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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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Nothing from NC State since last week. Are they doing rolling admissions or are they done? My application status still just says "submitted" and I'm going a little crazy.

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Looks like Emory normally sends out admits on Fridays.  Fingers crossed, big money big money no whammy!

I really want to believe this but the results page already shows a few admits for Emory which has deflated much of my hope! does anyone know if they do 2 waves of admits or have any insight into their process? I had an interview with my POI but we were so focused on talking about other stuff that I forgot to ask how the notification process works...all I know is that the graduate school committee has the final say on admits (therefore a POI can recommend you for admission but might not happen because of the committee's decision)

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I just finished making 25 cake pops for my son's clas, and for the first time in in weeks I didn't think about grad school admisions for an entire hour and a half!

The same thing happened for me with my daughter yesterday. We made paper pinwheels instead of doing a candy for valentine's and it was a blissful worry free few hours. I'm going to make an effort to do these type of care free things with my kids now - next fall free time will be in shorter supply. (once we are all accepted to great programs!)

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Well, I am not in the first batch of Rutgers decisions either. :(


Ashiepoo, I need some of your magic! Can you spare any? ;)


This is the god's honest truth...I don't even know what the hell happened to me this cycle haha


But seriously, I'd give all you guys acceptances if I could! I still believe you will get in somewhere great :)

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Mine says the same thing for Rutgers... :( I hope they do it in batches ...

Unfortunately, I think Rutgers doesn't do batches. From what I know, they have a waitlist/shortlist but that's it. I'm assuming everyone who was accepted or waitlisted was emailed by the DGS today.

Sorry, guys! It truly is Rutgers' loss.

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Current Stanford grad students were emailed the list of admits this evening. Congrats to anybody who's on it. :) We took 24 admits (happy to break down by field if anyone wants to know - most fields only take one or two). 

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I've had absolutely no news whatsoever, no admits nor rejections. I'm going to take this as evidence that I haven't got in anywhere? The radio silence is excruciating.


I see your location as UK and I am sure you are going through the same experience of angst that I am being abroad during the process. It's a hard process to go through in general and, at least from my perspective here in Russia, it can all seem very gloomy at times (though admittedly in my case that might be because I live in a country in deep economic crisis where anti-Americanism is the new cultural setting of many people). All that we can do is hope that someone sees the value in our applications and offers us a place. As many people have said on this forum, a rejection is not usually a rejection of your abilities or achievements so much as of your 'fit.' I have had hours long Skype conversations with potential advisors who have read my work and love it; however, if the admissions committee does not think that you have the proper fit the potential advisor's opinion of your value as a scholar does not always help with admission. This is a relatively arbitrary process (due to the many factors which various programmes put emphasis on) and being outside the country, and all the difficulties that are associated with that, make the process seem even more arbitrary. All we can do is hope that we have the 'proper' fit with one of the programmes to which we applied and get that fateful email (or phone call, or letter, or carrier pigeon). Until then, we can but wait.


(BTW I've yet to be accepted anywhere yet, though have had a rejection from UC, Berkeley which means I've yet to hear from 4 schools)

Edited by chtodelat
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Marte108 I absolutely agree with that assessment. I think I had Emory on the brain while I was looking at old results for Penn state, where I also failed to get an interview. Probably time to dust off the old resume just in case.

Edited by JJWS
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I see your location as UK and I am sure you are going through the same experience of angst that I am being abroad during the process. It's a hard process to go through in general and, at least from my perspective here in Russia, it can all seem very gloomy at times (though admittedly in my case that might be because I live in a country in deep economic crisis where anti-Americanism is the new cultural setting of many people). All that we can do is hope that someone sees the value in our applications and offers us a place. As many people have said on this forum, a rejection is not usually a rejection of your abilities or achievements so much as of your 'fit.' I have had hours long Skype conversations with potential advisors who have read my work and love it; however, if the admissions committee does not think that you have the proper fit the potential advisor's opinion of your value as a scholar does not always help with admission. This is a relatively arbitrary process (due to the many factors which various programmes put emphasis on) and being outside the country, and all the difficulties that are associated with that, make the process seem even more arbitrary. All we can do is hope that we have the 'proper' fit with one of the programmes to which we applied and get that fateful email (or phone call, or letter, or carrier pigeon). Until then, we can but wait.


(BTW I've yet to be accepted anywhere yet, though have had a rejection from UC, Berkeley which means I've yet to hear from 4 schools)


Thanks for the reply, that's it, isn't it, it all feels so detached so no news is worse than confirmed rejections at the moment, it feels like you've been forgotten about! But yes, it's all we can do to try and not lose faith simply on account of no contact and simply put it down to 'fit' and bureaucracy. What's your focus chtodelat?

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Current Stanford grad students were emailed the list of admits this evening. Congrats to anybody who's on it. :) We took 24 admits (happy to break down by field if anyone wants to know - most fields only take one or two). 


So all those emails got sent out today? 


Congrats to all that got in! I wasn't one of em but not that surprised.

Edited by Gambaosaka1
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