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2014 SLP Admissions Thread

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OH MY GOODNESS GUYS, I GOT INTO FSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At this point I think I can reveal that it was my top choice school and I am definitely accepting (so anyone who applied to any of my other schools, know that you have one less competitor). They have the BEST autism program - which I also have to apply for, so expect me to continue posting with more application worries - and I'm SO excited about this!


I don't even know what to do with myself right now. I find myself checking and rechecking the letter they emailed (yes, it was email). This doesn't feel like real life.


I'll probably post again more when this has sunken in. But in the meanwhile OMG I GOT IN!!!!!!!


Hey autismadvocate CONGRATULATIONS!! Sorry for the late reply but you really deserved it!! I hope your Dad and sister are proud of you and that you celebrate this amazing time with them!


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I'm so sorry but I don't see your name :(  I don't know if it is the complete wait list - I can just see the names of everyone who received the e-mail. It was sent to 30 people.

Thank you so much for checking! I really appreciate it! Maybe this week will be the week I hear something?!? Surely! I definitely have this fear that since I've not heard anything from ANYONE it's a lost cause but then again, sometimes no news is good news! (Trying to see the bright side)!

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Checked Loma Linda's website and my application status and summary, and saw that I was on the Alternate list - no e-mail yet. Is it appropriate to call or e-mail and ask where on the list I am? Should I wait. It allowed you to do some steps in the case that I was accepted, so I went in and did the background check. Hoping the status changes, but glad to be on a wait list! 

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for anyone who applied to appalachian state and radford, I think we should hear back by mid to end of the week! fingers crossed

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Does anyone know how much SLP grad programs wait lists seem to move? I was just wait listed by Pitt (my absolute dream school) and I am really hoping I still have a shot but I know it probably doesn't look good.

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Does anyone know how much SLP grad programs wait lists seem to move? I was just wait listed by Pitt (my absolute dream school) and I am really hoping I still have a shot but I know it probably doesn't look good.

It'll vary by program.

Last year I was on Cincinnatis and Towsons.

I never got accepted off of Cincinnatis, but by the first week of June or second I was accepted off of Towsons waitlist. Unfortunately, I accepted elsewhere and that's why I'm in this waiting game again haha.

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Pacific University just called and offered me a place! I'm over the moon! I will very likely be accepting this offer, but I'm going to call PSU to see how high on the wait list I am before I do. I really love Pacific's program, but PSU is so much cheaper and closer to me, that if it's a possibility I think I have to consider it. I am so relieved and happy!

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Pacific University just called and offered me a place! I'm over the moon! I will very likely be accepting this offer, but I'm going to call PSU to see how high on the wait list I am before I do. I really love Pacific's program, but PSU is so much cheaper and closer to me, that if it's a possibility I think I have to consider it. I am so relieved and happy!



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Hey autismadvocate CONGRATULATIONS!! Sorry for the late reply but you really deserved it!! I hope your Dad and sister are proud of you and that you celebrate this amazing time with them!



Thanks so much, LDadvocate! I'm SO excited!!!! Dad was...relieved? And Caley was more sad than anything, although she tried to hide it - broke my heart. I'll be moving away to go to FSU, so she's sad about that. But she has her own friends and her own life to support her now, so I don't feel as guilty. (And she wouldn't want me to feel guilty, she's just sad.)


But I celebrated with my mom, who was overjoyed, and with all of you guys, so that went well. :D

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I got my first good news this morning! I was accepted at SUNY Plattsburgh. I loved my visit there, so I'm so excited. If I don't get into UNH, I'll likely go there!

YAY! Congratulations!! :D

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Thank you so much for checking! I really appreciate it! Maybe this week will be the week I hear something?!? Surely! I definitely have this fear that since I've not heard anything from ANYONE it's a lost cause but then again, sometimes no news is good news! (Trying to see the bright side)!

This is definitely the best attitude to have! This entire process is so exhausting and draining and it can really cause you to doubt yourself and your abilities. The trick is to stay positive. I have a feel this will be *the* week for a lot of people who have been waiting to hear back. I wish you the best of luck!!

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Pacific University just called and offered me a place! I'm over the moon! I will very likely be accepting this offer, but I'm going to call PSU to see how high on the wait list I am before I do. I really love Pacific's program, but PSU is so much cheaper and closer to me, that if it's a possibility I think I have to consider it. I am so relieved and happy!


I got my first good news this morning! I was accepted at SUNY Plattsburgh. I loved my visit there, so I'm so excited. If I don't get into UNH, I'll likely go there!


I'm so happy for you guys, I could slap someone in the face.  Congrats to you both!!!  

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Pacific University just called and offered me a place! I'm over the moon! I will very likely be accepting this offer, but I'm going to call PSU to see how high on the wait list I am before I do. I really love Pacific's program, but PSU is so much cheaper and closer to me, that if it's a possibility I think I have to consider it. I am so relieved and happy!




I got my first good news this morning! I was accepted at SUNY Plattsburgh. I loved my visit there, so I'm so excited. If I don't get into UNH, I'll likely go there!

Congratulations!!! Getting that first acceptance is such a relief!



Anyone else heading to Vanderbilt in the fall??? :D

Congratulations on making your decision!! I am so jealous of people who know exactly where they want to go... I'm still so conflicted!

Edited by SLPamy
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Congratulations!!! Getting that first acceptance is such a relief!



Congratulations on making your decision!! I am so jealous of people who know exactly where they want to go... I'm still so conflicted!



You're not alone, SLPamy.  I was 100% sure before I received my last offer, and now I'm about 99% sure.  I'm glad they both offered to host me for a visit to aid with making a final decision because otherwise...I'd be more of a wreck than I am now, which is hard to believe.  :wacko: I just want this to be over.  

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I feel like everyone has been hearing from schools lately except me!  This week could be the week...hopefully!


I'm applying to audiology but I'm in the same boat! :( I'm sure we will hear back soon!

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I got my first acceptance today for William Paterson University! Now I just have to wait and see if other schools (East Stroudsburg!) accept me but it's great knowing that I'm going to graduate school no matter what :)

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I got my first acceptance today for William Paterson University! Now I just have to wait and see if other schools (East Stroudsburg!) accept me but it's great knowing that I'm going to graduate school no matter what :)

Congrats on the acceptance!  Have you heard any word on when East Stroudsburg will start letting people know of their decisions and how (mail, e-mail)?

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Thanks everyone! And congrats to those who received acceptances today! Things are starting to speed up again with the middle of the month hitting. Hopefully we'll all know where we're headed soon  :)

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