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Me and my wife constantly have this discussion and I thought it would be a discussion topic worthy of starting a thread about.  Well me and my wife always talk about which school(s) I will have the highest possibility of getting into, which school we most want to get into and which school we would most likely accept if we didn't get into our top choices.                



so this thread is about YOUR HOPES DREAMS & GUESSES pertaining to the schools you applied to.


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I will start by posting what my hopes, dreams and guess is with the schools I apply to.


Dream to get an acceptance from @ least one school!


I HOPE to get acceptances from Fort Hays, Idaho State.


Realistically I Guess I would be happy to end up getting waitlisted at a few schools and one acceptance ultimately.  :)

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I love this! 

Dream: Get accepted to Western Carolina University of University of Georgia, because I love the schools so much and I love the area/program!  


Hope: Get accepted to at least one school!! 


Guess: If I had to make a guess, I might get into a school that I don't really want to live near :( 

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Nice topic.

My hope is to get an acceptance SOMEWHERE

My dream is to go to either grand valley state university or western michigan university.

My guess I might get into one school I don't really want or wait listed to a few (bad gre scores)

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My post would have looked very different last week before I was accepted to U of I.  My DREAM was for my husband & I to be able to move back to central Illinois to be near his family.  Now it looks as if that dream has a strong possibility of coming true.


So, my current dreams/hopes/guesses are...


Dream: Get offered an assistantship somewhere!

Hope: Get into several other schools (especially SIUE) so that I can have a range of programs to choose from.

Guess: I might get into one or two more schools, but I doubt I'll get an assistantship of any kind.

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My dream would be acceptance to my dream schools- UNC-CH or Vanderbilt. Definitely reach schools but I would regret it I didn't at least try :)


My hope would be to get into a "family-friendly" program like BYU or UT-Dallas since I am a mom of 4 and worry about the toll grad school will have on my kiddos :/


My guess is that my family will end up having to move for grad school because UT-Austin is the only school in driving distance for me and the odds of getting in there feel like lottery odds. However, I'll be thrilled to be accepted ANYWHERE on my list and we're up for the adventure!!!

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Great thread! 


My dream is acceptance to Temple's bilingual program.


My hope is that I get some kind of financial aid.


My guess is I will have a tough choice between expensive out-of-state schools and the cheaper in-state schools.  But first, I'm hoping for acceptances!

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My dream is to get in somewhere, anywhere!


My hope is to get into Seton Hall (did my undergrad there so it's familiar grounds) or NYU (If I have to move for school, I'd love to be in the city)


My guess is I might get wait listed or not get into a school (I don't have great stats compared to a lot of other applicants  :(

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My dream is to get into my top school. I'm scared to post it here - afraid I might jinx it? - but I really Really REALLY want to go there.



I hope I get into at least two schools, so I have choices.



I don't know. Seriously, I don't. My anxious brain is telling me I'm not going to get in anywhere. I realize there's no way that's going to be the case (okay, it's possible, but really unlikely), so I'm trying to logically figure out what will actually happen, but I'm worried I might be overcompensating for my anxiety because when I shove my fears away then I think I'm going to get accepted everywhere and I don't think that's reasonable either. Probably some kind of middle ground is the reality - maybe accepted to two or three of the five schools I applied to - but I have no idea. What would you guys guess for me? I've noticed it's a lot easier to make impartial evaluations when it's not your own situation...



Also, great thread idea! I hope everyone's dreams come true!!!!!! :) :) :)

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My dream is to get into my top school. I'm scared to post it here - afraid I might jinx it? - but I really Really REALLY want to go there.


I hope I get into at least two schools, so I have choices.


I don't know. Seriously, I don't. My anxious brain is telling me I'm not going to get in anywhere. I realize there's no way that's going to be the case (okay, it's possible, but really unlikely), so I'm trying to logically figure out what will actually happen, but I'm worried I might be overcompensating for my anxiety because when I shove my fears away then I think I'm going to get accepted everywhere and I don't think that's reasonable either. Probably some kind of middle ground is the reality - maybe accepted to two or three of the five schools I applied to - but I have no idea. What would you guys guess for me? I've noticed it's a lot easier to make impartial evaluations when it's not your own situation...

Also, great thread idea! I hope everyone's dreams come true!!!!!! :) :) :)

@autismadvocate I'm pretty sure you will get in anywhere you want to and probably everywhere you applied. Your stats are among the best I've seen. Save the worrying for those with the poopy gre scores like me haha :)

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Asked my husband (fun idea, twinguy!):


Hope - get into a program at all!


Dream - get into PSU and take the trip to Ecuador as part of the bilingual program


Guess - get into San Jose State and be stuck here for another two years (he really wants to leave!)


I would say my hopes/dreams/guesses for him are a bit different, but this isn't about me ;)

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I really like this thread. Figure it'd be a good one to make my first post!


DREAM - That I get into Queens College or Hunter College


HOPE - That I get into at least one NYC or NYS program


GUESS - I'll be happy as long as I get in somewhere!

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DREAM- getting accepted to schools nearby, I really love working with my students and I've grown so attached to them, it makes me sad thinking I might have to go out of state. I will feel like a parent missing their "firsts" :(


HOPE- I hope by this time next year, I am more content with my decisions, that if I have not been accepted to grad school for speech, I will not take it to heart and always keep trying. So cliché but I'd figure it happened for a reason and not because I wasn't worthy of an applicant.


GUESS- I guess I have no choice but to wait!!!loll life wouldn't be meaningful if we knew everything. I'm kind of a spiritual person, so whatever God throws my way, I'd accept it but hope it doesn't drive me nuts. :rolleyes:haha

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Dream is to get into any CUNY School. 


Hope is to get into any CUNY School. 


Guess something tells me I am going to end up at Brooklyn College.

I would be excited if I am accepted there! :D

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Hope: I hope to be accepted to at least one school in New Jersey and one school out of state

Dream: My dream is to be accepted to every school that I applied to, with assistantship offers and funding

Guess: Realistically speaking, I'm fairly confident that I will be accepted to at least one school, but we can never be too sure


I've been trying to stay positive during these past few weeks! If something is meant to be, it will be. I've done what I can aside from rocking my interviews, so now all that's left is to hope for the best possible outcome!

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My dream is to get accepted into my #1 school (UofM - AuD).

My hope is to get accepted in a program with some funding. 

My guess is that life take control and tell me where I am supposed to be (whether in a program or not, whether with funding or none). I am just along for the ride. 

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@autismadvocate I'm pretty sure you will get in anywhere you want to and probably everywhere you applied. Your stats are among the best I've seen. Save the worrying for those with the poopy gre scores like me haha :)



Awww, you're so sweet! Thanks for the outside evaluation, I appreciate it. :) Your GRE scores aren't that bad (they're right around the 150 mark, which is pretty much the standard) and you've got a great GPA which should more than make up for it, so I don't think you should be worrying too much, either. :)

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Dream: I will have a choice between my dream school (UBC in Canada) and an American program with funding. I honestly I don't know what I would do in that case! The Canadian masters is only 2 years but I can get my Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) in the US.


Hope: I will get into my top American program. 


Guess: I will get into one or two American programs. My stats are not that high and I have the disadvantage of applying internationally. You never know, though! 

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Asked my husband (fun idea, twinguy!):


Hope - get into a program at all!


Dream - get into PSU and take the trip to Ecuador as part of the bilingual program


Guess - get into San Jose State and be stuck here for another two years (he really wants to leave!)


I would say my hopes/dreams/guesses for him are a bit different, but this isn't about me ;)


Haha it's funny what his guess was.  Just like he wants to leave San Jose, my wife and I want to get out of L.A. and we'd kinda dread ultimately getting accepted to my undergrad program(CSUN) for that reason.

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Hope: That I will look back someday and not regret all of the sacrifices I made to return to school...by getting accepted somewhere...anywhere?!?!  :unsure: *Sigh*


Dream: McGill Acceptance. Dream school. Dream research. Dream location. Dream get-out-of-Northern Virginia. Dream leave America. All-around Dream.


Guess: University of Arizona MA Comm program.  I don't mind the heat...it's the lack of moisture I can't handle.  My totally awesome hair needs humidity.

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Truth!! Same here. :)


Finally someone who understands.


Confession: If I don't get in anywhere, all of my Plan Bs involve living on one of the coasts, right on the water.  Had I thought through all of this a little better, every school I applied to would have been near extremely large bodies of water i.e. oceans.  That's how serious it is...

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Finally someone who understands.


Confession: If I don't get in anywhere, all of my Plan Bs involve living on one of the coasts, right on the water.  Had I thought through all of this a little better, every school I applied to would have been near extremely large bodies of water i.e. oceans.  That's how serious it is...


One would think that would be the case but since I came to San Diego from FL my hair has dried up. It is not happy here. 

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Thanks for starting this thread, twinguy7!
My HOPE is to get into two in-state schools and two out-of-state schools with some sort of funding/financial aid.
My DREAM is to get into UVA and get funding/aid from the program so that I can have the option of staying in Charlottesville with my significant other and saving on living costs & tuition.
My GUESS is that I will go wherever I get the most amount of funding/aid from, which realistically may end up being in-state.
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