from what I've seen on these boards, it's fairly typical (or at least, definitely not rare) for non-clinical programs.

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Gawd its so hard not to freak out huh. I have emailed some schools departments addresses inquiring into interview offers. 

I'm a bit nervous about my GRE scores V:157 Q:154 W:4.0 but I have a good amount of experience in research over a year and a half and three internships and some experience with R.

Overall GPA 3.34 

Last two years 3.80 

Psychology 3.80


I've applied to Social Psychology and Clinical Health Psychology (UNorth Texas) and some Health Psychology at

UC Berkeley, UT Austin, UC Boulder, U New Mexico, U of Montana, U North Texas and Colorado State University

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